Monday, March 31, 2014

Preferential Treatment - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Preferential Treatment

“His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life…”
(Psalm 30:5, NKJV)

Most of the time, we think, “Oh, God’s got bigger things to deal with than me. He’s not interested in what’s bothering me.” No, you are God’s biggest deal. He wants to make you an example of His goodness. When you keep God first place, when you honor Him with your life, God puts something on you that causes you to stand out from the crowd; something that gives you an advantage. It causes good breaks and opportunities to be attracted to you. It’s called the favor of God!

The word “favor” means “to assist, to provide with advantages, to receive preferential treatment.” The favor of God will cause you to be promoted even though you weren’t the most qualified. God’s favor will cause your children to get the best teachers in school. It will help you find the best deals at the mall. It will put you at the right place at the right time. God is saying to you what He said to Abraham, “I’m going to assist you. I’m going to provide you with advantages. I’m going to cause you to receive preferential treatment.” Believe it and receive it for today and all the days of your life!

Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I believe and receive Your promise. I trust that You are working behind the scenes and opening doors of favor in every area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Forsaken Feelings - Joni & Friends Daily Devotions

"About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' -- which means, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"         Matthew 27:46
I received a letter the other day from a man who described his painful feelings of separation from the Lord. He was a strong believer, but because of a death in his family he felt as though God had forsaken him. This man was ashamed and upset with his emotions, trying desperately to feel connected with the Lord. He said in his note, "Joni, I don't know if I'll ever be able to experience closeness to God again."
I put down his letter and recalled those dark times when I, too, felt like God was far away. It's frightening to feel that the Lord has turned His back on you. But if you've ever experienced that dark emptiness, you're not alone.
Jesus felt the same way. There was a time when the Son of God Himself was unable to experience closeness with His Father. It happened on the cross. And when He felt separated, He cried out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?"

It's hard to explain, but I draw comfort from the knowledge that even Jesus was unable -- at least at one point in His life -- to experience closeness with the Father. That fact alone convinces me that Jesus understands exactly how I feel; it convinces me that the Lord would not condemn me for feeling separated from Him. The lack of closeness won't last forever. Jesus came through it, and He'll give you all the hope you need to come through those feelings, too.
Lord Jesus, I can't begin to imagine your agony of feeling separated from the Father. I'm simply grateful that You understand my feelings today. With You, I am always close to God-thank You for assuring me that You will never leave or forsake me.

Joni and Friends

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

Yesterday was so nice...highs were finally in the 60's...loving it :-). We need more beautiful weather to melt all the snow in the yard.

I am making changes in my life to see if I can get everything under control.  I don't want to start the iv infusions yet knowing that is my last resort.  

Part of moving on in our lives is accepting who we are and where we are right now. Don't live in the past or live in the in the now..

I have accepted the fact I have DM and Lupus.  I also believe in Healing :-)

I have accepted the fact that I will be wearing uv clothing, hats, gloves and uv make-up all year round. 

I have trouble accepting the fact that I swell when I go out for too long. :-). When I swell it becomes painful.

I love the sunshine and warm weather but it can affect me in a negative way.  So I am careful not overdo it.  

I still keep our curtains closed and rest when I can.  I started eating fruit and nut smoothies and raisin bran cereal with almond milk. I will slowly add new foods as I go...

I continue to work with a health coach...finding yoga moves and other things that will help me relax. 

I meditate and do bible study. :-). Sometimes all day long...

I found two games I enjoy to is the game my son Kris made, 3-D Maze and the other is Hay Day.  Both are easy and keeps my mind busy.

I have been trying to decide lately... what to do with my hair.  I may go back to city looks to see Trudy.  My scalp continues to itch constantly...the evening is the worst. Some days the medicine works, some days it doesn't.  I have been thinking about shaving my head so I can use the steroid cream but so far I'm only thinking about it.

I've been working 4 hours a week doing something I love to do...planning activities for the kids. It gives me something to do doing the week while I'm sitting at home.  

I also enjoy taking Kaylee and Gracie over to visit grandma Gloria and grandma Faye...the grandma's just loves to see the girls.

Tomorrow, I am planning on taking Kaylee over to Faribault to visit grandma Gloria.  Grandma Faye has some medical tests tomorrow so we won't be stopping to visit her this time.  My sister, Brenda is taking mom for her tests.

Nothing shapes your life more than the commitments you choose to make. Your commitments can develop you or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you.  What are you committed to?

Many are afraid to commit to anything and just drift through life. Others make halfhearted commitments to competing values, which leads to frustration and mediocrity. Others make a full commitment to worldly goals, such as becoming wealthy or famous, and end up disappointed and bitter. Every choice has eternal consequences, so you had better choose wisely. Peter warns,

Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living! - 2 Peter 3:11

Christlikeness is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on His Spirit to help you fulfill those choices. Once you decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, you must begin to act in new ways. You will need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way you think. You can be certain that the Holy Spirit will help you with these changes. The Bible says,

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. - Philippians 2:12-13

This verse shows the two parts of spiritual growth: “work out” and “work in.” The “work out” is your responsibility, and the “work in” is God’s role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit works with us, not just in us.

This verse, written to believers, is not about how to be saved, but how to grow. It does not say “work for” your salvation, because you can’t add anything to what Jesus already did. During a physical “workout,” you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body. When you “work out” a puzzle, you already have all the pieces - your task is to put them together. Farmers “work” the land, not to get land, but to develop what they already have. God has given you a new life; now you are responsible to develop it “with fear and trembling.” That means to take your spiritual growth seriously!

Christianity is not a religion or a philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle.

The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others, as Jesus did, instead of ourselves. The Bible says,

We should think of their good and try to help them by doing what pleases them. Even Christ did not try to please Himself. - Romans 15:2-3a

Thinking of others is the heart of Christlikeness and the best evidence of spiritual growth. This kind of thinking is unnatural, counter-cultural, rare, and difficult. Fortunately we have help:

God has given us his Spirit. That’s why we don’t think the same way that the people of this world think. - 1 Corinthians 2:12a

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Love my family and friends :-)

Today's Bible Study

Winning Your Battles through Prayer
By Dr. Charles Stanley

What would you do if someone began to push against you, attempting to throw you off a position that is rightfully yours? How would you respond? Most people would lean into the weight and push back. That's a posture of resistance. And as believers, we must know when it's time to lean with all our might against evil. But how?

Prayer is the believer's  great privilege and powerful weapon against Satan and his plans. The apostle Peter wrote, "Resist him, steadfast in the faith" (1 Peter 5:9). James echoed this teaching:

"Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:7-8).

Both of these godly men admonished believers to oppose evil. And we do that by persevering in prayer. On the surface, this form of resistance may appear to be passive. But in practice, it is always active, intentional, and powerful.

Resistance begins with a decision to join the struggle against evil through prayer, rather than retreat. Such godly opposition takes strength and courage. It also requires patience and perseverance.
Peter and James point to two key words at the heart of our ability to resist the devil through our prayers: faith in God and submission to His will.


Submission to God means acknowledging that we can't but He can. In our prayers, we might tell the Lord, "I can't defeat the Enemy on my own. But with You, I can." By taking this position, we join the apostle Paul in saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13).

James taught that submission occurs when we seek a closer relationship with God. As we spend time in His Word and His presence, we get to know the Lord better. We also discover how He wants us to overcome evil and experience blessing in our lives. By setting aside time solely to listen and wait upon the Lord for direction and guidance, we grow closer to Him. Periodically hiding ourselves away from all other influences and distractions is vital if we want to grow in knowledge of our God. The better we know Him, the more we see His power, experience His love, and grow in faith and wisdom.


Faith can be summed up in the statement "God, I believe You will." In our efforts to overcome the Evil One, we might pray this way: "I believe You will defeat the Enemy and cause him to flee from me as I resist him and put my trust in You." Again and again, David made this declaration of faith to the Lord: "O my God, I trust in You" (See Ps. 25:2, 31:6, 55:23, 56:3, 143:8).

We grow in faith by exercising it—trusting God in every circumstance and relationship. Over time, we develop a personal history with God as He demonstrates His faithfulness and loving care for us. The result is an ever-deepening relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, it's impossible to resist the Devil for long if you don't believe that Jesus Christ can and will thwart Satan's attempts to harm you. Remaining strong in faith requires total submission to God in all areas of your life—no exceptions. When you decide that you don't need God's help in one area, that's precisely where the Enemy will strike.

The good news is that God has given each of us a measure of faith to nurture within our hearts. And by His grace, we are capable of submitting to His will. In whatever you do, remember the words of James: "Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Looking forward to another great day....

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

Yesterday was so nice...highs were finally in the 60's...loving it :-). We need more beautiful weather to melt all the snow in the yard.

I am making changes in my life to see if I can get everything under control.  I don't want to start the iv infusions yet knowing that is my last resort.  

Part of moving on in our lives is accepting who we are and where we are right now. Don't live in the past or live in the in the now..

I have accepted the fact I have DM and Lupus.  I also believe in Healing :-)

I have accepted the fact that I will be wearing uv clothing, hats, gloves and uv make-up all year round. 

I have trouble accepting the fact that I swell when I go out for too long. :-). When I swell it becomes painful.

I love the sunshine and warm weather but it can affect me in a negative way.  So I am careful not overdo it.  

I still keep our curtains closed and rest when I can.  I started eating fruit and nut smoothies and raisin bran cereal with almond milk. I will slowly add new foods as I go...

I continue to work with a health coach...finding yoga moves and other things that will help me relax. 

I meditate and do bible study. :-). Sometimes all day long...

I found two games I enjoy to is the game my son Kris made, 3-D Maze and the other is Hay Day.  Both are easy and keeps my mind busy.

I have been trying to decide lately... what to do with my hair.  I may go back to city looks to see Trudy.  My scalp continues to itch constantly...the evening is the worst. Some days the medicine works, some days it doesn't.  I have been thinking about shaving my head so I can use the steroid cream but so far I'm only thinking about it.

I've been working 4 hours a week doing something I love to do...planning activities for the kids. It gives me something to do doing the week while I'm sitting at home.  

I also enjoy taking Kaylee and Gracie over to visit grandma Gloria and grandma Faye...the grandma's just loves to see the girls.

Tomorrow, I am planning on taking Kaylee over to Faribault to visit grandma Gloria.  Grandma Faye has some medical tests tomorrow so we won't be stopping to visit her this time.  My sister, Brenda is taking mom for her tests.

Nothing shapes your life more than the commitments you choose to make. Your commitments can develop you or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you.  What are you committed to?

Many are afraid to commit to anything and just drift through life. Others make halfhearted commitments to competing values, which leads to frustration and mediocrity. Others make a full commitment to worldly goals, such as becoming wealthy or famous, and end up disappointed and bitter. Every choice has eternal consequences, so you had better choose wisely. Peter warns,

Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living! - 2 Peter 3:11

Christlikeness is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on His Spirit to help you fulfill those choices. Once you decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, you must begin to act in new ways. You will need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way you think. You can be certain that the Holy Spirit will help you with these changes. The Bible says,

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. - Philippians 2:12-13

This verse shows the two parts of spiritual growth: “work out” and “work in.” The “work out” is your responsibility, and the “work in” is God’s role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit works with us, not just in us.

This verse, written to believers, is not about how to be saved, but how to grow. It does not say “work for” your salvation, because you can’t add anything to what Jesus already did. During a physical “workout,” you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body. When you “work out” a puzzle, you already have all the pieces - your task is to put them together. Farmers “work” the land, not to get land, but to develop what they already have. God has given you a new life; now you are responsible to develop it “with fear and trembling.” That means to take your spiritual growth seriously!

Christianity is not a religion or a philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle.

The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others, as Jesus did, instead of ourselves. The Bible says,

We should think of their good and try to help them by doing what pleases them. Even Christ did not try to please Himself. - Romans 15:2-3a

Thinking of others is the heart of Christlikeness and the best evidence of spiritual growth. This kind of thinking is unnatural, counter-cultural, rare, and difficult. Fortunately we have help:

God has given us his Spirit. That’s why we don’t think the same way that the people of this world think. - 1 Corinthians 2:12a

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Love my family and friends :-)

Today's Bible Study

Winning Your Battles through Prayer
By Dr. Charles Stanley

What would you do if someone began to push against you, attempting to throw you off a position that is rightfully yours? How would you respond? Most people would lean into the weight and push back. That's a posture of resistance. And as believers, we must know when it's time to lean with all our might against evil. But how?

Prayer is the believer's  great privilege and powerful weapon against Satan and his plans. The apostle Peter wrote, "Resist him, steadfast in the faith" (1 Peter 5:9). James echoed this teaching:

"Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:7-8).

Both of these godly men admonished believers to oppose evil. And we do that by persevering in prayer. On the surface, this form of resistance may appear to be passive. But in practice, it is always active, intentional, and powerful.

Resistance begins with a decision to join the struggle against evil through prayer, rather than retreat. Such godly opposition takes strength and courage. It also requires patience and perseverance.
Peter and James point to two key words at the heart of our ability to resist the devil through our prayers: faith in God and submission to His will.


Submission to God means acknowledging that we can't but He can. In our prayers, we might tell the Lord, "I can't defeat the Enemy on my own. But with You, I can." By taking this position, we join the apostle Paul in saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13).

James taught that submission occurs when we seek a closer relationship with God. As we spend time in His Word and His presence, we get to know the Lord better. We also discover how He wants us to overcome evil and experience blessing in our lives. By setting aside time solely to listen and wait upon the Lord for direction and guidance, we grow closer to Him. Periodically hiding ourselves away from all other influences and distractions is vital if we want to grow in knowledge of our God. The better we know Him, the more we see His power, experience His love, and grow in faith and wisdom.


Faith can be summed up in the statement "God, I believe You will." In our efforts to overcome the Evil One, we might pray this way: "I believe You will defeat the Enemy and cause him to flee from me as I resist him and put my trust in You." Again and again, David made this declaration of faith to the Lord: "O my God, I trust in You" (See Ps. 25:2, 31:6, 55:23, 56:3, 143:8).

We grow in faith by exercising it—trusting God in every circumstance and relationship. Over time, we develop a personal history with God as He demonstrates His faithfulness and loving care for us. The result is an ever-deepening relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, it's impossible to resist the Devil for long if you don't believe that Jesus Christ can and will thwart Satan's attempts to harm you. Remaining strong in faith requires total submission to God in all areas of your life—no exceptions. When you decide that you don't need God's help in one area, that's precisely where the Enemy will strike.

The good news is that God has given each of us a measure of faith to nurture within our hearts. And by His grace, we are capable of submitting to His will. In whatever you do, remember the words of James: "Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Looking forward to another great day....

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

Yesterday was so nice...highs were finally in the 60's...loving it :-). We need more beautiful weather to melt all the snow in the yard.

I am making changes in my life to see if I can get everything under control.  I don't want to start the iv infusions yet knowing that is my last resort.  

Part of moving on in our lives is accepting who we are and where we are right now. Don't live in the past or live in the in the now..

I have accepted the fact I have DM and Lupus.  I also believe in Healing :-)

I have accepted the fact that I will be wearing uv clothing, hats, gloves and uv make-up all year round. 

I have trouble accepting the fact that I swell when I go out for too long. :-). When I swell it becomes painful.

I love the sunshine and warm weather but it can affect me in a negative way.  So I am careful not overdo it.  

I still keep our curtains closed and rest when I can.  I started eating fruit and nut smoothies and raisin bran cereal with almond milk. I will slowly add new foods as I go...

I continue to work with a health coach...finding yoga moves and other things that will help me relax. 

I meditate and do bible study. :-). Sometimes all day long...

I found two games I enjoy to is the game my son Kris made, 3-D Maze and the other is Hay Day.  Both are easy and keeps my mind busy.

I have been trying to decide lately... what to do with my hair.  I may go back to city looks to see Trudy.  My scalp continues to itch constantly...the evening is the worst. Some days the medicine works, some days it doesn't.  I have been thinking about shaving my head so I can use the steroid cream but so far I'm only thinking about it.

I've been working 4 hours a week doing something I love to do...planning activities for the kids. It gives me something to do doing the week while I'm sitting at home.  

I also enjoy taking Kaylee and Gracie over to visit grandma Gloria and grandma Faye...the grandma's just loves to see the girls.

Tomorrow, I am planning on taking Kaylee over to Faribault to visit grandma Gloria.  Grandma Faye has some medical tests tomorrow so we won't be stopping to visit her this time.  My sister, Brenda is taking mom for her tests.

Nothing shapes your life more than the commitments you choose to make. Your commitments can develop you or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you.  What are you committed to?

Many are afraid to commit to anything and just drift through life. Others make halfhearted commitments to competing values, which leads to frustration and mediocrity. Others make a full commitment to worldly goals, such as becoming wealthy or famous, and end up disappointed and bitter. Every choice has eternal consequences, so you had better choose wisely. Peter warns,

Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living! - 2 Peter 3:11

Christlikeness is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on His Spirit to help you fulfill those choices. Once you decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, you must begin to act in new ways. You will need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way you think. You can be certain that the Holy Spirit will help you with these changes. The Bible says,

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. - Philippians 2:12-13

This verse shows the two parts of spiritual growth: “work out” and “work in.” The “work out” is your responsibility, and the “work in” is God’s role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit works with us, not just in us.

This verse, written to believers, is not about how to be saved, but how to grow. It does not say “work for” your salvation, because you can’t add anything to what Jesus already did. During a physical “workout,” you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body. When you “work out” a puzzle, you already have all the pieces - your task is to put them together. Farmers “work” the land, not to get land, but to develop what they already have. God has given you a new life; now you are responsible to develop it “with fear and trembling.” That means to take your spiritual growth seriously!

Christianity is not a religion or a philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle.

The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others, as Jesus did, instead of ourselves. The Bible says,

We should think of their good and try to help them by doing what pleases them. Even Christ did not try to please Himself. - Romans 15:2-3a

Thinking of others is the heart of Christlikeness and the best evidence of spiritual growth. This kind of thinking is unnatural, counter-cultural, rare, and difficult. Fortunately we have help:

God has given us his Spirit. That’s why we don’t think the same way that the people of this world think. - 1 Corinthians 2:12a

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Love my family and friends :-)

Today's Bible Study

Winning Your Battles through Prayer
By Dr. Charles Stanley

What would you do if someone began to push against you, attempting to throw you off a position that is rightfully yours? How would you respond? Most people would lean into the weight and push back. That's a posture of resistance. And as believers, we must know when it's time to lean with all our might against evil. But how?

Prayer is the believer's  great privilege and powerful weapon against Satan and his plans. The apostle Peter wrote, "Resist him, steadfast in the faith" (1 Peter 5:9). James echoed this teaching:

"Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:7-8).

Both of these godly men admonished believers to oppose evil. And we do that by persevering in prayer. On the surface, this form of resistance may appear to be passive. But in practice, it is always active, intentional, and powerful.

Resistance begins with a decision to join the struggle against evil through prayer, rather than retreat. Such godly opposition takes strength and courage. It also requires patience and perseverance.
Peter and James point to two key words at the heart of our ability to resist the devil through our prayers: faith in God and submission to His will.


Submission to God means acknowledging that we can't but He can. In our prayers, we might tell the Lord, "I can't defeat the Enemy on my own. But with You, I can." By taking this position, we join the apostle Paul in saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13).

James taught that submission occurs when we seek a closer relationship with God. As we spend time in His Word and His presence, we get to know the Lord better. We also discover how He wants us to overcome evil and experience blessing in our lives. By setting aside time solely to listen and wait upon the Lord for direction and guidance, we grow closer to Him. Periodically hiding ourselves away from all other influences and distractions is vital if we want to grow in knowledge of our God. The better we know Him, the more we see His power, experience His love, and grow in faith and wisdom.


Faith can be summed up in the statement "God, I believe You will." In our efforts to overcome the Evil One, we might pray this way: "I believe You will defeat the Enemy and cause him to flee from me as I resist him and put my trust in You." Again and again, David made this declaration of faith to the Lord: "O my God, I trust in You" (See Ps. 25:2, 31:6, 55:23, 56:3, 143:8).

We grow in faith by exercising it—trusting God in every circumstance and relationship. Over time, we develop a personal history with God as He demonstrates His faithfulness and loving care for us. The result is an ever-deepening relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, it's impossible to resist the Devil for long if you don't believe that Jesus Christ can and will thwart Satan's attempts to harm you. Remaining strong in faith requires total submission to God in all areas of your life—no exceptions. When you decide that you don't need God's help in one area, that's precisely where the Enemy will strike.

The good news is that God has given each of us a measure of faith to nurture within our hearts. And by His grace, we are capable of submitting to His will. In whatever you do, remember the words of James: "Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Looking forward to another great day....

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

All day yesterday I had trouble with pain and swelling and was up a lot overnight.  I took additional prednisone but it didn't help.  I also have the itchy skin and head...

I decided to start back at square one and only eat smoothies to start and add a few things at a time. :-(

I'm so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

How to Conquer Your Fears
By Charles Stanley
Read | Psalm 27:1-3

I’ve walked with the Lord for nearly seven decades. I have read the Bible cover to cover many times, preached thousands of sermons, and written pages upon pages of study material. But let me tell you something that may surprise you: In spite of all that, sometimes I’m afraid. And I imagine you are, on occasion, as well. After all, we live in a scary world!

Any of us can feel frightened by failure, ridicule, loneliness, or something else entirely. For me, one area of vulnerability relates to preaching. Sometimes, early in the week, I get a nagging feeling that I won’t have everything I need to deliver Sunday’s message, and the uneasiness persists throughout the week.

In response to that, I pray harder, study longer, and read my Bible more closely. I am driven to do absolutely everything I can to succeed whenever I stand to proclaim God’s Word. I decided long ago that I wouldn’t let apprehension stop me from doing what God calls me to do. However, before I take my stand against fear, I must first admit it is there. That’s the key to conquering feelings of trepidation.

There’s no shame in admitting you are fearful. In the Psalms, King David confesses several times that he is afraid (Ps. 34:4; 55:4-5). However, his confession is wrapped in prayer, acknowledging the Lord’s power over both his apprehension and his enemies.

That same power is available to you today. God wants to cast out the fear and doubt in your life. Go before Him right now and say, “Lord, this is what I am afraid of . . .”

Looking forward to another great day...

Friday, March 28, 2014

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You - For Esophagus Information

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You - Treatment foe Esophagus Issues

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

A Good and Spacious Land - Joel & Victoria Osteen

“So I have come down to rescue them...and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land...”
(Exodus 3:8, NIV)

Notice in today’s verse that God did not say He would bring His people into a small land; a little place, tight or crowded. No, receive this into your spirit: Just as God brought the children of Israel into a good and spacious land, so He will do the same for you! He wants to take you to the land of “more than enough,” a land of plenty of room flowing with increase, good breaks and opportunity. He wants you to live in a land where you not only have enough for yourself, but you’re so blessed that you can be a blessing to other people.

If you’re not in a good and spacious place today, the challenge is: don’t settle where you are. This is not your permanent address! It’s only temporary. Keep standing, keep believing, keep pressing forward and walk into the good and spacious land God has in store for you!

Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I trust that You are leading me into a new land, a spacious land filled with blessing and opportunity. I choose to stand and keep my eyes on You as You lead me forward in Your purposes in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Why worrying about health…is bad for your health - Faith Radio

Why worrying about health…is bad for your health

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

The choices I make today will greatly impact the life I live tomorrow.  
I have an important part to play in experiencing the abundant, overcoming, joy-filled life God has for me.

It doesn't matter what my circumstances/situation looks like.  It doesn't matter what mistakes I may have made in my past, It doesn't matter what I "feel" like at this moment.

The Word of God calls hope the "confident expectation of good" 2 Corinthians 1:7 

Even though I am struggling with many symptoms from DM and Lupus I know I have hope...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Maintaining a Quiet Spirit
By Charles Stanley
Read | Proverbs 26:4

When conflict arises, we frequently want to rush in and defend our position. Perhaps we even feel justified in blaming others. However, James 1:19 gives different advice for dealing with tension and disputes: "Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger." In other words, more can be accomplished through a calm approach to the situation. Scripture also suggests that we . . .

• Pray. First, we should ask the Lord to guard our mouth and give us the right words to say (Luke 12:12). Also, we ought to request discernment concerning the root issue, including insight as to whether we might be at fault.

• Aim to see with divine perspective. Our sovereign God works all situations for the believer's benefit (Rom. 8:28). He not only uses difficulties to teach us but also allows us to demonstrate the life of Christ by the way we respond.

• Forgive. Even if someone has hurt us by causing the conflict, we should forgive. Jesus died to pardon all of our sin, and we, in turn, should forgive others. In fact, if we don't, our lives will become burdened by resentment and broken relationships.

• Respond. If we've done something wrong, we should apologize and ask forgiveness. But if we're not in the wrong, we can still express appreciation that the other person took time to share his concern. Also, we should affirm that we will carefully consider his comments.

How do you respond to conflict? Pray for the strength to stay calm and do what is right, even during difficult, emotional situations.

Looking forward to another great day....

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Name your pain - Faith Radio

Name your pain

Increase in Unexpected Ways - Joel & Victoria Osteen

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
(2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV)

When the Israelites were in the desert, God fed them with manna from heaven. It was miraculous provision; yet, they got tired of eating the same thing every day. They said, “Moses, we want some meat to eat out here.”

Moses thought, “That’s impossible. Meat out here in the desert?” That’s steak for some two million people. There were no grocery stores, no place to buy food. But God has ways to increase you that you’ve never thought of. God simply shifted the direction of the wind and caused a huge flock of quail to come into the camp. The people didn’t even have to go after it. The food came to them. What’s interesting is that quail don’t normally travel that far away from the water. If there had not been a strong wind, the quail would have never made it way out there in the desert. What am I saying? God knows how to get your provision to you.

What do you need today? What are the desires of your heart? God’s grace is sufficient. He is able to make all grace abound so that in all times, you have everything you need. Trust Him to bring increase in unexpected ways!

Father, thank You for Your grace and provision. I trust that even when I can’t see how things will work out, You will bring increase in unexpected ways. Help me keep my eyes on You, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

It's interesting how everyday is so different, my symptoms.  These changes are brought on by the disease, what I eat, the exposure to uv or florescent lights and I believe stress.  There may be other triggers that I'm not aware of yet...

In the morning when I take the morning meds...once they kick in the symptoms decrease but every evening I start feeling the itching, low grade fever, swelling and pain return to some degree.  :-(  I so wish they could get this under control.  I've been reading stories about others with the disease...many are not doing very well... :-(

I will continue to hold on to the  positive in my situation and I will be thankful for all I can do and leave my situation in God's hands.  I may be hurting right now but I am going to bounce back...

I am thankful for family and friends...
Today's Bible Study

Responding to Conflict
By Charles Stanley
Read | Matthew 18:21-35

Conflict is part of life. It may originate from misunderstandings, a difference of opinion, or deep convictions. But oftentimes, discord stems from envy, pride, or hunger for power.

No one can control another person’s response to conflict; we’re accountable only for how we handle it. Sadly, many people have unhealthy reactions to disagreement. Some ignore the issue or pretend it doesn’t exist. Others place blame while defending themselves.

These negative responses often indicate one of three underlying scenarios. First, past hurts can leave a person emotionally insecure and unable to handle criticism. Second, a perfectionist sets such high benchmarks that he can never live up to his own standards—then it’s hard to acknowledge mistakes. Finally, pride makes it hard for some to admit when they’re wrong or to ask forgiveness.

Unless we respond correctly to conflict, we limit our potential to grow, because we aren’t learning what the Lord is teaching. Also, we can develop an unforgiving spirit, which leads to bitterness and resentment. Eventually, such an attitude can destroy relationships.

There is also a positive way to handle conflict. Luke 23:34 reveals how our Savior responded when He was wrongly accused, unfairly judged, and killed for something He didn’t do. Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

How do you deal with accusations and criticism? Forgiveness is the only response that will keep you from becoming a victim of bitterness.

Looking forward to another great day....

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

It's interesting how everyday is so different, my symptoms.  These changes are brought on by the disease, what I eat, the exposure to uv or florescent lights and I believe stress.  There may be other triggers that I'm not aware of yet...

In the morning when I take the morning meds...once they kick in the symptoms decrease but every evening I start feeling the itching, low grade fever, swelling and pain return to some degree.  :-(  I so wish they could get this under control.  I've been reading stories about others with the disease...many are not doing very well... :-(

I will continue to hold on to the  positive in my situation and I will be thankful for all I can do and leave my situation in God's hands.  I may be hurting right now but I am going to bounce back...

I am thankful for family and friends...
Today's Bible Study

Responding to Conflict
By Charles Stanley
Read | Matthew 18:21-35

Conflict is part of life. It may originate from misunderstandings, a difference of opinion, or deep convictions. But oftentimes, discord stems from envy, pride, or hunger for power.

No one can control another person’s response to conflict; we’re accountable only for how we handle it. Sadly, many people have unhealthy reactions to disagreement. Some ignore the issue or pretend it doesn’t exist. Others place blame while defending themselves.

These negative responses often indicate one of three underlying scenarios. First, past hurts can leave a person emotionally insecure and unable to handle criticism. Second, a perfectionist sets such high benchmarks that he can never live up to his own standards—then it’s hard to acknowledge mistakes. Finally, pride makes it hard for some to admit when they’re wrong or to ask forgiveness.

Unless we respond correctly to conflict, we limit our potential to grow, because we aren’t learning what the Lord is teaching. Also, we can develop an unforgiving spirit, which leads to bitterness and resentment. Eventually, such an attitude can destroy relationships.

There is also a positive way to handle conflict. Luke 23:34 reveals how our Savior responded when He was wrongly accused, unfairly judged, and killed for something He didn’t do. Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

How do you deal with accusations and criticism? Forgiveness is the only response that will keep you from becoming a victim of bitterness.

Looking forward to another great day....

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Dealing with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

This morning I woke up with swelling...this is again is my normal routine. :-(  Every morning is different but I do have some amount of swelling. I get up, take meds, now I'm making coffee, watching Joyce Meyers...working on the blog...

I saw an add in the weekly advertiser about healthy frozen foods.  This individual started her own business after her fight with cancer.  She will be sharing her story and her information about her food business on Sunday in Plainview.  I may go to see what she has to offer and to see if it can help me. :-)

Paul and I were talking about me just eating smoothies to see if I can keep the swelling under control that way.  I'll continue to try things until I can keep my swelling and other symptoms under control.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Dealing with Feelings of Guilt
By Charles Stanley
Read | Ephesians 2:1-10

Guilt can be like a poison working insidiously on the inside to create havoc in our thoughts and emotions. The antidote is to understand why we feel guilty and to know how to apply scriptural teachings on the subject.

Misunderstanding grace results in guilty feelings, which make us think that in order to be a “good” Christian, we must clean up our act ourselves. In contrast, the message of grace is this: At the cross, Jesus paid our sin debt in full and declared us righteous in His sight. We do not have to measure up; through Christ, we have been made acceptable exactly as we are.

Another thing that can make us feel guilty is confusion about confession and forgiveness. Some believers are concerned about hidden sins that they haven’t yet identified; others worry about whether they’ve confessed enough to be forgiven. It is true that 1 John 1:9 tells us to confess our wrongdoing, but doing so is not what makes us forgiven. It is what Jesus did at Calvary that provides forgiveness of all our sins.

Refusing to let go of the past can also produce guilty emotions, because some of us feel undeserving of forgiveness—knowing what sins we have committed can lead to an ongoing sense of shame. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that all our sins—past, present, and future—could be forgiven. This is part of the miracle of grace.

The truth of God’s Word frees us from the prison of false guilt and allows us to live life His way. Are you walking in freedom?

Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Susie Larson Clear past

Clear past

Chronic Illness can Cause Hardship

I was listening to the Christian station yesterday and they were talking to a woman who had stage  3 cancer...she wasn't able to buy food for herself because of the cost of her medication...she found a community outreach that provided meals 3 times a day and gave her groceries.  Medication and other medical experiences can cause hardship to those unable to work, those only working part-time...

This woman was workong full-time but had so many expenses that she wasn't able to keep up.

It's so said that those needing help can't get it but those not needing can :-(

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

According to His Riches - Joel & Victoria Osteen

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 4:19, NIV)

The Scripture says God will supply our needs “according to His riches.” So often we look at our situations and think, “I’ll never get ahead. I’m so far in debt, I’ll never get out.” No, His blessing is not according to what you have; it’s according to what He has. The good news is that God owns it all. One touch of God’s favor can blast you out of barely enough and put you into more than enough. God has ways to increase you beyond your normal income, beyond your salary, beyond what’s predictable.

Now quit telling yourself, “This is all I’ll ever have. I’ll never make it.” Let go of the past and choose to have an abundance mentality. Declare, “This is not where I’m staying. I’m blessed. I’m prosperous. I’m headed to overflow; I’m headed to the land of More Than Enough according to His riches in glory!”

Father, You are so good! Thank You for Your unconditional love and grace toward me. Thank You for being faithful even when I fall short. Today I choose to rise up and believe that You are blessing me according to Your riches in glory in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

NIHSeniorHealth: Eating Well As You Get Older - Benefits of Eating Well

NIHSeniorHealth: Eating Well As You Get Older - Benefits of Eating Well

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

I had a very nice day yesterday...thank you for all the Happy Birthday wishes. :-). They brightened my day!
Grant and Nolan, my grandsons, sent me pictures they drew. :-). I know where they are going...on my refrigerator. Kaylee spent the day with me in Faribault and when dropping Kaylee off I got to see Gracie.  Grandchildren are the icing on the cake. I love each one of them.

As I look back at my life, I can remember several situations that stand out.  These situations make me wonder if I had the DM or Lupus for many years before my diagnosis?  In 2012, when I was diagnosed my mind didn't work at all...I could not think.  It wasn't until I recieved treatment that it started to work alittle better...

These are the situations I am questioning...
* A few years back I hit my head several times on a tree that was on the path we walked all the time.  I would turn around and wack...hit it on the tree.  I noticed a indent(I guess you would call it that) on my forehead.  I asked Paul if he could feel it but he said he couldn't.  

* Around that same time when I hit my head...I had a flash behind my eyes that seemed like a short circuit(only way I can explain it)...I wondered at that time if it could be the start of Alzheimer's... Alzheimer's runs on both sides of my family.  I know the chances of me getting it is greater because of that.

Or could this be the trauma to my body that brought on the DM?  

* I remember a time right after the old Doanes Granery burned.  I went over to the new Grainery to collect a donation for the church dinner and my mind already went blank. ???? Why I don't know. ????? Was it because I was getting Alzheimer's or because of the DM/Lupus.  Who knows?? 

* Another time, I was at the Cenex gas station, it was right after I took my early retirement from school, one of my parents was across the counter from me and he was saying hi didn't mind was blank.  :-(  I didn't respond right away...

*  I had a situation with a renter at the bodies response was off...I addressed the situation but I had trouble getting all the words out correctly.  My body was shaking...this had never happened to me before...

*  One of the students from Kidz club ask me why my feet were blue...

So many years ago I had symptoms of the autoimmune disease but I didn't put all the pieces together until it was in full swing.  Again are all these a sign of the DM and Lupus or the Alzheimers?  

I have mentioned some of these situations in other blogs but these still remain on my mind...I wonder if knowing about these could help in a study or research?

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

When We Feel Guilty
By Charles Stanley
Read | Isaiah 43:10-11, 25

Many teachers find true-or-false questions to be a useful tool in determining what students know. Some people seem able to discern right away what is true. Others ponder the question at length and realize they are simply not certain what is the truth. How would you answer the following questions?

True or False? It is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to convict us of sin. The answer is TRUE (John 16:8). When we have sinned, God’s Spirit will cause us to have feelings of guilt, which convict us of what we’ve done wrong. He does this so that we will ask God’s forgiveness and be restored to a proper relationship with Him.

True or False? All guilty feelings are due to sin. The answer is FALSE. We can experience a sense of guilt for reasons other than our sin—for example, a wrong view of God. We feel guilty when we imagine the Lord is noticing our mistakes, pointing His finger at us, and pronouncing judgment. Other times we feel guilty and do not know why. Romans 8:1 proclaims the truth that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The Bible also teaches that the Spirit-filled life is designed to be one of joy and peace.

Spend this week getting to know God better through what the New Testament reveals about Him. Look at the love and compassion Jesus had for the crowds that followed Him (Matt. 14:14), the widow (Luke 7:13), the leper (Mark 1:40-42), and the tax collector (Matt. 9:9-12). Accept the truth that God loves you, and allow any false guilt to melt away.

Looking forward to another great day....

Monday, March 24, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

Today is my 52nd birthday.  I don't know what 52 is supposed to feel like but I am enjoying everyday.  I may struggle with swelling and pain and it may slow me down but it's not going to stop me. :-).

Today, Kaylee and I are planning on going to Faribault to take grandma Faye to a Dr appointment and to visit grandma Gloria. 

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

God Is at Work
By Charles Stanley
Read | John 5:15-19

Throughout the Bible, we observe God at work in people’s lives. Sometimes He acts in dramatic fashion, as when He parted the Red Sea to let the Israelites escape from the Egyptian army. At other times it may appear that He’s not taking any action. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that their brother needed His help, but Christ delayed before traveling to their home (John 11:3-6). In fact, He was preparing an even greater miracle.

The Holy Spirit helps us recognize God’s presence and handiwork. He does this by cultivating our ability to discern when and where the Lord is at work.

In addition to spiritual discernment, we must develop patience because God operates according to His timetable, not ours. Abraham was promised numerous descendants, but there was a long wait before his wife conceived—in fact, he and Sarah were beyond childbearing years. Impatience can cause us to take matters into our own hands and make mistakes.

The Lord’s efforts can bring delight, as was the case when Hannah became a mother (1 Sam. 1:27-2:1). His plan can also lead through painful times, which was Joseph’s experience. Before the Lord elevated him to a position of authority to help his family, Joseph was sold into slavery and unjustly imprisoned.

Jesus told the disciples that His Father was always at work and so was He. We will be encouraged and strengthened in our faith when we recognize the ways in which God is operating. These glimpses of His handiwork will motivate us to stay the course and help us maintain a godly perspective on life.

Looking forward to another great day...

Just Passing Through - Joel & Victoria Osteen

“...He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”
(Psalm 23:3, NIV)

Are you in the land of “Just Enough?” Your needs are supplied. You’re grateful, but there’s nothing extra, nothing to accomplish your dreams. God is saying, “I did not breathe My life into you to live in the land of Barely Enough. I didn’t create you to live in the land of Just Enough.” Those are seasons. Those are tests. They are not permanent. Don’t put your stakes down. You are just passing through! It is only temporary. God has a Promised Land for you. He has a place of abundance, of more than enough where it’s flowing with provision. Not just one time, but continual increase, a land flowing with plenty!

Now if you’re in the land of “Barely Enough,” don’t you dare settle there. That is where you are; it is not who you are. That is your location. That is not your identity. You are a child of the Most High God. No matter what it looks like, you have this abundant mentality. Keep reminding yourself, “God takes pleasure in prospering me. I am the head and never the tail, and God is leading me in the path of blessing in every area of my life!”

Father, thank You for leading along the right paths for my life. I trust that Your ways lead me to the land of abundance. I thank You for provision today and for abundance tomorrow in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Have another great day!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

This weekend was very busy...yesterday we went over to Rochester to pick up medicine for Paul, went out to eat at the Outback for Jason's birthday with Asa, Kris and Jason, our sons...
We stopped over to watch a movie with Kris and Asa then returned home to finish laundry.  I had a tough time walking up the stairs to get new sheets last night... :-(

Today, I went to FPC to work in the Nursery and Activity Room...I usually work for around 4 hours a week.  I picked up lunch and Kaylee.  Kaylee is taking a nap now so I am sitting down resting with my feet up.My back is hurting today and I continue to have some swelling and pain. 

Today, is JoAnnas, our daughter's birthday...we are going down to visit her in Oklahoma over the Memorial weekend... :-)

Yesterday on the way home from Rochester, Paul and I was listening to the Christian radio station and the host was telling a story about a heart surgeon.  The surgeon invited a paster to sit in to watch the surgery and he explained it as he preformed it.  He took the heart out repaired it, cleaned everything and put the heart back in.  He told the pastor that when he touches the heart it usually would start to pump again.  The surgeon touched it, it didn't start, touched it again and it didn't start...he went around whispered in the ear of the patient, "surgery is done you can start pumping your heart again now" and the heart started pumping again.  The host said this is like each one of us...we have had a broken heart, we protect ourselves from being hurt again so we don't venture out with confidence, we stay in our little circle to protect ourselves...God has healed our past, our brokeness.  God died on the cross for us, He wants us to use the brokeness to teach others about His love and His grace for our lives.  It's time to stop isolating ourselves from others and using our lives to teach those around us.  We all have had circumstances/situations in our lives that have broken us, beat us down or  brought us to our knees.
God wants our heart to beat again with the confidence of knowing God is our Hope, our Stregth, our Future...Trust Him :-)

I'm so thankful for family and friends...

Today's Bible Study

Gaining Courage in Tough Times
By Charles F. Stanley

When you face a hardship in life, is fear the first emotion you feel? It doesn’t have to be. We can respond in faith regardless of our circumstances. Remember, courage isn’t just an attitude of toughness or determination. It is a quality of mind and spirit that enables us to meet the challenges of life with peace.

Here are four important things to do when facing life's trials:

1. Be aware of God's presence.

The most important thing to realize through any hardship or temptation is that God is with you. While other people may desert you, the Lord never will.

Remember what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you” (John 14:16-17). Once we trust Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit will always be with us, no matter what.

2. Draw from God's strength.

Stressful circumstances can drain us emotionally, physically, and spiritually, thereby making us more vulnerable to satanic attacks. Another key to facing any difficulty with courage is to draw from the Lord’s strength.

As Jesus said, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to help us. The Spirit is third person of the Godhead, and He dwells within every born-again believer, providing divine power for living the Christian life.  Through Him we gain discernment and spiritual wisdom. He strengthens us physically and guides our emotions as we submit to His leading.

3. Yield to His purpose.

When Paul stood before the Roman tribunal to give his defense, he knew their authority amounted to nothing compared to the power of God. He also knew his suffering was for a specific purpose. The apostle said, “The Lord stood with me and strengthened me in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished and that all the Gentiles might hear” (2 Tim. 4:16-17, emphasis added).

Paul, knowing the Lord is always near, realized he could yield to the Father’s will. It wouldn’t be the tribunal’s decision whether or not to take his life; it would be God’s. Because Paul trusted the Lord’s plan, he was able to give one of the greatest defenses of the faith ever proclaimed. His suffering served a purpose—to share the message of the risen Savior with the Gentiles, and eventually the world.

We need to know our suffering is not in vain. God sometimes allows affliction in order to accomplish His purposes, which include demonstrating to the world His faithfulness through our lives. Hardship gives us the chance to say, “Let me tell you about the Lord. He is the source of my strength, faith, perseverance, and endurance. He’s the One enabling me to go through this.”

4. Meditate on His Word.

There is one other thing that can keep our spirits up during difficult times—God’s Word. Paul specifically asked Timothy to bring his books and parchments when he was on trial in Rome (2 Tim. 4:13). While nobody knows for certain, those books were possibly early writings of the gospel (or some portion of it) and the parchments referred to Hebrew Scripture.

In spite of the sermons Paul preached, the churches he established, and the profound knowledge he had, he was just as normal as any of us. He needed the living Word of God to remind him of the truth and provide encouragement. When we encounter hardships in life, reading Scripture on a daily basis protects our hearts and minds.

Our Choice

No one chooses to go through times of pain and sorrow in life. But we can choose our response. We can decide to pray, “Father, thank You for never leaving me—and for strengthening me now. Please use me, whatever it takes, to accomplish Your purposes. And Lord, as I meditate upon Your Word, nourish my soul with the truth, and see me through this hard time.”

Friend, if you'll remember to do these four things, you'll be filled with the courage to walk through any trial and be victorious in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

What a beautiful day yesterday, highs hit in the upper 40's.  Love this nicer weather. 

Yesterday I posted that things were doing better and then last night at around 5:00pm I started itching, swelling and hurting.  :-(

I woke up to pain and swelling.  My eyes again are puffy and draining.  Took my morning meds waiting for them to kick in.  

What a journey...

I go in for my blood work up and the Dr appointment on the 29th of April.  It looks like I will be doing the iv infusion.  The combination of the medication I'm taking right now doesn't seem to be working.  :-). 

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Resting in God’s Faithfulness
Charles Stanley
Read | 1 Corinthians 1:4-9

When plans are frustrated or life just seems to fall apart in some way, it’s not uncommon for people to wonder, Has God deserted me? Why hasn’t He answered my prayers? Deuteronomy 7:9 offers encouragement with assurance of the Father’s faithfulness: “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”

Five attributes of God make this possible. First, He knows everything, including our needs, thoughts, frailties, and desires—past, present, and future. Next, the Lord is all-powerful, so nothing is too hard for Him (Jer. 32:17). Then, He exists everywhere at once and is never beyond reach.

In addition, our heavenly Father cannot lie. Everything that He says is true and 100 percent reliable.

Lastly, God is unchanging. The world around us and our circumstances seem to be in a constant state of flux. And the Lord may even modify the way He chooses to interact with mankind in different generations. But His character is always the same. So when Scripture tells us that God is faithful, we can rest confidently upon that promise.

Circumstances often prove painful. But even when situations seem overwhelming, believers can trust that our sovereign Lord knows all, is in control, and lovingly works everything for His children’s good. We can rest confidently, knowing that the unchanging God of all creation is taking care of us.

Looking forward to another great day....

Friday, March 21, 2014

I Make This My Motto

I Make This My Motto...
I am an unstoppable warrior who is strong and fearless.  I live with courage and compassion in my heart.  I wear my confidence like a shield to deflect all negativity.  I am powerful and proud of who I am and what I do.  I wake up each day positive and ready to take on the day ahead because I am on a mission to achieve my goals and nothing and no one can stop me.

by build your confidence

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

I'm doing better today, less swelling and pain :-). Hopefully things are turning around for me...

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

A Man Worthy of Our Hope
Charles Stanley
Read | 1 Peter 1:3-5

Christ’s resurrection is not open for theological debate. There are many people who think it’s sufficient to believe that Jesus lived and died. However, the Savior’s restoration to life is central to what He claimed about His identity and to Christianity as a faith. Picking up on our question from yesterday’s devotion, we must ask what kind of man is this who rose from the dead?

The answer is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for our sins and rose again because death had no power over Him. The resurrection validated Jesus’ entire ministry. All along, He said and did things to reveal that He was Lord. When the Lamb of God—the perfect sacrifice for sin—conquered death, He confirmed His identity. Who but the Creator could return to life?

We could also answer the question by saying that the kind of man who returns from the dead is one worthy of our hope. Since Jesus Christ affirmed God’s power to give His followers eternal life, their earthly existence is not marching toward an end; rather, it is the opening chapter of a beautiful and infinite relationship with God. The apostle Paul said that at death, Christians are absent from the body and present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8). So the best is yet to come!

Apart from Jesus’ resurrection, there is no hope. People who chase after their own version of immortality don’t have assurance of life after death, because there is none. Believers, however, face the end of earthly life with the confidence that nothing can separate them from the love of God. Death is just a short trip home.

Looking forward to another great day...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

He Delights in Your Prosperity - Joel & Victoria Osteen

“...let them say continually, ‘Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.’ ”
(Psalm 35:27, NKJV)

God desires that you be blessed and prosperous. He desires that you be so blessed that you can turn around and be a blessing everywhere you go! He wants you to have so much peace, so much joy, so much victory that when other people get around you, it spills over onto them!

Don’t let yourself have a barely-get-by mentality. Jesus came so that you can live an abundant life! That means an abundance of joy, an abundance of peace, an abundance of health, an abundance of finances. You may not see it right now, and maybe you haven’t experienced it in the past, but don’t get complacent and just settle for where you are. Get a vision for your future! Get a vision for increase! Get a vision for abundance!” God delights to see you prosperous and successful. When you choose to think God’s thoughts and choose God’s way, you’ll see that increase and victory in every area of your life!

Father, thank You for delighting to see me prosper. Thank You for the blessings You have given me and those You have in store for me. Help me to develop a vision for Your abundant life so that I can be a blessing everywhere I go in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

I continue to record my daily symptoms, my activity and what I eat...hoping to get rid of anything that may be contributing to my symptoms. 

Yesterday, I was in a lot of pain and my symptoms kicked in big time.  My head and body were itchy, I was swollen and I was again extremely sore so I took additional prednisone for relief. :-(  it helped :-).

This week I decided not to run over to Faribault to visit grandmas.  I'm trying to take things alittle slower.  I go over on Monday to take my mom, grandma Faye, to a Dr consult.  I will bring Gracie over and visit grandma Gloria at this time also. 

So thankful for family and friends...

Today's Bible Study

A Man Worthy of Our Praise
By Charles Stanley
Read | Matthew 8:23-27

In today’s reading from Matthew 8, the men who traveled with Jesus on a stormy night asked something that ought to make us sit up and take notice: “What kind of a man is this . . . ?” (v. 27). We would do well to ponder that same question. Then we’ll begin to see the big picture of who Jesus is.

The Lord and His disciples were making their way across the Sea of Galilee to the region of the Gadarenes. Then a powerful storm hit—imagine a violent wind causing such turbulence that waves were covering the deck of their wooden boat (v. 24). Even the experienced seamen on board were certain that their death was imminent.

But Jesus was sleeping. He was resting quietly during a storm so frightening that the writer chose the Greek word seismos to describe it. (Our phrase “seismic activity,” which is used of earthquakes, comes from the same root.) What kind of man is this who can sleep while the boat heaves and pitches? The answer is, the One who created the seas and knows how a storm brews and what energy causes a wave to stay in motion. That’s the kind of man—a divine Being cloaked in humanity, who rebuked the winds and sea so that they became perfectly calm.

Scripture indicates that both the air and the water were instantly stilled. Such is the power of Jesus, the Creator and Lord over the universe. All the Bible stories about Him add to the big picture that He is the only man worthy of glory, honor, and praise (Dan. 7:13-14; Rev. 5:12).

Looking forward to another great day...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chronic Pain - MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You

Your Cup Runs Over - Joel & Victoria Osteen

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
(Psalm 23:5 NIV)

God’s dream for your life is that you would be blessed in such a way that you could be a blessing to others. David said, “My cup runs over.” God is an overflow God. But here’s the key: you can’t go around thinking thoughts of lack, not enough, or struggle and expect to have abundance. If you’ve been under pressure for a long time and have difficulty making ends meet, it’s easy to develop a limited mindset. “I’ll never get out of this neighborhood.” Or, “I’ll never have enough to send my kids to college.” No, that may be where you are now, but that’s not where you have to stay. God is called El Shaddai, the God of More than Enough! Not the God of Barely Enough. Not the God of Just Help Me Make it Through. No, He’s the God of Overflow!

Today, no matter what you may be experiencing, stir yourself up in faith and declare who God is in your life. Declare that He is well able; declare that He is more than enough! Declare that your cup runs over with the blessing and victory He has prepared for you!

Father, thank You for Your grace, favor and mercy to me. I know that You are preparing a place of blessing for me. I know that my cup runs over, and as I press into You, I will walk in Your blessing in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

Well, my first day of recording everything went good.  
I spent my day at home, taking it easy...I wasn't out in the uv light.  I spent a lot of time sitting on the couch. :-(

I ate my regular breakfast which included a banana and raison bran cereal.  For lunch I ate raison bran cereal and for supper I had pork and carrots...I treated myself after supper with some cheetos...
I was told this was one of the treats I could eat... :-)

I had coffee in the morning and then
throughout the day I drank hot water with cinnamon sticks to flavor.  Trying to drink a lot of water. 

I was hurting a lot yesterday but
last night at bedtime I was in extreme pain...I had to leave the bed covers off because it hurt when they touched my right side. :-(

When I got up this morning I was still hurting...took my medication and now I'm waiting to see how today goes... :-)

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Jesus Christ, the Son of God
By Charles Stanley
Read | John 20:30-31

In today's verses, John wants us to know that "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God" (v. 31). But why is it so important that we believe He is God's Son?

The most obvious reason is because our salvation, and therefore our eternal destiny, depends upon our faith in this truth. But after salvation, Christ's divine identity should continue to affect us.

For one thing, knowing the Son leads to a deeper understanding of the Father. Since Jesus is both God and man, He is uniquely qualified to provide us with such insight. As we study His life, the aspects of God's character and ways that are difficult for our human minds to grasp come to life through Christ's teaching and example.

He also shows us who we can become. The Lord is committed to transforming each of His followers into the likeness of His Son. Though we won't reach perfection in this life or ever attain Christ's divine attributes, His character can be worked out in us as we yield to the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our example for godly attitudes, words, and actions.

Another way Christ affects us is by inspiring our gratitude. He left the glories of heaven in order to become our Savior, and when we recognize that sacrifice, we are filled with thankfulness and praise.

Let Jesus motivate you to live in purity. He abides within every believer through His indwelling Holy Spirit. That means selfish and sinful thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions have no place in our lives. Be mindful that He is always with you, and let Him direct your choices and purify your life.

Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Year of Abundance - Joel & Victoria Osteen

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.' "
(Jeremiah 29:11, NLT)

What are you planning for this year? Are you planning this year according to the news reports, or are you planning this year according to the Word of God? It's good to be informed about what's happening in the world, but remember, God is not limited by what we see in the natural. You may be planning to have an ordinary year, but God is planning for you to have an extraordinary year. You may be planning on just barely getting by, but God is planning on a year of abundance for you.

God wants to do supernatural things in your life this year! He wants you to be an example of His goodness. Start declaring that this year is going to be your best year yet. Start declaring that this is the year you will see your dreams come to pass. Start declaring that this year will be your year of abundance!

Father, thank You for the good plan You have for me. I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I lift up my eyes from the natural realm into the spiritual realm. Help me see the blessing and abundance You have in store for me in Jesus' name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen