Monday, June 30, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I took a nap yesterday and even after my nap I still felt tired. :-(

I went into work this morning for 4 hours.  Last week I put in enough hours for this two week payroll I won't have to be back into work until next Tuesday... :-)

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Staying on Course
By Charles Stanley
Read | 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

The Christian life can be likened to a race with a predetermined course and a finish line in eternity. Each child of God has a personalized route specially designed by the Lord. Our goal is to stay on track and run with endurance, but the path can be discerned and navigated only by focusing on Jesus. Because He ran the race perfectly and finished His course, He can show us the way.

As with any long-term race, the course is full of obstacles that threaten to trip or sidetrack us. Temptations lure us to what we imagine are lush green pastures, while busyness can lead us down rabbit trails that end in exhaustion. Worry and fear grab hold of our minds, and emotions take us places the Lord never intended for us to go.

Although sins present the most obvious hindrances, other obstacles and detours are subtler. Anything that takes precedence over our relationship with the Lord can send us down the wrong path. Because involvement in the daily activities of earthly life is necessary, we can easily let our families, jobs, and pleasures distract us from a wholehearted pursuit of Christ. Surprisingly, even God’s blessings can become obstacles in the race if we start to pursue them more than we do the Lord Himself.

We must remember that the goal is not to focus on the path or to try and find our own way. Instead, we’re to fix our eyes on Jesus. He is not only our guide but also our destination. And He will welcome us home with open arms when we finish the race and cross into eternity.

Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Today I'm really tired, I'm going to take it easy... :-)

So thankful for all I can do...
Today's Bible Study

What Steps Can I Take To Apply The Truth To My Life?
By Dr. Charles Stanley

John 1:12
God wants us independent of everything but Him.

Once you know the truth of your position, personage, and possessions in Christ, how do you make practical application of this information in your daily walk?

Here are four steps:

You must choose to be free. You simply must make up your mind that you believe God’s Word and that you will break free from the bondages that have enslaved you. You made a conscious decision when you accepted Christ, and you can make another to believe the truth you have learned and throw off the old thought patterns and behaviors that haunt you.

You must continue in the Word. You cannot abide in God’s Word by memorizing a few verses or by zipping through it five minutes before bedtime. You must seek to absorb the deep riches of Scripture and ask God to show you how it applies to your life.

You must believe God’s Word to be true. Satan will acknowledge that God’s Word is true, but then he’ll whisper that it doesn’t apply to you. Yes, it does! God’s Word applies to everyone, and God will speak to you specifically through it.

You must claim by faith what rightfully belongs to you. You are a saint of God because of your faith in Christ and His work on the Cross. Your position, personage, and possessions are all in Christ and come only because of the Cross. Claim them with confidence, and trust God with the results.

Excerpt from In Touch magazine.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Great Peace - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Great Peace
“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.”
(Psalm 119:165, NIV)

God not only wants to give you peace, He wants to give you great peace! When you love His law, nothing can make you stumble, and you will have great peace!

Great peace gives you joy when it doesn’t make sense for you to be happy. It’s peace that passes understanding. Great peace keeps you stable and strong no matter what may come against you. When you focus your attention on God’s Word and discipline yourself in the scriptures, you will hunger for more of Him. That love for His law will naturally develop. His Word will direct your path. His Word will protect you. You can always find security in His Word. Today, choose to put His Word first and have the great peace and blessing God has in store for you!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word that gives me peace. I choose to focus on Your Word today so that You can protect me and guide me. I give You praise today for working in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Yesterday after the Volunteer Fair I walked a couple of blocks back to the car and I had a hard time.  I had to stop several times to rest.  The walk had some uphill plains but I didn't think it would have been that's just another reminder that my body is changing.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Teaching Kids About Work
By Charles Stanley
Read | Mark 1:16-20

Jesus’ call to be fishers of men extends to modern believers. In order for anyone to achieve and become all that God has in mind, it is crucial to learn the right attitude toward work, whether it relates to vocation or service to the Lord. As parents, we must teach our children these additional lessons from fishing:

A fisherman must be industrious. The Bible tells us that Zebedee had some hired help (Mark 1:20). He didn't settle for simply catching enough fish to feed his own family; he built a successful business that could also sustain his employees. It is likely that Zebedee taught his sons to aspire to reach their full potential instead of accepting “good enough.”

A fisherman must be disciplined. He doesn't have the option of sleeping late or leaving the water early. Even though he is tired after a long shift, he recognizes that he must clean the nets to keep them in good repair. Zebedee’s sons learned responsibility and self- control on their father’s boat.

A fisherman must be persistent. The best catch is often made after everyone else gives up. Zebedee undoubtedly taught James and John not to quit until they gave their fullest effort. This ingrained attitude was essential when Jesus sent the disciples out to evangelize the world.

The order to spread the gospel is still in effect. The church needs committed believers who teach and demonstrate a biblical mindset. Parents who model industry, discipline, and persistence are most likely to raise children determined to win the world for Jesus Christ.

Looking forward to another great day....

Friday, June 27, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
So thankful for all I can do...
Today's Bible Study

Dealing With Heavy Burdens
By Charles Stanley
Read | Psalm 116:1-7

Today, let’s look more closely at Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV). The prophet’s wisdom offers timeless practical advice on how to handle burdens.

1. “Stand at the crossroads and look.” In a time of turmoil, our minds race ahead to think of all that could happen in the future. We ask ourselves lots of “what if” questions and frequently fall victim to unfounded worry. To “stand” means to turn our mind from its troubling thoughts of the future and to focus on God. It’s similar to being at an intersection with signs pointing many different ways. We wait, not moving until we know in which direction to head.

2. “Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is.” The road of trouble has been well traveled by the saints of the faith, and their footsteps have made it into a path of glory to God. Meditate on the cries of King David in the Psalms or on the prayers of others in the Bible. Ponder their responses as well as the way they reveal their faith and trust in God, even while suffering greatly. Accept the Spirit’s revelation of the ancient path of faith and the good way of trust. Then pray for courage to walk those paths as Jesus did.

3. “Walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.” With eyes firmly fixed on our Jesus Christ, resolve to walk down this road of suffering in a way that is honoring to Him. Draw deeply on the Holy Spirit’s strength for the next step, and seek to be obedient in thought, word, and deed. You will discover that as you follow Him, sweet, soul-satisfying rest will be found.

Looking forward to another great day....

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Blessing of Forgiveness - Joel & Victoria Osteen

The Blessing of Forgiveness
“Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.”
(Psalm 32:1, NIV)

The Bible is filled with keys to obtaining God’s promise of blessing. In Psalm 32, it says that you are blessed when your transgressions, or sins, are forgiven. See, God extends forgiveness to everyone, but we have to do our part to receive the forgiveness. We have to repent, or change our ways, with open hearts. The Bible also tells us that if we don’t forgive others, we cannot be forgiven.

Is there anyone in your life today that you need to forgive? Is there someone who has hurt or wronged you? Make the decision to forgive so that you can walk in the blessing of God’s forgiveness for you. Forgiveness doesn’t condone wrong behavior. It simply releases the person from the debt they owe you so that God can release you from the debt you owe from your own transgressions. When you make the choice to forgive and allow God to heal your heart, you will be able to receive His forgiveness for you, and you will walk in His abundant blessing all the days of your life!

Father, thank You for the promise of blessing in my life. I open my heart to You and ask that You cleanse me of anything that isn’t pleasing to You. Search me and show me if there is any unforgiveness in my heart so that I can release it and walk in Your blessing for me today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You...costs of cancer

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
As I continue to blog I'm not sure if I should continue to blog about my symptoms or how good or bad my days are going???
I want to stay positive and look at the brighter side of things.
Living with DM and Lupus can be very difficult but I try to remember things could be worse.
Last night and this morning I had a headache.  I have a lot of tingling in my feet and I woke up with swelling and pain.  I have been pushing myself more than I probably should...
I worked Monday, Tuesday and had a few meetings yesterday, two at work and one at an insurance agency.  The agency saw my profile and work history online and wanted to extend an invitation for an interview.  So I thought I'd listen to what they had to say.  The last thing I need is another job.  :-)
I love to work and to be around people. 

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

When Burdens Weigh Us Down
By Charles Stanley
Read | Psalm 37:5-7

When we are overburdened, the world seems a colder place. The sun may be shining, but our heads are bowed low, so we don’t notice. The birds sing, but our ears are filled with the cries of our hearts—exclamations of pain, sorrow and weariness. We put distance between us and others as our problems absorb our time and attention. Perhaps we are weighed down by unmet expectations, sudden trauma or death, or simply too much responsibility. Another possibility is that sin is causing our heaviness of heart. Whatever the cause, however, the result is the same: We are burdened by a crushing weight.

Into our bleakness comes the voice of almighty God inviting us to draw near and find rest in Him. “This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls . . .”’ (Jer. 6:16 NIV).

Won’t you look up to your heavenly Father right now? Jesus offers living water; take time to drink until your soul is strengthened enough for you to ask the way. With the Spirit’s help, take one step, then another down that ancient path of obedience, and He will give you the promised peace.

Jeremiah 6:16 ends with God pointing out the Israelites’ response: “But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.”’ It is only when we trust in the Father’s plan that we will find relief from our burdens. Let us stand, look, ask, and walk so that we might find the rest which the Lord has promised for our souls.

Looking forward to another great day...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Changes in my Hands

Drop Your Baggage - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Drop Your Baggage
“...let us strip off every weight that slows us down...”
(Hebrews 12:1, NLT)

What’s happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. Where you’re going is much more significant than where you’ve been. But if you stay focused on the past, you’ll get stuck where you are. This is the reason a lot of people don’t have joy or enthusiasm for life. They’re dragging around all of this negative baggage from the past. Somebody offended them last week, and they’ve got that stuffed in their resentment bag. Last month, they lost their temper and said some things they shouldn’t have. They’ve got that in their guilt and condemnation bag. Ten years ago, they lost a loved one. They still don’t understand it. They’ve got that hurt and pain in their disappointment bag. They carry around their bag of regrets, all the things they wished they would have done differently.

Life is too short to live that way. Learn to travel light. Every morning when you first get up, forgive the people that did you wrong the day before. Forgive your spouse for what they said. At the start of the day, let go of the disappointments, the setbacks from yesterday. Start every morning fresh and new. God did not create you to carry around all that baggage. Let it go and move forward in the life of blessing He has in store for you!

Father, today I choose to travel light. I choose to shake off the past, shake off disappointment and forgive those who have hurt me. Heal my heart as I release everything that would try to hold me back in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I am at peace with myself...I have accepted who I am right now...
I am okay with the weight caused by the medicine.  I am alright with having to wear long sleeves and long pants in the sun and heat.  I am alright with watching what I eat to prevent inflammation...
I am confident that God loves me so much He is not going to leave me in the mess I'm in. 

If I give him everything I have He will give me everything He has...I will continue to grow into who He wants me to be...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Acquiring Spiritual Discernment
By Charles Stanley
Read | Psalm 119:97-99

Spiritual discernment is the ability to see from the Lord’s viewpoint. God’s Holy Spirit works in our lives so that we are able to see beneath the surface of things. This is necessary if we are to know the difference between . . .

• What is error and what is truth.

• What is good and what is best.

• What is God's will and what is man's.

Because our heavenly Father wants us to know these distinctions, He provided the Holy Spirit to instruct and guide us. God’s Spirit discerns perfectly because He knows everything that the Father and Son know (John 16:13).

We often struggle in our spiritual walk. For example, in our prayer life, we are unsure what to pray; in our decision-making, we wonder whether a particular choice is God’s will; and in our relationships, we question how to be an effective witness for Christ.

But as we mature in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord, we will be able to pray confidently to perceive God’s will and to share our faith. It is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit to help us. He will guide us into all truth. Our part is to cooperate with the Spirit and learn from Him (John 14:25-27; 16:5-15); to study the Word of God (Heb. 4:12-13); and to put into practice what is revealed to us.

Just as it takes time and perseverance to develop strong physical muscles, acquiring discernment requires persistence and patient submission to the teaching of the Spirit. But this is our Father’s desire for us. Why would we want anything less?

Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Last night I was on Facebook and saw a picture on my timeline that reminded me of Kelly C....everytime she posted she would end her post the moon and back... :-)

Her last post to Mr read...
I also take care of mama. Alzheimer's, diabetes and almost blind from diabtetic retinopathy. That keeps me busy. 

I have dm, lupus, sjogrens,chf , cardiomyopathy and list goes on. I have that ER personality of always doing so.ething. i gain and loose but my face never looses that swollen look. I have loved meeting everyone and without these awful diseases i know i would not have. 

God knows his plan for us all and i know it is greater then any i have.

I love the sun. Always had a tan and loved it. We can no longer have that luxury because yes it makes us sick and enhances our symptoms. All will be well. I know that the moon and back. If you ever need an ear, i have two!

Its sinking in and i feel guilty for feeling sorry for myself. I know He has control but i am so tired of the fight. I just have had about all i can stand......ya know? I push myself so i dont get bed bound. Today, is just a bad emotional one.    RIP Kelly

With these diseases, we may look alright but we have a fight going on inside us.  Our bodies are fighting itself and the medicine we take have many of the same symptoms as the disease has.  The fight can cause some really rough days...physically and at times emotionally. I try to keep busy at work, at home and with the grandkids to keep a positive mindset...

This morning I woke up with a bloody nose and sores on my face.  I know the sores are from the uv exposure...I was out a lot longer yesterday than I usually it caused some swelling, pain and sores. :-(

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

A Passion to Obey Him
By Charles Stanley
Read | Luke 11:37-52

The school of obedience has many courses and many exams. As we progress through its lessons, we often move from fearful or feigned obedience to more heartfelt compliance.

God’s people heard the Word thundered at Sinai’s “classroom,” but the way they obeyed was stained with constant rebellion. Centuries later, however, a new course was offered. When the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, the people began to catch on—they saw it was possible to become obedient from the depths of their hearts (John 1:14; Rom. 6:17).

Jesus had a great deal to say on this subject, and His words were powerful because they came from a fully obedient, sinless life. His testimony was that He had come down from heaven to do the will of the Father (John 6:38). Knowing full well the beauty of the surrendered life, Jesus admonishes us to become like Him: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter” (Matt. 7:21).

The Lord also had harsh words for those teachers of the Law who refused to obey its commands. He accused them of weighing men down with heavy burdens and not helping to carry the load. In other words, they taught what should be done but were unwilling to do it themselves. Jesus went on to identify obedience as “the key to knowledge” (Luke 11:52).

When we obey, doors of understanding will open in front of us, and we will be able to see as never before.

Looking forward to another great day...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Let it Go - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Let it Go
“I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.”
(Philippians 3:13, NIV)

It’s easy to go through life focused on what didn’t work out, who hurt us, or the mistakes we’ve made. “If only I would have finished college. If only I would have spent more time with my children. If only that company wouldn’t have laid me off after 20 years. That’s just not right.”

As long as you’re living in regret, focused on the negative things of the past, it’s going to keep you from the bright future God has in store. You’ve got to let go of what didn’t work out. Let go of the hurts and pain. Let go of your disappointments and failures. You can’t do anything about the past, but you can do something about right now. Whether it happened 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, let it go and move forward. If you keep bringing negative baggage from yesterday into today, it will poison your future. You may have had an unfair past, but you don’t have to have an unfair future. You may have gotten off to a rough start in life, but it’s not how you start that matters. It’s how you finish.

Father, today I choose to let go of past mistakes, failures and setbacks. I choose to set my eyes on You and move boldly into the good future You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Another day of rain means another delay at getting the barn done. The house is still sitting on the trailer waiting to be placed. 

We have company coming a week from this Friday I was hoping to have all of it done before they arrive...

I've been having a lot of swelling and pain.  My skin is itching again also...I am praying that the tapering works out this time...

I know with summer there are other things that cause issues, like the heat, sweating and longer day of exposure.  You make the best of it and stay thankful for all you can do...

Today's Bible Study

Learning to Obey Him
By Charles Stanley
Read | Romans 8:2-4

When did you last hear a sermon on obedience? The topic doesn't typically draw large crowds, as it sounds too much like following orders or submitting to laws and commandments. After all, didn't Jesus come to set us free from all that? No, not really. As today’s passage tells us, He came to set us free from the law of sin and death “so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us.” In other words, He set us free from disobedience. Christian liberty frees us to obey our Father’s commandments.

In Still Higher for His Highest, Oswald Chambers expresses it this way: “True liberty is the ability earned by practice to do the right thing.” Doing the right thing is obedience. Hebrews 5:8 says that “although [Jesus] was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.” We have to enroll in the same school of thought and practice.

At first the lessons seem simple; we just do what our teachers tell us. But then we learn to discern the Shepherd’s voice for ourselves. He tells us that we must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Under His guidance, we study the Bible and find to our amazement that some passages we had swept under a doctrinal rug are being applied to us by the Holy Spirit. We are often confused, thinking certain passages applied only to Israel, the church, or the end times. We squirm and wiggle, but with patient persistence, the good Spirit bears down until we finally obey God’s voice. The Lord is patient---slowly but surely teaching us how to be obedient to His voice.

Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I've been hearing about so many people with DM/PM having complications from the medicine and from the disease itself but I try to keep a smile on my face and stay thankful for all I can do, it could be so much worse.  

I continue to taper my prednisone...I am currently down to 18mgs...
Every three weeks I go down 1mg.  I am tapering it slowly because I ran into trouble the last time I tapered it.  It wasn't fun at all.  Hopefully this time it works...
Dr Danning, my rheumatologist,  thinks some of the swelling could be coming from the it was time to taper it again...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Refueling Your Soul: Time Alone With God
By Dr. Charles Stanley
Have you lost your spiritual motivation and drive? Has ministering to the needs of others become a chore rather than the joy it once was? Do you feel bored at church? If so, you may need to renew your commitment to spend time alone with God.

Jesus knew that time alone with the Father was essential. As busy as our Savior was with His mission, He often withdrew to pray. In those private and intimate moments, Christ found strength for what He knew lay ahead.

Many believers call these one-on-one meetings with God "quiet times" or "devotions." They are a basic ingredient in a maturing relationship with the Lord. Quiet times change our approach to God from intellectual, detached, and "religious" to relational. When we give Him an opportunity to do so, the Father will speak to us through His Word and times of prayer in a real, personal way.

One by-product of a healthy devotional life is a heightened sense of accountability to God. Spending time regularly with Him is strong motivation to keep sins confessed and bad habits in check. It is also a powerful incentive to resolve broken or damaged relationships. Holding a grudge against someone makes it impossible to have genuine intimacy with the Father.

When We Don't Draw Near to God

As with any relationship, communication is the key to knowing the Lord better. Where there is no communication, there can be no relationship. Where there is no relationship, there can be no trust. And the less you trust someone, the harder it is to follow that person. So a Christian with no devotional life generally struggles to have faith and obey the Lord.

Christ came not only to reconcile all people to God (2 Cor. 5:18-20), but also to establish oneness between mankind and Himself. Without a devotional life, the relational side of the Christian faith fades away.

Practical Steps for Effective Quiet Times

Here are some things that make my devotional life richer:

1. Schedule time with God.
Like anything else you intend to do, devotional time usually won't happen unless it is planned. How often have you said to a friend, "Hey, let's get together," but failed to follow through? If you are like me, those plans seldom materialize. When I'm serious about getting together with someone, I make an appointment.

Specifically, before you go to bed, try to decide on a time and place to be alone with the Father the next day. Personally, I find mornings to be the best time to meet with God. I enjoy getting up early and beginning my day listening to and talking with Him. There is something extraordinary about focusing on the Father first thing.

2. Choose a place.
If possible, conduct your quiet time in the same location every day. Eventually, this spot will take on special significance. Being there will affect your mood and your ability to concentrate. It will create an attitude of expectancy in your spirit.

Choose a place off the beaten path of your daily activities. It may be a spare bedroom, your living room, or even a closet. You need a place where the only thing you do there is meet with God.

I know a man whose special place is under the stairs in his house. A college student I know pulled his bed away from the wall and made that his spot. For me, it is a corner in my study at home. No matter where you live, you can find a spot to be alone with God.

3. Use a variety of methods.
People often tell me that their personal devotions have become dry, routine, or even boring. God is certainly not uninteresting. And chances are, you are not dull either. So if spending time with Him becomes monotonous, the culprit is probably your method. The cure is to modify your routine. For example, if you've been reading a devotional book, put it down, and instead, journal your thoughts and prayers. If you've been following a plan for reading through the entire Bible, take a break and read straight through one book of your choice. If you have been praying, supplement your prayers by memorizing Scripture. If your devotions have become in-depth Bible studies, find a devotional book to lighten things up for a while.

Remember, this is a relationship. Look for ways to keep it fresh, and your quiet times won't grow stale.

Looking forward to another great day!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

Today's Bible Study

Where the Battle Is Won
By Charles Stanley
Read | Matthew 26:36-46

If you want to experience victory in the conflicts and tough decisions facing you, consider what Jesus did. Before He got to the cross, the Lord fought a crucial, pivotal battle in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He wrestled with what lay ahead.

For our Savior, the weight of sin He would bear was overwhelming. He was about to experience complete spiritual separation from the Father. He went out to a peaceful and quiet place of prayer, where He got alone before the Father and cried out to Him. When Jesus left that garden, He walked out a winner. He would still drink the cup of suffering and separation, but He knew that in the end, He would triumph over it (Heb. 12:2).

Jesus’ example reveals that the key to winning life’s battles is to come before the Father—alone with Him and fully surrendered to His will. Godly counsel is important, but you cannot depend exclusively on others to tell you what to do. If you don’t spend time alone with the Lord, wrestling things out until you know what He is saying, you’ll never be sure you’re doing the right thing.

By making it a habit to spend time alone in God’s presence, you’ll be able to discern His perfect will as you come to major decisions with significant or even lifelong consequences. When you fully surrender to Him, you place the consequences of your choices into His most capable hands. After all, where could your decisions—and your future—be safer than in the control of our all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God?

Looking forward to another great day...


Friday, June 20, 2014

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

Wait for it! - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Wait for It!
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time...though it tarry, wait for it...”
(Habakkuk 2:3, KJV)

God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams and desires in your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you’ve tried and failed doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. Our God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things look, if you’ll stay in faith, your set time is coming.

Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it there. Not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today. Declare by faith, “My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you continue to hold on to that vision and speak life over your dreams, it won’t be long before you see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow, you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you!

Father, thank You for placing dreams and desires in my heart. I trust that You are at work to bring them to pass even when I can’t see it, even when it’s taking longer than I thought. I know that You are faithful, and I trust You completely in Jesus’ name, Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

How to Take Your Life Back - Joel & Victoria Osteen

How to Take Your
Life Back
“...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV)

Do you ever feel like things in your life are out of control? Usually that happens when we allow our circumstances to dictate our thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “Well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “This relationship is just too far gone.” But today is the day to take your life back! We live in this natural realm, but as believers, we are not limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s supernatural power, but it starts by making every thought line up with the Word of God.

Take your life back by taking your thoughts back. Don’t allow the enemy to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the Word of God daily and allow His truth to sink down deep into your spirit. Let His truth make you free.

Today, as you take captive every thought and boldly declare His promises over your life, you are setting yourself up for victory. You are positioning yourself to receive every spiritual blessing, and you are taking your life back!

Father, thank You for empowering me to live in victory today. I choose to take my life back by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. Help me live a life that is pleasing to You, Jesus, today and every day in Jesus’ name, Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Secure Hope
By Charles Stanley
Psalm 42

The Lord wants us to be people with desires and expectations that are motivating and enriching. But in this fallen world, the disappointment of some unrealized hopes is inevitable. How can we determine where to place our hope—and the way to respond if it’s not fulfilled?

Hope is secure when it is aligned with God’s desires, which are revealed in the Bible. However, our expectations are often based on wishes, feelings, and personal preferences—we yearn for job promotions, good health, or quick solutions to problems. Such desires can be strong, but we have no sure promise from God that they’re part of His will for us.

Disappointment with God has the potential to occur whenever our expectations do not coincide with His plan. Even when hope is based on a scriptural promise, the Lord may not fulfill it in the manner or timing we want. Although God appears inactive, He is moving behind the scenes, preparing us for the future.

The key to contentment and joy lies in placing all subjective hopes under the umbrella of our ultimate hope in the Lord. Keep in mind that God is sovereign and good—He always wants what is best for us and never makes a mistake. His ways are higher than ours and often beyond human understanding.

From a limited and fallen perspective, we may be like a five-year-old who wants candy at every meal. Sometimes God has to dash our hopes in order to give us what He knows is best. Ask Him to clarify and direct your desires to coincide with His way. Then rest in His goodness and keep your hope in Him.
Looking forward to another great day...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I've been scratching my head a lot lately.  I have open sores and sores with scabs...
I have scheduled a hair appointment to get my hair colored and cut...I'm not sure my hair dresser will color my hair now.  :-( 

When I got home yesterday afternoon from Faribault...I was feeling weak and tired.  Paul helped me carry Gracie in the house...

The pain patches don't seem to be helping anymore...I'm still sore with the patches on...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Running With Endurance
By Charles Stanley
Read | Hebrews 12:1-3

Nobody wakes up on the morning of a marathon and suddenly decides, Hey, I think I'll go down and run the race today. Long-distance running requires training, and lots of it. The typical marathon runner spends months preparing for the race. He pulls himself out of bed early and hits the street. Focusing on his goal, he pushes through physical and mental exhaustion. He watches what he eats, gets plenty of sleep, and runs—regularly. The main goal of all of this training is to build endurance. While not easy, the discipline is essential to running 26.2 miles.

Since Scripture compares the Christian life to a race, we can assume that endurance is essential for our success as well. And what builds spiritual stamina? The apostle James points out that dealing with trials strengthens us. In fact, in James 1:2-3, he even tells us to welcome difficulties because "the testing of your faith produces endurance."

He is talking about the inner strength that allows us to face any difficulty without quitting. A runner needs such strength for a race. So even though the training hurts, he conditions his body to be able to reach the finish line. For believers, the process is similar, except that our training comes through trials. As we face different challenges in the power of the Spirit, God builds us up more and more.

Are you facing a hardship today? God wants you to trust Him and then ask yourself, Am I willing to go through this intense workout today in order to win the race tomorrow?

Looking forward to another great day...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Don't Let Fear Stop You - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Don’t Let Fear Stop You
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
(2 Timothy 1:7, NLT)

God’s desire is that we continually progress, that we reach higher heights and go to new levels. Oftentimes, as soon as we make the decision to step out in faith and obey God, the enemy brings in fear to try to stop us. He’ll bring thoughts like, “What if you fail? What are other people going to think? You don’t have what it takes.” He’ll do his best to use fear to try to convince us to shrink back and stay where we are.

The Bible says that fear is a spirit. It plays on our emotions and holds us back. But the good news is that we have power over fear! The Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear. When we receive God’s perfect love, we will have confidence about the future because we know His plans are for our good. I’ve heard it said that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Understand that fear is a lie. Today, choose to believe God’s Word and receive His love so that you can overcome fear and move forward into the good life He has prepared for you!

Father, thank You for taking me to new levels. I know You have equipped me with a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Thank You for Your confidence as I renounce fear and press forward in victory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Double is Due to You! - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Double is Due to You!
“Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.”
(Isaiah 61:7, NIV)

In the Old Testament, God’s people were going through a very difficult time. They were being held captive against their will and mistreated by other nations. God sent this word to encourage them and give them hope for their future. When the time came, God was faithful to His Word!

Are you going through a difficult time today? Let this word bring you encouragement, too. We serve a God who goes above and beyond our expectations. He wants to give you double for your trouble. He wants to bring you restoration and make things even better than before.

If you are facing challenges today or going through a time of adversity, remember, it’s always darkest just before the dawn appears. Your days are destined to shine brighter because God is faithful. As you stay in faith and are obedient to His Word, you’ll receive double for your trouble and see God go above and beyond in every area of your life!

Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Thank You for directing and ordering my steps. I know that You will give me double for my trouble as I keep my heart and mind stayed on You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Kaylee, Gracie and I ran over to Faribault to visit grandmas Gloria and Faye.  Grandma Faye went on an outing with the other residents.  
Grandma Gloria was having a good was so good to see her enjoying the great granddaughters. 

We came home to take it easy. :-)
I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Experiencing Loneliness
By Charles Stanley
Read | Hebrews 13:5

All of us feel alone from time to time. Poor health, a jam-packed work schedule, or trying circumstances can make it hard to stay connected. Moving to a new location, job, or school can also bring a sense of isolation. Once this season passes or we adjust to the new place, the feeling goes away.

But loneliness is different from aloneness—it involves a sense of separation from people and can intensify over time. In this state, we find it harder to reach out and easier not to be around others. When our mind starts telling us no one’s interested in what we have to say or do, we build a wall around our heart and allow access to very few. The more we withdraw, the worse we feel. Peace of mind eludes us, and loneliness weighs us down.

God never intended for us to live disconnected from one another. From the beginning, He purposed that we should enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and each other. First He established a personal relationship with Adam and then provided him with Eve. Our Creator knew it was not good for us to live in isolation (Gen. 2:18).

Note the order: Intimacy with God precedes intimacy with anyone else. In the absence of a personal relationship with Him, one is never truly at peace. The only way to be connected to the Father is by trusting Jesus as Savior (John 14:6). Whoever places faith in Him receives a new nature, becomes a member of God’s family, and experiences His peace (1:12; 14:27). If you've never accepted Christ’s invitation, you can pray right now to become God’s child.

Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
We went out to eat at the Outback Steakhouse last night for Erik's Birthday...we were dry going in but we got soaked coming out... :-)

We got 2 and 1/2 inches of rain overnight...1 and 1/8 inches of rain the day before and know they are saying there are chances of rain all week...
The rain and wind isn't a good combination when we have the barn sitting up waiting for the foundation to be redone.
I wish they would finish the barn and move onto the house basement...better yet would be best to be done with it all...

I continue to have trouble with the shooting pain from the shingles...
Was hoping I'd get over it...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Why Does God Allow Us to Fail?
By Charles Stanley
Read | Romans 8:29-30

Yesterday we noted how the Lord at times works our circumstances to humble us. By doing so, He reveals how dependent we are on Him for victorious living. This is how He eliminates the idol of self-effort from our pursuit of holiness. It is also His way of achieving other purposes in our lives.

Our heavenly Father has more in mind than simply exposing the weakness of our flesh—that is simply a means to something greater. He intends to put us on display for all eternity as examples of His grace and goodness. He wants the angels to see the body of Christ and stand in awe before this dazzling demonstration of His handiwork.

What would you and I need to do to qualify for this purpose? Is there any way we can possibly understand the full scope of His designs for our lives? What must be done so that we may live in the fullness of everything He has in mind for His children?

We don’t have all the answers to these questions. As a result, we have difficulty understanding why God at times allows us to fail. If we could only see the glorious final product He has in mind, we would gladly abandon our self-effort and yield to His transforming power. But instead, we often insist on doing things our way. And as long as we remain in this mode of thinking, God will allow us to fail.

There’s a better way. It is simply to live by faith, trusting the Holy Spirit within us every moment of every day to conform us to the likeness of God’s Son Jesus Christ.

Looking forward to another great day...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Gardening from a Wheelchair - Spinal Cord Injury - Paralysis Resource Center

Gardening from a Wheelchair - Spinal Cord Injury - Paralysis Resource Center

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
In the last 3 days I've had to take a nap because I've been feeling so wiped out..

I'm not sure why???  I don't recall any changes that would have caused medicine changes, other than me tapering the prednisone.  The tapering is being done slowly...I started at 20 and have gone down to 18...I go down 1 ever three weeks...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Failure: The First Step to Victory
By Charles Stanley
Read | Romans 7:15-21

The Christian life involves encountering certain paradoxes that challenge our thinking. A prime example is Jesus’ comment that “the last shall be first and the first, last” (Matt. 20:16). Hard sayings like this may seem illogical and confusing until we remember that we've been called out of this world into a new way of living.

Self-effort, which is standard operating procedure for the natural man, must be abandoned by the Spirit-filled believer. That is why the Lord sometimes allows us to experience failure in our pursuit of holiness. He wants to show us how totally dependent we are on Him. When seen in that light, our human failures can actually be viewed as friends to instruct us rather than enemies to be resisted.

This perspective is not easily obtained. From earliest childhood, we are urged to work hard, strive for excellence, and do our very best. We are told to set goals and then pursue them with diligence and determination. While these virtues are useful when conscientiously employed, they can actually betray us by suggesting that our salvation lies in them. They whisper to the human ego, “You have all that it takes to be successful.” Gradually, if we pay attention to these voices, our confidence begins to shift from trusting in the Spirit to relying upon the flesh.

God will not accept our dependence upon anything or anyone besides Him. If necessary, He will engineer circumstances in order to defeat our best efforts and humble us until we fully learn to live by faith—in total reliance upon Him.

Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Missing my dad...
Always remember to tell your dad how much you love never know when God will take them home...

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
I'm continuing to sort, clean and throw or give away...I have so much to go through and decide whether to keep for myself, for the kids or let go of...

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

To Believe or Not to Believe
  By Charles F. Stanley
I have a friend whose heart was broken when his son decided he no longer wanted to be married. The father prayed that God would reconcile that broken relationship, but soon the divorce was final. My friend felt as though the Lord had let him down.

After Christ’s death, Thomas struggled with a similar issue. He had envisioned his Messiah ruling as King of the whole earth—but now Jesus was dead, and Thomas’s hopes were buried with Him. Had he believed a lie? Why had his Lord not done what the biblical prophecies said He would do?

When the other disciples reported that the Lord had risen from the dead, Thomas refused to believe unless he could actually see Christ’s wounds of crucifixion (John 20:25). Having been disappointed after putting faith in Jesus before, he hesitated to do so again without tangible proof.

Our trust in God can take a nosedive when expectations of what He will do are unfulfilled. Perhaps you can think of a time you asked the Lord for something and believed with all your heart that He would do it—but then He didn’t. What are we to do when it looks as if God has failed us? Keep believing! Jesus said, “Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed” (v. 29).

Thomas’s huge disappointment—Christ’s death—ultimately led to the greatest hope for mankind. When we feel that the Lord has let us down, we need to realize that in His great wisdom, He is doing something even greater than we asked.

Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
This weekend I am working on cleaning, sorting and throwing things...The house needs it ...

We have company coming the first, second and fourth weekend of July.
It's a busy month but will be fun seeing everyone :-)

I'm so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view.

Jun 14, 2014

Do Fathers Really Matter?

Read | Ephesians 5:22-6:4

A great deception is spreading in our culture. It’s the idea that fathers are irrelevant. This attitude is promoted on television, in movies, and throughout the media. Men are generally portrayed as shallow, self-absorbed, and ignorant. Because of her husband’s inadequacy, the mom is pictured as the one who comes to the rescue and wisely solves the family’s problems. Furthermore, the prevalence of divorce and the absence of men in the home have led many people in our society to consider fathers unnecessary.

But let us consider what the Lord says about men. After all, He created the family and established the roles for each member. First, God has designated that the husband is to be the head of the wife (Eph. 5:23). Next, He prescribed that children are to honor and obey their parents (6:1-2). This has nothing to do with value; He’s simply describing areas of responsibility. All people are valuable—and that includes fathers.

According to God’s Word, fathers are to be honored. Now, I know some of you did not experience the blessing of being raised in a home led by a godly man; however, this command isn't dependent upon the circumstances or the person. We are to honor our fathers because of the position given to them by God. Although our dads may have failed in many ways, we are still to treat them with respect.

Instead of taking your father for granted or finding fault, stop and recall the reasons you can be thankful for him. Father’s Day is a good opportunity to express your gratitude to him in word and deed.

Looking forward to another great day...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Cast Your Cares - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Cast Your Cares
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares or you.”
(1 Peter 5:7, NIV)

God cares so much about you today. Not only does He love and care about you, He cares about the things that you care about as well. If you have concerns, worry or anxiety about something in your life today; finances, relationships, your job or anything else, know that your heavenly Father already has a plan to take care of those things for you. It’s a good plan, and He wants to show Himself strong on your behalf.

The scripture reminds us that the lilies of the field and the birds of the air are cared for, how much more will your heavenly Father take care of you? Today, cast all of your anxiety on Him by choosing to trust that He is going to take care of you. Refuse to dwell on your problems and don’t allow them to steal your peace and joy any longer. Instead, choose to meditate on His Word and confess God’s promises over your life. Cast your cares on Him and experience His peace, joy and blessing all the days of your life!

Father, thank You for caring for me. I choose today to cast my cares on You and trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I bless and magnify You in my life today and always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I have been itching a lot more all over my body...wondering if the tapering of the prednisone is causing it?  I will continue to taper to see if it's only temporary...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Power of Loving Unconditionally
By Charles Stanley
Read | Colossians 3:21

By expressing unconditional love, parents are empowered to raise their children to be confident adults. When we accept each child’s unique nature, we lay a foundation for good self-esteem. Often, we unintentionally inflict damage on a young one’s ego by confusing actions with personhood—a child might hear criticism as “I’m bad” rather than “my behavior was wrong.” Children need parental guidance and discipline, but these must be wrapped in actions and language that convey love.

The alternative—correction aimed at making a child into the adult Mom or Dad desires (instead of the one God intends)—promotes a rebellious spirit. Think of the popular child-rearing axiom “Pick your battles” in these terms: “Pick the battles that affect the child’s soul.” Passing fads and weird clothing or hair choices are not worthy battles, whereas issues related to honesty, integrity, and obedience call for a parent’s guidance.

The result of unconditional love and its by-products—self-esteem and obedience—is that children build good relationships. They will be prepared to accept others with the same attitude their parents showed them. This is important because a wounded child will one day struggle to express wholehearted love to a marriage partner or to receive it in return.

Conveying acceptance to a child doesn't cost money, but it does take time. Parents love their kids through actions and attitudes—namely, taking an interest in a child’s activities, listening intently, and offering encouragement and praise. Do your kids know you love them?

Looking forward to another great day...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
No construction worker yet this morning...

I am so thankful for another great day...

Today Bible Study

If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view.

Jun 12, 2014

A Child’s First Image of God

Read | Ephesians 5:1-2

A child’s first image of God is his earthly father. We Christians spend a lot of time discussing ways to protect or improve our witness. We need to live our faith in front of coworkers and friends, but in the privacy of our home, we want our family to see Jesus in us, as well. If we show forgiveness, patience, and acceptance, then our children will expect to find those traits in the Lord.

Similarly, negative behaviors—like consistent harshness, busyness, or emotional neglect—also shape a child’s view of God. I remember a young man who came to me worried about his salvation. He had received Christ as his personal Savior but wasn't convinced that he was truly forgiven. When I opened the Scriptures to share some assurances with him, he responded, “I believe them, but I’m just not sure God’s promises apply to me.” He seemed surprised when I then asked about his relationship with his father. During our conversation, it came out that his dad had often made promises he failed to keep. Now, years later, the son lacked certainty that God would keep His word.

Being a reflection of the Lord requires no special skills; the only training guide we need is the Bible. By approaching fatherhood as an area of service and ministry, all men are able to be successful dads. As with any service rendered for God, the Holy Spirit offers fathers the wisdom and guidance they need for raising their children.

Be sure that you are attentive to the words of the heavenly Father. Then your children will rise up and call you blessed.

Looking forward to another great day...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Accommodation Ideas for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Accommodation Ideas

Get Your Feet Wet - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Get Your Feet Wet
“So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!”
(Exodus 14:22, NLT)

When Joshua and the Israelites needed to get across the Jordan River, God said He would open it up, but they had to get their feet wet before the waters parted. They could have sat back and thought, “As soon as God opens it, then we’ll walk toward it. It doesn’t make sense to go now. The river is still flowing. Everything is normal. Nothing is unusual.” No, they took a step of faith and started walking toward the water. I can imagine when water got up to their ankles they thought, “What are we doing walking into a river? We could drown.” Water got up to their knees and thoughts said, “You’d better turn around. You’re making a mistake.” Water up to their waist. They just kept walking. What is that? Bold obedience. About that time, the river supernaturally parted. They walked into their promised land.

In the same way, if you’re going to make it to your promised land, it’s going to take this bold obedience. You’re not always going to understand what God is doing. God is not always logical. Faith is not in your head; faith is in your heart. You’ve got to turn your mind off and listen to what God is saying in your heart. Take a step of faith. Get your feet wet and move forward into the blessing and victory He has in store for you!

Father, thank You for parting the waters and leading me in victory! I choose to take a step of faith; I choose to obey You. I choose to step out into the water knowing that you have a good plan for me in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I woke up at 5:00am this morning and by 5:30am the guys are out here working...

Lucky we live in the country...many wouldn't be very happy being woke up by the workers...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Negative Power of Rejection
By Charles Stanley
Read | Ephesians 4:29-32

As a pastor, I've had many wounded children in my office. They might be adults, but the little boy or girl inside of them is still grieving over a parent’s lack of acceptance.

Parents have significant power to negatively shape a child’s life by making him or her feel rejected. Without the steady foundation of unconditional parental love, such kids become adults whose entire life experience is shaped by their earliest feelings. These walking wounded cannot trust in others’ care for them—they are waiting for the rejection that they believe is inevitable. Friendly advice is often heard as criticism, and even a forgotten birthday may be seen as a sign of dislike.

Many mothers and fathers are probably thinking, I love my kids; I accept them! Rejection, however, can be subtle. For example, parents may think they’re providing guidance by suggesting more conventional music selections, hair styles, or fashion choices. But this type of criticism is often received as an attack on the child’s personhood—an indication that he or she isn't measuring up. The same sort of thing can happen at a Little League game. If Dad says, “You would have hit that pitch if you had watched the ball as I taught you,” his son’s delicate ego hears, “If you performed better, I’d be happy with you now instead of irritated.”

Unwise criticism can be interpreted as rejection, leaving a child feeling unloved or unworthy of love. On the other hand, discipline and instruction, which are necessary for children’s maturity, confront their actions and attitudes while communicating a parent’s acceptance.

Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

God Rewards Obedience - Joel & Victoria Osteen

God Rewards Obedience
“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession...”
(Exodus 19:5, NIV)

Sometimes God asks us to do things that don’t make sense. It doesn’t seem logical. It doesn’t fit into our budget. It doesn’t line up with our schedule. “God, You want me to go back to college? I’m 40 years old.” “God, You want me to give them a gift? I was saving those funds for my own dreams.” Or, “God, You want me to leave this secure position that I’ve had for years and start my own business?” Too often we overanalyze it. We debate it. Look at it only in the natural. We end up making excuses, talking ourselves out of it, “That couldn’t be God.” But if you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to have bold obedience. That means you obey even when you don’t understand it. You just do it even when it doesn’t make sense. That’s what faith is all about.

If you can understand everything, you have the time, the money, it’s all lined up, then that doesn’t really take any faith. God will ask you to do things that seem far out, unusual, not practical. With every act of obedience, there is a blessing attached to it. When you do what you know God wants you to do, a blessing will follow. God rewards obedience!

Father, today I choose to obey You. I let go of trying to reason it all out in my mind and choose to trust You. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for rewarding my obedience in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Obedience Activates His Power - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Obedience Activates His Power
“Whatever He says to you, do it.”
(John 2:5, NASB)

One time, Jesus made mud and put it on a blind man’s eyes. He told him to go wash it off in the pool of Siloam. Jesus could have just as easily healed the blind man on the spot. He could have opened his eyes right then and there and sent him on his way. But obedience activates God’s power. The blind man could have wiped the mud off with his own hands and thought, “I’m not going to do that. That doesn’t make sense. That’s going to be a waste of time.” He could have thought, “I’m blind. I have these disadvantages. I can’t make it down to the pool.” But instead of making excuses, instead of talking himself out of it, he decided to just do it. He went to the pool and washed it off. Immediately, he could see.

When you obey, dreams come to pass. When you obey, health is restored. When you obey, problems turn around. I wonder how many miracles we would see if we would simply do what we know we’re supposed to do. Are you talking yourself out of something because it’s not practical, it doesn’t make sense? Quit putting it off and just do it. If you’ll have bold obedience, you’ll activate His power and see God’s favor in a new way!

Father, thank You for Your faithfulness and healing in my life. I choose to obey You and open the door for Your miracle power in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
This morning we woke up to someone driving in our driveway.
We are having the foundation redone on our barn.  The guys working on the barn started working on it at 6:00am. I slept in...I usually get up at 5:00/5:30am...

Today, I run back into Rochester to The Madonna Living Community for work.  I will work from 9am until 4pm.  Then I'm off until Thursday evening when I go back to Globe Business College to finish up on the database.  Thursday is the last day of the class... :-)

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Overcoming Distractions
By Charles Stanley
Read | Nehemiah 4:1-20

On a daily basis, we are faced with distractions. Things like gossip, criticism, financial pressure, poor health, conflict, personal desires, and effusive praise from others bombard us. Any of these can influence us to turn away from God’s perfect plan. But today’s passage shows us the value of . . .

Single-mindedness. Nehemiah feared the Lord and conscientiously applied himself to His work. His mind was not divided. If we set our attention solely on God’s plan, our minds will stay fixed on the task, regardless of the difficulties.

God’s favor. The Lord’s blessing is always upon us when we’re obedient to Him. This knowledge gave Nehemiah confidence, and it should do the same for us, even in hard times.

Accountability. Nehemiah had to give a progress report to the king about what had been accomplished. One day we’ll stand before Jesus and account for how we used resources and gifts (1 Cor. 3:12-15).

Consistency in our prayer life. When the Israelites were ridiculed, they were helpless to stop their opponents’ speech. So Nehemiah prayed, and the people received strength to continue. As the plotting worsened, Nehemiah and his fellow workers cried out to God, who not only frustrated their enemies’ plans but also provided His people with discernment about how to avoid traps.

Nehemiah completed the ambitious project in just 52 days (Neh. 6:15). When we follow his example, God can achieve great things in and through us. Which of the above points from Nehemiah’s life can help you overcome your distraction

Looking forward to another great day...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Another Beautiful Morning!

Another Beautiful Morning!
Last night I was wiped out by the time we went to bed at 9:30pm.  Needed my sleep :-). 
Today, I go in to Rochester to the Madonna Living Community from 9 until 3pm/4pm.  I'll see how it goes to determine when I leave...I am so thankful they let me pick my own hours...I love what I do :-)
I decided, if I am going to lose some of my body functions, I'm not going to lose my mind...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Dealing With Distractions
By Charles Stanley
Read | Nehemiah 1:1-2:20

When Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king, his heart wasdeeply troubled by news of the Israelites’ plight and the condition of their city. With the king’s permission, he set out to rebuild Jerusalem. He encountered obstacles but refused to be distracted from the task. His example shows the importance of . . .

• Being in the center of God’s will. When Nehemiah cried out to God about his brothers back home and the city’s state of disrepair, the Lord showed him exactly what to do. God also caused the king to be favorably disposed toward the request and to provide all that was needed. Knowing we are where God wants us to be will give us confidence to handle trials without being sidetracked.

• Remembering what the goal is. Nehemiah knew that the Lord’s priority for him was to rebuild the city. God has planned things for us to do, too, and His work is always of great value. We are not to underestimate our part in it, no matter how small it seems to us.

• Accomplishing each task. Following every crisis, Nehemiah returned to the task at hand. By remembering the Lord’s goal, we will stay in our God-appointed place, carry out each step, and remain on course.

• Identifying our distractions. Those who seek to interrupt our work, divert our attention, or attack us personally are not from God. With the Father’s help, Nehemiah recognized whom to heed and whom to ignore.

For the most part, distractions originate outside of ourselves. Who or what usually distracts you?

Looking forward to another great day....

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Thoroughly Equipped - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Thoroughly Equipped
“Every scripture is God-breathed…so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
(2 Timothy 3:16–17 AMP)

God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny through His Word. The Scripture tells us that as believers in Jesus Christ, we are anointed. The word “anointing” is the power of God which gives you courage, strength and ability. When you put the Word of God in you, you are receiving that anointing, you are building your faith, and you are being equipped for every good work.

The next time you start to wonder if you have what it takes, go to God’s Word and stir up your faith. Focus on His truth which says you are well able to do what He has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You have the ideas, the creativity, and talent to be successful. You can overcome every obstacle! You’ve been armed with strength for every battle; the forces that are with you are greater than the forces that are against you, and you are thoroughly equipped!

Father, thank You for equipping me. Thank You for empowering me. Help me stay focused on Your Word and Your plan for me today. I trust that You have equipped me and called me for Your purpose in Jesus’ name. Amen.                                    Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
We enjoyed seeing all of the Miller family at the graduation party yesterday.  I didn't get to talk to everyone...I would have liked to visit more but Paul and Leo were ready to go...
Sometimes there are so many around it's hard to visit also...

Today, we have a surprise 70th birthday party in Stewartville from 11am until 1pm. Kaylee is going with...

This morning I woke up at 4:30am and I couldn't get back to sleep.  Last night I didn't fall asleep until around10:30/11pm ...I may need a nap this afternoon... :-)

Kaylee decided to stay overnight and go with us to the birthday party.  She slept all night, as usual.
Kaylee and I will go to FPC this morning at 8am and then meet Paul and Leo at Kwik Trip in Eyota at 10:30am for the party.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Roadblock of Doubt.                                  By Dr. Charles Stanley
Have you experienced so much failure that you’re afraid to try again? Have you ever felt alone, wondering if God cares about your dreams? Is it difficult to believe that biblical promises will really work for you? If so, you might be held back from pursuing your God-given purpose by what I call the roadblock of doubt.

Believing you can achieve a goal is vital to reaching it. The writer of Hebrews says, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). After you receive His gift of salvation, obeying God includes pursuing goals He has designed for your life. Without faith in God—and without believing He will reward those who diligently seek Him—you will fail.

Perhaps you doubt because you lack understanding that God is with you always. I encourage you to read aloud one of these passages of Scripture until you truly believe it:

Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:19: “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Hebrews 13:5: “I will never desert you nor will I ever forsake you.”
Matthew 7:7: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
When I experience momentary doubt, I usually get on my knees, open my Bible, and read it aloud to God, saying, “Lord, this is what You have said in Your Word. I trust You to do this in my life.”

Another reason people doubt is their past failures. Most of us need to stop looking over our shoulders at past mistakes. By doing so, they carry guilt over sins the Lord has already forgiven and forgotten. If God has forgiven you—which He says He does every time you confess your sins to Him—then forgive yourself. (See John 1:9.) It isn’t possible to mess up so badly that God will reject you or turn away from using you.

Thinking that you’re a failure will cause you to act like one, and the things you attempt to do will miss the mark. Choose to lay down your defeatist mindset, and embrace your identity as a beloved, spiritually-gifted child of God.

Don’t wait for someone else to do what is really your responsibility. Too often people expect others to provide opportunities and blessings to help them succeed. God wants you to reach the goals He designed uniquely for you. Nobody else can do the believing or the work necessary to accomplish His plans for your life.
Take God at His Word. Many people read the Bible but then conclude, “That’s for somebody else.” What you read in the Scriptures is for you. Count on it.

Jesus gave us great encouragement about what happens to those who face life with faith rather than doubt. He taught that they could move mountains (Mark 11:22-24). Such a large feat may take time––in some cases, years or decades, but it is possible when a believer is yielded to the Holy Spirit and perseveres in His power.

Consider a young man who is called to a life of preaching the gospel. The Lord doesn’t say, “I expect you to produce 50 years’ worth of sermons.” Rather, the Lord says, “I set before you the goal of preaching the gospel as long as you are alive, as effectively and irresistibly as you can.”

The young preacher needs to say, “What does the Lord want to say through me to the people in my church this week?” With that attitude of trust and dependence, he is likely to believe God for a good sermon each week, one at a time. Then, if he lives long enough, he’ll have sermons for 50 years.

Focus your energy on short-range goals, where it will be most effective and potent. Over time, your faith will grow stronger as your goals become more challenging. Only as you look back will you be able to say, “I lived by faith.” And that, of course, is precisely God’s desire for you (2 Cor. 5:7).

Do you doubt your ability to reach God-given goals? If your answer is yes, confess your need to the Lord. Ask Him to forgive you. Then ask Him to help you move forward in your life. Push doubt aside, and act as the saved, Spirit-filled, gifted child of God that you are.

Adapted from Success God’s Way (2000).

Looking forward to another great day....

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I'm continuing to fight sores in my mouth, swelling and pain on my right side...
I overdid it yesterday...I was sorting and cleaning...the house needed it bad.  I was really sore so I went to bed at 9pm.  I needed to get off my feet...

Today, we have a graduation party in Forestville...
Tomorrow, I have FPC and a 70th birthday party.  It's a busy weekend... 

I was hoping to continue to clean this morning but I'm not sure I will be able to I'm still pretty sore...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

When the Trumpet Blows
By Charles Stanley
Read | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

When it comes to learning about the end times and the return of Christ, many believers feel confused by the elaborate symbolism the Bible uses to describe these events. Clearly there are certain mysteries regarding the end of life as we know it, and God has chosen to present some of these topics in unique and interesting terms.

One revelation, however, is quite clear: We can be certain of the sights, sounds, and feelings surrounding the moment when Jesus returns, as today’s passage makes clear.

We will hear the magnificent voice of the Lord as He descends from heaven. The voice of the archangel and the sound of a trumpet of God will also be audible (v. 16).

We will see Jesus Christ with the archangel, and the deceased saints who had trusted in the Lord will be raised to meet them in the air (vv. 16-17).

We will feel our bodies instantly transformed as we are “caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord” (v. 17).

With these miraculous happenings mapped out for us in God’s Word, there is no reason to feel fearful about the return of our Savior. It will be a time of worship and rejoicing. No matter what happens in the world around us from now until then, we know that we can place our confidence in Jesus Christ. Just as He promised, He will return—accompanied by the archangel and announced by a trumpet—to take His children home for eternity.

Looking forward to another great day....

Friday, June 6, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Yesterday, I stopped to see grandma Gloria and to take grandma Faye to the doctor.  Grandma Gloria ate the McDonalds hamburger, some tator tots and drank the chocolate shake I brought in. :-).
Grandma Faye got mad at me for taking her out to the Dr appointment.  She wanted to stay in for the residents meeting they were having at 1:30.
The Dr is adjusting her meds to hopefully help with her behavior.  She told the Dr she is not moving to the otherside...the locked unit. :-(

Well I think it's time to clean and get rid of stuff again.  So today I'm starting to sort and clean again...
We still have the big dumpster sitting by our windmill so now is the time to throw out things and/or take stuff to the second hand store.

I've been waiting for the other house to get finished to see if Erik and Christine wants anything but I'm not sure I want to wait that long...

I usually move things when I clean but I will have to see if I do it this time...I don't have the strength, like I used too and I get winded so easy...
It would also be nice to put up a fresh coat of paint...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Importance of Baptism
By Charles Stanley
Read | Matthew 3:13-17

Children will frequently identify themselves with superheroes or other characters. For a time, they will adopt the mannerisms, dress, and speech patterns of their current favorite. As Christians, we are supposed to identify closely with Jesus and emulate His actions.

The Lord has commanded us to follow His example in all things, including baptism (Matt. 28:19). At the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, John the Baptist was calling Jewish people to confess their sins and demonstrate repentance through immersion in the Jordan River. The Son of God—who had no sin—asked John to baptize Him. Jesus was affiliating Himself with sinful man. When we follow His example in the waters of baptism, we are publicly confessing our faith in the Savior and identifying ourselves with Him.

By participating in baptism, we demonstrate our connection not only with Jesus but also with our brothers and sisters in the faith: We are all members of one body under the authority of the same Lord (Col. 1:18). It is important to remember that baptism is not a requirement for salvation; only faith in Jesus Christ is (Eph. 2:8-9). But in order to be obedient, we’re to be baptized after making the decision to follow Him.

Belief in Jesus is not something to be hidden away like a light under a bowl (Luke 11:33). It should be expressed in words and actions. Have you matched your confession of faith with the act of baptism?

Looking forward to another great day....