Friday, November 22, 2013

Inspired Me - Today's Meditation

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."  —Theodore Roosevelt

Inspired Me

When we follow our hearts, we make life choices that seemingly open doors for us without force, we are then aligned with our inner knowing. The path is revealed with ease. Other times, we may “over-think” our decisions, choosing the guidance of the mind over the messages of the heart. We may find that in these moments, our paths become filled with obstacles that hinder us at nearly every turn.

In today’s meditation, we will connect deeply with our hearts, our most trustworthy inner guidance system. As we relax into our heart-center, we access the wisdom of the whole universe and the blueprint for true happiness. The invitation is to silence the chatter—to gently release thoughts, judgments, distractions, and pressures—in order to truly hear our hearts’ desires and messages. Only then can we source our inner inspiration and realize not only our dreams, but our destinies.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am inspired. I am unstoppable.


Gift yourself by dedicating time today to check your “heart center pulse.” Pause several times over the course of the day, place your hand on your heart and breathe. Close your eyes and spend time noticing your natural breath. Feel the easy flow of breath coming in and going out. Stop to feel your heart, allowing your senses to feel the rhythm of your physical heart and the pulse of your intuitive feeling heart. Just feel, connecting with your center, just be.

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