Thursday, November 21, 2013

Intentional Me - Today's Meditation

"Respond to every call that excites your spirit."  —Rumi

Intentional Me

Over the past several days, we have defined what we want in life, responded to our heart’s deepest dreams and desires, and opened to the many opportunities that arise in the present moment. Today, we will learn more about developing clear intentions for our lives.

We believe that attention energizes and intention transforms. We are the masters of our own lives, our realities, and the universe offers us what we ask of it. Therefore, as we place our attention on what it is that we want, we set our intentions to orchestrate everything in our lives to help us achieve our goals. As we become receptive in this way, the universe conspires to support our every step.

Our centering thought for today is:

I create my reality.


Before you enter your meditation, take a moment to set one intention for today. Perhaps you would like to share kindness during your travels, or maybe you would like to integrate peace or joy into your day. Take a moment to clearly identify this positive intention. As you close your eyes for meditation, let everything go. In this way, you plant your intentions in the womb of creation and allow the universe to orchestrate the details.

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