Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, November 5th

Another beautiful morning...
I have come down with a cough and runny nose. :-(  I started coughing a couple of days ago. 

This morning we have a dense fog adviser out through the morning.
It sounds like winter is arriving this afternoon.  Faribault is supposed to get 3 to 7 inches of snow.  I won't be heading over to see Gloria or mom today, like I planned. 
The move went very well yesterday.  :-). I am so very thankful.  Thank you for all the prayers.  The nurse checked Gloria's legs when we arrived.  She had sores that were open and pussing. :-(  I know this was the right move.  The wound care specialist was there yesterday to check Gloria.  This is going to be so much easier on me and better for her.

I got a call from Dr Dannings nurse yesterday...I missed the call when I was unpacking Gloria.  They were checking up on me already.  I called them back and left a message.  I am not back to where I was but I'm on my way.  My mouth still has sores but they are healing...
The itching is slowing and I am able to lift up my legs up.  I have noticed changes going on in my feet.  The changes are just like the changes I've been feeling in my hands.  Not sure how to explain them???? 

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Making a Lasting Impact

Read | Matthew 5:13

All of us would like to be remembered as individuals who left a good and lasting imprint on the lives of others. The problem is that we tend to be so self-centered that few of us deeply impact even our closest neighbors.

How well we succeed in touching the lives of others is usually determined by our character. And ultimately, it is our spiritual impact that our heavenly Father is concerned about.

To illustrate the influence we should have on others, Jesus used the example of salt, a familiar household item that alters whatever it touches. The Lord taught that salt must maintain its purity and integrity in order to have lasting impact. In a similar way, we must guard our purity by walking in newness of life instead of loving the things of this world (1 John 2:15). Then, when people witness our transformed lives, they will be powerfully influenced.

Salt flavors and preserves food. When we sprinkle it on something flavorless, the food becomes much more enjoyable. We’re to flavor the lives of people around us by using our actions and words to point them to Jesus. If we are just like them, we’re not going to have any impact. Salt doesn’t change itself. It enhances only that which is bland or void of any real taste.

Never forget that you have an influence on others—either for good or for bad. Salt makes a positive difference on whatever comes in contact with it. Because we are followers of Christ, it is our job to flavor the world around us so it will be impacted in positive and God-honoring ways.

Another great day!

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