Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Write a Good Book

Tomorrow is a new day, make the most of it...

Encouragement for Today

"No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded."

John 10:18

Encouragement for Today

Jesus emphasizes how completely voluntary his sacrifice is. No one can take his life (despite how things would appear later). He knew he had the right to lay it down and the power to take it up. He did it to please his Father, who sent him for this purpose. He leans on this sense of purpose and his desire to please the Father. It's what gives him the strength to go through with his terrible sacrifice on the cross. What difficult things might you get through by leaning on a sense of purpose and a desire to please God?

—Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled

Get Ready - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   
Get Ready!
"Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them - to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set foot, as I promised Moses... as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous..."           Joshua 1:2-3, 5-6
Now then, get ready! The new year spreads out before you like uncharted territory. Just flip to the pages of next year's calendar and look at all the empty blocks of days. Tonight at midnight, you'll cross over into something new, like crossing the Jordan River. Tonight is a river of no return. Sounds a little like Canaan-land, wouldn't you say? We could paraphrase today's verse, "Get ready to cross into the new year which I am about to give to you." And listen to the next line, "I will give you every place where you set foot!"
Got that? God is about to give you the next twelve months. He will give you every place you set foot (God doesn't present opportunities only to snatch them away). Thing is, you must step into them. God-blessed opportunities do not become yours until you take them. The land of Canaan was promised to the Israelites, but they had to step out and claim the ground.
God has great things in store for you during the coming year. He will open doors and clear paths. He will nudge you, this way and that. "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left" (Isaiah 30:21 KJV). Wherever God leads, whatever opportunities He places in your path... step into them.
We look at the new year as "the future." God looks at it as "the past." This is why we can have confidence about the coming months -- God's already been there! And so, friend, Happy New Year!
Thank You for all that you did this year... and all You will do in the next. I'm ready to step out into every God-blessed opportunity You give.

Joni and Friends

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning! 
I'm starting back on the exercise machine again.  I've been out of the routine for awhile.  I've stopped it after I got the sores on my face and Drs thought it was shingles.  I was frustrated...

In February, I am starting a physical and mental therapy program.  Hopefully I can get this weight back down, my muscles strength back and my mind back.  I've got clothes for all sizes now...so whatever weight I'm at, I'm covered. :-).

I've been working a very part-time(4 to 5 hours a week) job with FPC as their Childcare/Nursery School Ministry Supervisor/Coordinator and I enjoy doing it...
I am also thinking about volunteering at a local abuse center organization...this will give me an opportunity to help others and get out when I'm feeling up to it...
I will be watching Gracie for her first year, when Christine is at work also. 
I'm trying to stay active as long as I can. 

So very thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

What God Wants You to Know
Read | Romans 8:14-17

The Lord “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). In other words, God would like all of humanity to accept Christ as Savior. Today we will explore certain truths that the Father longs for His children to know.

• Salvation. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict us of our sinfulness and bring us to the knowledge that Jesus Christ died for our sin. When we receive the Lord as our personal Savior, we are reconciled to God and accorded full fellowship with Him. This happens the moment salvation occurs. Our sin debt is paid in full so we are free from guilt. Also, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for eternity and set apart for God’s service.

• Identity. What is our identity in the Lord? Believers are children of God. The Bible calls us “joint heirs with Christ”—in other words, we share in the wealth of the Lord Jesus. Also, we have been transformed from sinners into saints. We may not always act saintly, but a true saint is someone who has been saved and set apart for the purposes of God.

• Position. Jesus Christ is always present to guide and provide for the believer. Through Him, we have instantaneous access to God the Father.

• Mission. Our primary mission in life is to demonstrate Christ to the world. Believers should live in such a way that others see the life of Jesus within us. And because we understand the wonder of our salvation, our identity in Christ, and our position to the Father, we share about the Savior with other people. God wants everyone to know the truth.

Looking forward to another great day...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  Beautiful from the inside...
Brrr. The temperature is -15 right now. It's so cold... I'm looking forward to warmer weather, real soon...

Yesterday, I walked around a store looking for additional gifts for grandma Gloria. Erik, Christine, Kaylee, Gracie and I are running over to Faribault to visit grandma. This will be grandma Gloria's first time to meet Gracie.  I'm looking forward to the look on her face...

I continue to have an itching scalp, legs and arms.  The itch for my legs and arms are from the inside not the typical itch that we normally think of.  

I am trusting God to restore my health...

Paul is still trying to fight the cold/flu bug. His plans are to stay around the house until he can get rid of this crud. Hopefully it's before we go see Joanna.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Putting Off Procrastination
Read | Acts 24:24-27

Some people like to say that they are “born procrastinators.” According to Scripture, that is impossible for believers. Procrastination can be a form of bondage in a person’s life, and the Lord, who wants the best for His followers, didn’t design us to be enslaved.

Procrastination has several common causes. The first is an attempt to dodge discomfort. Many people put off taking action because they feel uncomfortable or anxious about the ramifications. In today’s passage, Felix sends Paul away, fearing the apostle’s talk about righteousness, self-control, and judgment.

This can show up in our spiritual life— we sometimes delay Bible reading and meditating because we are afraid God will bring to the surface a matter we need to confront. Then, if such a subject comes up, we often choose to procrastinate about dealing with it. Issues like pride, self-control, or guilt may not be comfortable to face, but dodging them obstructs God’s purpose in our life.

The second cause for putting things off is self-doubt. Those who consider themselves inadequate to complete a task may choose not to begin it. Related to this is another factor: fear of making a mistake or failing in an endeavor can make postponement seem preferable.

Procrastination is no laughing matter, particularly in the spiritual realm since delaying on an assignment from God is the same as disobeying Him. Are you prone to delay? Identify problem areas and the feelings that accompany them. Then confess your tendency, and rely on God’s strength to overcome 

 Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  The wind is strong and the air is cold this morning.  Brrrrrrrr

I left this morning at 7am to get to FPC to find out they are only holding am 11am service.  When I was walking around the church to find a door that was unlocked...I was out of breath and weak.  No door was unlocked...
So I'm taking this time to walk and build some strength, hopefully, and walk off some of the weight I've gained over Christmas...then I'll run back over to FPC.

Paul isn't feeling very well, again.  He's been catching a lot of crud this year, not sure why???  Hopefully he can get over this cold/flu quickly.  He got his blood drawn two weeks back but we haven't heard of any changes...
I'm hoping I don't get anything...I've already had my share of crud also.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

A Vision for Believers
By Dr. Charles Stanley

People often have bright aspirations for their lives. Some aim for a high-powered career or financial success. Others dream about making close friendships or impacting the world.

But no matter what our personal goals may be, the Lord has cast a vision for all of His children. It is known as the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

What does it mean, to “make disciples”? Some Christians think this refers to adding new church members and growing the size of the congregation. But God is not interested in numbers or external appearances; He’s concerned about genuine heart change. So He commissions His followers to lead others, first to saving faith in Jesus Christ and then to the next step—baptism—as a public declaration of their trust in the Savior.

Once Jesus shared these objectives, most of the disciples spent the rest of their days fulfilling them. In fact, almost every one gave his life to accomplish them.

This command has not changed. God still expects us, His children, to share the good news of the gospel, to teach people how to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to baptize those who are saved.

Are you living with God’s purpose as your guide? Ask Him for opportunities and the courage to share His message of hope and love.

Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

Last night we went out to eat at the new steak house in Rochester by Walmart North, the Texas Roadhouse,  It was crowded but it really had good food.  Our wait time for a table was around an hour and a half.
The grandkids were having such a good time last night that we didn't put them to bed until almost 11pm.  Not sure how long they will sleep in...

Today, the kids, grandkids and Molly are heading back home to Oklahoma.  So sad! 
We going their way on January 5th to celebrate Christmas with Joanna.
I bet there weather will be a tad bit warmer.  As I get older the less I like winter...

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

When God Is Silent
Read | John 11:1-6

As Lazarus was dying, his sisters urgently called for Jesus to come. Imagine how their grief must have compounded when He didn’t instantly respond to their request.

God’s silence is difficult to accept. We want Him to leap into action at our call, particularly if we are hurting or afraid. But since He promises to meet our needs, we can be sure that a silence from heaven has purpose.

• Silence grabs our attention. The disciples knew that Jesus could heal, so they must have wondered why He delayed instead of rushing to His friend’s bedside. But the Lord wanted them to witness something even greater: His power over death. They had been confused by His statements about conquering death, and they needed to understand that He could fulfill His own resurrection prophecies (Mark 9:31-32). The miracle at Lazarus’s tomb was part of their preparation.

• Silence teaches us to trust. Mary and Martha sent word of Lazarus’s illness because they anticipated the Lord would heal him. But if that expectation was not met, would their faith waver? Martha answered the question by stating that she believed Jesus was “the Christ, the Son of God” (John 11:21-27). The women’s trust was rewarded with a stunning miracle: their brother’s return to life.

At times, the only thing we can hear when we pray is our own breathing. That can be frustrating and frightening. But Scripture says God is always with us, and His silence won’t last forever (Ps. 38:15; Heb. 13:5). Cling to those promises as you seek the purpose behind His silence.

Looking forward to another great day...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Inward Pain - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional  

Inward Pain

"A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?"      
Proverbs 18:14
Which pain is worse, emotional or physical? Like you, I've faced both kinds: crushing physical pain with no position in which I can get comfortable; crushing heartache in which my head spins with grief, and I can't stop the tears.
Physical pain is curious. You can almost distract yourself from it. Sometimes you can push physical pain right out of your thoughts by crowding your time and attention with other things. Even in a wheelchair, I've devised clever ways to forget about my paralysis.
Ah, but inside suffering, that's another matter. You can't put mental anguish or heartache behind you. Those hurts create an emptiness that refuses to be pushed or crowded out of your thoughts. It bites. Gnaws. Grinds away at your sanity.
You've felt that way. Your heart has been stomped on; your feelings have been trampled. A slandered reputation... a love relationship spurned... painful memories of abuse. Yes, I'm convinced emotional pain is much worse than physical pain. But I'm also convinced it does something to our heart that physical pain often can't. Inner anguish melts the heart, making our souls pliable and bendable. Because we can't drive it from our thoughts, it forces us to embrace Him out of desperate, urgent need.
Think about the ways in which God says He will take care of inner anguish. He proclaims He holds you in the palm of His hand; He hides you in the cleft of His rock; He carries you in His bosom. He sustains you with His grace; He sets your feet on a high place; He shelters you underneath His wings. God is never closer than when your heart is aching. Read the Psalms until you find one that reminds you of God's presence in your anguish.
Praise be to You, the Father of all compassion and the God of all comfort. You heal our hearts; You are the prescription for pain. I come to You today with my urgent need. Thank You that You've promised You will be there to catch me.

Joni and Friends

Your Health is Everything

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

I was swollen and in pain again last night.  Throbbing pain...I didn't go anywhere yesterday so I don't think it was the exposure to light, unless it Is inside lighting???? That's possible or is it because of something I ate???  It would be so much easier to manage the DM and Lupus if I could only understand what causes my swelling????  This morning again I wait for my medication to kick in to get relief from the pain.

The kids and grandkids are here from Oklahoma.  Yesterday, Nolan was enjoying the warming trend, we are experiencing.  He was playing outside, making a snowman and sledding.  Grant went shopping with his mom.

Tomorrow I am planning on running over to Faribault to visit grandma Gloria...
I started heading over on Christmas Day but turned around because of the roads...
I also have a few errands to run...I need to exchange some items for a friend and pick up Paul and my medication.  Never a dull moment...

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

God's Emphasis on Jesus
Read | Colossians 3:1-4

The idea of eternity is a hard one to grasp. Though it is difficult to wrap the human mind around the concept of endlessness, God wants His children to live with an eternal perspective. So throughout Scripture, He stresses Christ’s second coming to help us think about our life in those terms.

Realizing that Jesus could return at any time keeps the church’s focus right. Paul reminds us to set our minds on heavenly things rather than on the things of earth (Col. 3:2). Though we live in the material world, we’re to consider long-term impact when deciding where to spend our time, money, and energy.

One critically important decision for us involves obeying God’s call to evangelize. Every believer has a personal responsibility to share the gospel with people in his or her sphere of influence (Matt. 28:19). The goal of the church, as well as individual believers, must be to take along as many as possible into eternity. But for that to happen, believers need to get busy sharing the good news before Jesus returns. People won’t come to Christ unless they’ve heard the story of His grace, mercy, and redemption.

The Word of God emphasizes Jesus’return so that believers will live with an eternal mindset. Christ can come back at any time, and when He does, those who have trusted Him as Savior will experience uninterrupted, never-ending life in His presence. In preparation for that day, we must live now with our feet on the ground, our hands busy for God, and our spiritual eyes watching for the Savior’s arrival.

Looking forward to another great day....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  

Everything happens for a reason and that (at a minimum), if we can accept life’s challenges with grace, courage, openness and faith, we become an example of those qualities to those who are watching.  My greatest wish is to bring hope to others and to show others how rich their own lives truly are.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Promise of Christ's Return
Read | John 14:1-3

The return of Jesus Christ—a vital part of God’s redemptive plan for humanity—was foretold by prophets, affirmed by angels, and discussed by Jesus and Paul. In fact, more Old Testament passages are devoted to Christ’s second coming than to His first. And in the New Testament, the Lord mentions His return more often than His death.

The second coming of Christ will be the Devil’s final defeat. God prophesied Satan’s end when He told the serpent, “He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel”(Gen. 3:15). Satan appeared to have won a tremendous victory when Jesus was crucified. But the Resurrection dealt the Enemy a lethal blow by proving Golgotha to be but a “bruised heel.” Christ’s return will seal the Devil’s fate because God has promised to remake the earth. When He is finished, we’ll live in a world as perfect as the Lord intended before Adam and Eve tainted Eden with sin.

The Father wants us excited and hopeful about Jesus’ return because that event is the culmination of His plan for humanity. Many centuries of Christians spreading the gospel are leading to the moment when all who choose to serve God will be gathered together on a new earth. To keep our hope alive, He has told us what to expect.

Although we don’t know the day or hour of the second coming, Jesus Christ’s final biblical prophecy reminds us to live and evangelize with a sense of urgency: “Yes, I am coming quickly” (Rev. 22:20).

If we are saved and serving, we can say with John, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

 Looking forward to another great day...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve with Family and Friends

Beautiful time with Family and Friends

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Merry Christmas to all...I wish you and yours abundance of great joy, peace and good health...

Last night we had a lot of good food, great company and I enjoyed watching everyone open their presents. I am truly blessed with a beautiful family...

We had some snow overnight..it started around 4:30pm continued through the evening hours. We are expecting more this morning.  I'll see what the weather is doing today before heading over to Faribault to eat with Grandma Gloria.

I was swollen and in pain last night and again this morning.  No relief overnight.
Throbbing pain...
I'm waiting to see if my morning meds will give me the relief I need...

I am so happy for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Shepherds' Obedience
Read | Luke 2:8-20

Since the Savior’s birth was the greatest news of all time, shouldn’t God have announced it to important people like kings and nobles? Instead, He sent His angel make the announcement to insignificant shepherds. They were absolutely awed by what they heard and witnessed—the long-awaited Messiah had finally arrived. Though their message probably seemed strange to others and could have resulted in ridicule, they wanted everyone to hear the good news.

We must become bold like those shepherds. It’s our job to take the gospel to people who haven’t heard, but many believers lack the courage to share their faith. At times we don’t feel knowledgeable enough, and yet we understand far more than the shepherds did. They had this one experience with angels, but we have the written Word of God available anytime we choose to open it. Don’t let the fear of rejection, embarrassment, or inadequacy keep you from sharing the only message that can change someone’s eternal destiny.

Today you probably won’t get a message from an angel, but through Scripture or by an inaudible “whisper,” God still speaks to those who are humbly listening. The real issue is what we do after hearing from Him.

The shepherds left immediately to find the newborn Messiah—just think what they’d have missed had they refused to leave their sheep! Are you quick to obey God’s instructions? By hesitating, you could miss great opportunities. Ready obedience is the key to experiencing the Lord’s plans for you.

Looking forward to another great day!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

All I Want For Christmas

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

Wishing all my Family and Friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

An Intimate Look at the Birth of Jesus

Read | Luke 2:1-7

Every year around Christmastime, we read the account of Jesus’ birth, but perhaps we’ve let the familiarity of the story dull our concentration. More often than not, we skim over the well-known verses, telling ourselves we already understand all there is to know about the story. But without a deeper, more intimate look at our Savior’s birth, we’ll miss some of the truths the Lord wants us to learn and apply to our lives.

From a human perspective, there was nothing special about this scene. Mary and Joseph were just an ordinary couple having a baby. Because poor people were so common, even the lowly setting of a stable as a birthplace was no big deal. Yet this was the most significant event in human history. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, that baby was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy—the Creator and sovereign Ruler of the universe became Immanuel, God with us (Matt. 1: 23). The Son of God and Savior of the world was lying in a cattle feeder!

Who could ever have imagined God’s plan—to send His Son into the world as a baby who would grow up in an ordinary family? It’s such an unimpressive way for the Messiah to make His entrance. The lesson is that we can’t judge a situation on the basis of appearance.

Likewise, events that seem ordinary in our lives may be occasions when God is doing something awesome. Since He works continually to achieve His will, every event and choice in our lives has significance. We just need the eyes to see beneath the surface and the faith to believe that He’s working.

Looking forward to another great day!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  

Yesterday, I was talking about coming to grips with DM and Lupus.  The most difficult part of the disease is having the flares and not being able to go outside.  Unfortunately I've been having fares often.        

So often we ask God, Why?...we need to understand where this path is leading and why this happened to us??  What did I do to deserve this?? I want a time out!

But really, I know God is with me through the long haul...I need to do my part on this journey...I need to step up and accept my responsibility... I have it and I don't want to screw it up.  I'm not sure why I've been put on this path but I am giving this back to God to help me along this journey.  

No matter what unjust thing has happened in my life, God will make it up to me.  I have seen it so many times before.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Jesus Christ, Our Messiah
Read | Luke 4:16-21

Jesus didn’t go around flaunting His power or greatness. Since He had come to do the Father’s will (John 6:38), redeeming the lost was His priority and purpose. However, the Lord didn’t hide His identity from the world either. When necessary, Jesus clearly identified Himself as the Messiah.

One of Jesus’ most beautiful sermons was given to an audience of one—a woman drawing water from a Samaritan well. After listening to Jesus’ teaching on living water and His prophecies of a change in the way people worshipped God, the woman mentioned the promised Messiah. The Lord replied, “I who speak to you am He” (John 4:26). Her response was to gather as many townsfolk as she could find to listen to this man who knew her life story and offered love and redemption anyway.

When the time came for Jesus to reveal His identity to the priests and religious leaders, He did so by reading the prophecy of Isaiah 61 and then claiming to be its fulfillment (Luke 4:18-21). He announced that He was the One who would preach the gospel to the poor, release the captives, and give sight to the blind. He didn’t use the word “Messiah,” nor did He have to. All Israel knew that Isaiah’s words applied to God’s “Anointed One.”

Some modern thinkers would like to marginalize Jesus as simply a good man with a message of love. But He was the first to proclaim Himself as more than that. He is the virgin-born Son of God, who came to bear the sins of mankind and die on the cross. He is the Messiah.

 Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Shepherd's Psalm - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   

The Shepherd's Psalm

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul..."    
Psalm 23:1-3
Two figures, one perched atop a donkey, wound their way down a dark road toward the moonlit buildings at the edge of Bethlehem. Mary was relieved the long journey was nearly over -- every time her donkey would stumble, she clutched her swollen abdomen in pain.
Who could blame her for being a little frightened? Joseph hadn't said much about where they would stay the night. "Ooh," Mary doubled over. Joseph halted the donkey and stepped aside to let others pass on the dark road. Mary pressed her hands against her back and straightened to relieve her stiffness. More people streamed by. Mary's eyes met Joseph's -- they both knew the overnight-lodges in Bethlehem would be crowded. Joseph gathered the donkey's reins and they proceeded toward town.
I like to picture that scene, don't you? It makes the Holy Family seem so human. And if I were a fellow traveler walking behind Mary and Joseph, perhaps I would have heard the young woman atop the donkey murmur familiar words: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want... yea, though I walk through the valley... thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me." Being a fellow citizen of Bethlehem, I would recognize it as the 23rd Psalm.
It's not unusual to think that Mary would have turned to God's Word on that rough road to Bethlehem. Perhaps Mary even quoted something like the 23rd Psalm. Every young Jewish woman (especially one familiar with Bethlehem, David's Royal City), would know that the surrounding hills above Bethlehem, speckled with shepherds and their flocks, served as David's inspiration for the Psalm.
Lord, sometimes I forget about the difficult, and even frightening circumstances surrounding the journey to Bethlehem. Oh, how Your Word must have comforted Joseph and Mary. Thank You for that.
Joni and Friends

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning! 

Today, Jesse, Lee, Nolan, Grant and Molli are starting their trip up to Minnesota.  I pray they have safe travels.  I'm not sure what kind of weather they will run into. 

God makes beautiful things out of us, no matter who we are or what we have or have not done. 
I listen to this song over and over.  There are times in our lives we feel beaten down, times when we could use a lift.  I listen to it to try to keep myself on the right path...trusting God has my situation in control.  Out of everything I've been through in my life I think having Lupus and DM has been the most difficult for me to come to grips with.  And I've been through a lot...
God provides everything we need even when we are not sure what it is we need. 

I'm so thankful for all I can do....

Today's Bible Study

Freely Forgiven
By Dr. Charles Stanley

“How could God ever forgive me? You don’t know what I’ve done.”

“How could I have done such an awful thing? I can never forgive myself.”

As a pastor, these are similar to questions I hear from people who have never fully understood God’s forgiveness. When we do not realize how the Lord’s mercy applies to our daily lives, the result is bondage, which stifles our ability to love and accept others. It also chokes the abundant life that Christ promised to those of us who believe.

Forgiveness is “the act of setting someone free from an obligation resulting from a wrong done against you.” For example, a debt is forgiven when you free the offender of his responsibility to pay back what he owes you. True forgiveness, then, involves three elements, all of which are necessary: an injury, a debt resulting from the injury, and a cancellation of the debt.

In God’s economy, sin creates a deficit; that is, something is taken or demanded from the sinner. What He ultimately requires of the transgressor is death:

The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die” (Gen. 2:16-17).

The result of their sin was that death came into the world—not only physical death but also eternal separation from God (Rev. 20:15).

Why did God not immediately snuff out the lives of Adam and Eve? Why does He not do the same for all sinners? The answer is simple yet life-changing in its profundity: There is something God desires more than retribution for the disrespect shown Him—He wants fellowship with us.

He cared enough about Adam and Eve to slay an animal and make garments of skin to cover their nakedness and hide their shame (Gen. 3:17). This was the beginning of the sacrificial system that restored the fellowship between God and His people.

God was willing to move quickly to reinstate fellowship with Adam and Eve, and He will do the same for us today. In light of His mercy, shouldn’t we likewise extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us?

God doesn’t look at sins on a case-by-case basis to determine whether He will grant forgiveness. During Old Testament times, any person could receive atonement for transgressions simply by following prescribed steps. Similarly, to anyone desiring forgiveness today, it is freely available through Christ’s death on the cross:

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us” (Eph. 1:7-8).

Notice that forgiveness is “according to the riches of His grace.” Scripture is clear that forgiveness is a gift, available for the asking (1 John 1:9).The details of what we have done, why we did it, and how many times we did it are irrelevant.

Are there sins from your past that continue to hang over you like a cloud? Do you doubt that God hears you because of sinful choices you’ve made? Do you feel that your potential for the kingdom of God has been destroyed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have not yet come to grips with God’s solution to your sin. You are still holding on to a way of thinking that can keep you in bondage for the rest of your days on earth. You have set yourself up for a defeated life in which you will never reach your potential in the kingdom of God.

God wants you to be free. And because He does, He sacrificed what was dearest to Him. I encourage you to meditate on the concepts in this article. Ask God to sink them deep into your heart so they become the grid through which you interpret the experiences of life. When you can see yourself as a forgiven child, you will be able to enjoy fellowship with the Father, which was made possible by the death of His Son. Then you can begin to fulfill His marvelous calling on your life.

Adapted from The Gift of Forgiveness, by Charles F. Stanley, 1991.

 Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  A bit colder but beautiful...

I was listening to the Christian radio station and their discussion was on the life of suffering and how we decide to handle it.  We can use this time to draw closer to God and grow and walk the way Jesus walked...

I also came across an article/study about suffering.  The story was about

Joni Eareckson Tada and how she has endured quadriplegia and chronic pain.  Then she revealed a diagnosis of breast cancer, prompting to call her a modern-day Job. Yet Joni does not focus on what has happened to her, but on how she can use the suffering to draw closer to Christ. The articles said in Joni interview with Christianity Today's Sarah Pulliam Bailey s "Even though it seems like a lot is being piled on, I keep thinking about 1 Peter 2:21: 'To these hardships you were called because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that should follow in His steps.'Those steps most often lead Christians not to miraculous, divine intervention but directly into fellowship of suffering". 

Joni describes her response to learning she had breast cancer:  "I don't fall apart emotionally.  There's a lump, Wow, okay, let's get this taken care of.  I broke my neck. Yikes. What is this going to mean? Okay, let's buckle down and move forward.  I'm the kind of person who cannot allow those emotions to go down the grim path of despair. It's too deep of a mitt pit. I'd rather face life head-on and with full force and  take things as they come, learn from things, and move forward."

Is this just the extraordinary response of an extraordinary saint?  Are the rest of us mere mortals destined always to be knocked for a loop, whether suffering comes in the form of a cancer diagnosis, a career setback, or whatever comes along? Or our we all called to move forward-and if so, how?

Joni says,"Every single day, we die a thousand deaths.  We don't just walk through the valley of the shadow of death when we get a medical report or when we survive a stroke.  We go through the valley when we say no to our selfish desires.  When we say yes to the grace of God, we are learning how to die." Jesus said the same.

For Joni, healing would certainly be a good thing, but she tries to keep her priorities in proper order.  So should we. "When people ask about healing

" She says, "I'm less interested in the physical and more interested in the healing of the heart. Pray that I get rid of my lazy attitude about God's Word and prayer, of brute pride-set me free from self-centeredness. Those are more important, because Jesus thought they were more important." Suffering can draw us closer to God. The question is will we allow it to do so?

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Good News of Great Joy
Read | Micah 5:2

The Hebrew Scriptures—that is, the Old Testament—included many prophecies about the coming Messiah. A few of them probably left Israelite scholars and laymen alike scratching their heads and wondering how one individual could fulfill such lofty promises. The birth of such a person would be “good news of great joy,” just as the angel proclaimed (Luke 2:10). The Messiah would be . . .

• A descendant of Abraham seated on David’s throne. There is a reason that both Matthew and Luke painstakingly trace Jesus’ genealogy (Matt. 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38): the Messiah’s family line mattered. God promised that all nations would be blessed through the house of Abraham (Gen. 22:18), and Isaiah prophesied that Christ would reign forever on David’s throne (Isa. 9:7). The gospel writers showed that Jesus could claim direct lineage from both of these men.

• A man born in Bethlehem who comes out of Egypt. The Messiah’s place of origin must have caused confusion. Though His predicted birthplace was Bethlehem, He was expected to come out of Egypt (Mic. 5:2; Hos. 11:1). We know that a census brought Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to tiny, insignificant Bethlehem just in time for the Christ child’s arrival. And Matthew’s gospel explains the rest of the mystery: the family fled to Egypt to avoid Herod’s jealous rage (Matt. 2:13).

God was specific in describing the Messiah because He wanted people to recognize the Anointed One and rejoice in His coming. That’s exactly what happened when the King of Kings rode a donkey into Jerusalem (prophecy: Zech. 9:9; completion: John 12:12-15). Jesus is the promised Christ—this truly is great news and reason to rejoice.

 Looking forward to another great day...

Friday, December 20, 2013

A great way to live life...your return is so much greater if you live it everyday...

Daymaker Blog http://daymakermovement.com/blog.aspx

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

Yesterday, Kaylee, grandma Faye and I went to visit grandma Gloria.  Grandma Gloria was having a great afternoon.  I brought grandma some pictures of Kaylee and her new sister, Gracie.  Grandma was excited and can't wait to meet her.
Next week Kris and I are planning to eat Christmas dinner with grandma Gloria.  Erik is oncall for work and Christine was going to see how she's feels...

The kids are coming from Oklahoma on Sunday.  I pray they have a safe drive.  It sounds like Iowa got some freezing rain last night.

I've been having a lot of trouble with the bursitis and neuropathy.  I start my morning very sore and swollen.  Then end my day the same way.  I usually have a lot more pain in the afternoon/evening.  I've been having trouble walking.  I take most of the medication for DM and Lupus in the AM.  Not sure how long the meds last throughout the day???  I'm still taking 20mg of prednisone and that doesn't seem to be helping anymore...
At my appointment in January, I will be starting the iv drip which lasts 6 hours per .  I will have the iv drip 4 times a year.  They are very costly but if they help me live a life with less symptoms and allows me more freedom, they will be worth it.

I'm so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Jesus: The Son of God
Read | Matthew 16:13-16

What difference does it make who Jesus is? Why should we take Him seriously? The way we answer these questions will deeply impact our belief system, mold our character, and influence our lifestyle. They will also determine where we spend eternity.

Jesus identified Himself as the Son of God and stated that He and the Father are one. In other words, whoever has seen Christ has seen the Father (John 10:30; 14:9). Conversely, those of us who long to know God must draw near to Jesus—He alone reveals the Father.

The Son of God was sent here to give His life as a ransom for many. The purpose was to rescue us from slavery to sin and prepare us for our heavenly home, where we’ll spend eternity. Notice that in describing His mission, Jesus said He “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matt. 20:28). Those who belong to Him are to imitate His life of service.

Jesus testified that He does exactly as the Father commands (John 14:31). This, too, is an example for us. His life of obedience shows us how to please God. Jesus knew why He came, and He did what was asked in order to glorify His Father (John 17:1). There’s a plan and purpose for every one of us as well, and we likewise glorify the Lord by our obedience.

Matthew 28:18 gives another reason to obey: since Jesus said, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth,” we are to live in submission to Him.

Do you believe Jesus’ testimony? If so, thank Him for the difference He has made in your life. Then share with others how knowing Him has impacted you.

Looking forward to another great day....

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day! 
Paul's Dr appointment went good.  He is scheduled for a blood draw tomorrow so we are going to meet up with the boys for lunch afterwards.  Paul also has an appointment with the surgeon in February.  I think it will be a relief for him to finally get his right shoulder taken care of. 
After Paul's appointment we decided to stop at Outback to use up a gift card.  We had a nice time.  The lighting at Outback was perfect.  I took off my hat at the table.I felt normal if only for an hour. 

After eating we headed over to Sams to pick up some groceries.  Finally making it home at 7pm.  It was a long day.  I was very swollen and sore.  

I slept well and ready for a new day...I'm sore and swollen this morning...waiting for the medication to kick in.

I'm picking up Marian for breakfast this morning.  After breakfast, I pick up Kaylee for a trip over to visit grandmas in Faribault. 

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

How We Can Relate to God

Read | Matthew 13:18-23

Scripture teaches that when one is born from above by the Spirit, that person becomes a child in God’s family. Such wording expresses the nature of our relationship with God: He interacts with us as a father does, and we should respond like loving, obedient children. God took the first step in the relationship by opening His family to us. Man’s initial response involves saying yes to Jesus and trusting Him as personal Savior. But even after accepting that invitation, we’re still responsible to respond in a way that keeps our fellowship with Him strong.

Our part consists largely in noticing when the Father is speaking so we can learn to become good listeners and obedient followers. That is why we need to spend time in the Bible, where the Father speaks clearly. Many pretend to be interested in hearing from God and yet invent excuses for neglecting His Word. Some say, “I read Scripture but don’t understand it.” Do you think God would write us an important message in a way we wouldn’t be able to understand? If you keep reading the Bible, the Spirit of God, who inhabits the believer’s heart, will give you understanding.

Once we are born into God’s family, nothing—not even sin—can destroy our relationship with the Father. However, disobedience can interrupt our fellowship with Him by breaking communication, in which case restoring broken fellowship is essential to spiritual growth (1 John 1:9).

Do you belong to God’s family? If so, are you obeying your Father? Obedience is crucial to a deepening relationship with our loving Creator.

Looking forward to another great day!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Exposure to Inside Lights

Even when I am sitting in the clinic waiting room, my face turns red because of exposure to inside lights...

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Everyday is a new day, a gift to enjoy. I am trusting God to continue to bless me.  I am strong in the Lord and equiped to handle anything that may come my way.

Last night and this morning the wind is blowing really hard, making it hard to tell our temperatures are in the mid-thirties. Tomorrow our temperatures start getting colder.  A lot colder :-)

Christine and Gracie came home from the hospital yesterday.  While they were in the hospital we kept Kaylee out at our house. I slept upstairs to make sure I heard her if she woke up.  
I remembered when Erik and Kris were little, grandma Gloria, grandpa Ralph and grandma Marian would do the same thing...they would sleep nearby when the boys stayed with them so they could hear the boys if they woke up..a fond memory.

Even though I may struggle with the Lupus and DM I will continue to enjoy every day to the fullest.  
I am curious to find out if others that have these diseases have the swelling, extreme sensitivity to the light, I mean extreme or the itching head or are these symptoms my added bonus????  Lucky me :-)

Today Paul has a Dr appontment for his second cortisone shot in his shoulder.  The shoulder has been giving him trouble for some time now.  He had one shot already but It didn't do the trick.  
On our way home from the Dr we are planning on stopping at Sams Club to pick up a few things for Christmas.  

One of the best things about Christmas is having our whole family together. What a beautiful gift... 
This year Joanna won't be able to make it home for Christmas so Paul and I are planning on going down to Oklahoma to stay with her and celebrate a late Christmas.  

I am so thankful for my family...

Today's Bible Study

The God Who Relates to Us
 Read | John 15:14-17

As much as our heavenly Father cares about our salvation, He also places high priority on another aspect of our Christian life: He is interested in building a relationship with you and me—the kind that Jesus built with His disciples.

Can you imagine a higher compliment than for the God of the universe to say, “I want a personal, intimate relationship with you?” What this means is that our heavenly Father wants to make it possible for a mutual sharing of the highest order. He is interested in genuine conversation and listening. He longs to spend time with you. He seeks openness and transparency with no dark, hidden secrets between you and Him.

God created us in His image, which means that we can reason and experience emotion, free choice, and commitment. He wants to love us and have us love Him in return. He thinks of us not merely as servants, but as friends in whom He can confide. That is why Jesus said to His disciples, “All things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15).

It was a special privilege for the disciples to live, work, and interact with the incarnate Christ. But we are also privileged because this very day, two thousand years later, the Father desires to build as warm and intimate a relationship with us as His Son did with those first-century followers. Our God is not some distant, transcendent deity. He’s close. And He is ever calling us to greater intimacy with Him. Won’t you respond to Him today?

 Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Five Lessons Learned in Life from Dr Seuss

Minding The Elephant in the Room

Minding The Elephant http://www.mindingtheelephant.com/

Esteeming One Another - Joel & Victoria Osteen

Esteeming One Another

“And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us...”
(Ephesians 5:2, AMP)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We don’t often hear the world esteem very much in our culture, but the Bible tells us to esteem and delight in one another. One definition of esteem is to hold in high regard. That means we are to honor and value one another and hold them in high regard, even if you don’t always agree with them. Sometimes people think, “That person doesn’t act honorably, so why should I honor them?” But the truth is, we are to honor and esteem people because they are valuable in the eyes of God.

If you had a very costly and valuable piece of jewelry, you wouldn’t just wear it to the gym or leave it on the kitchen sink. No, you would treat it carefully. You would put it in a safe place and protect it. It’s the same way with people. When we see others as valuable the way God sees them, we treat them carefully. We speak respectfully. We look for the good in others and honor them for who God made them to be. This holiday season, choose to esteem and delight in one another. Sow good seeds into your relationships and see a harvest of blessing in every area of your life!

Heavenly Father, today I choose love. I choose to honor the people around me. Help me to see value in others. Help my actions and words to esteem and delight in them so that I can be an example of Your love and light in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

The God Who Reveals Himself - Charles Stanley

The God Who Reveals Himself

Read | Hebrews 1:1-4

People have all kinds of distorted impressions of God. As a result, their view of life is awry—for example, they may think life is just a matter of fate. But the Lord of the universe leaves nothing to chance.

Because God wants us to approach life correctly, His Word gives us a clear picture of what He is like. One way He reveals Himself is through the material world. The Bible says that the heavens “declare the glory of God” and “pour forth speech” about the Author of creation (Ps. 19:1-2 niv). They are telling of His strength and magnificence. Likewise, the wind, waves, and natural disasters show forth the power of our awesome God. And in a similar way, all the cycles of nature, with their vivid colors and changing patterns, tell of our Maker’s creative genius.

Another way God chooses to reveal Himself is through man’s conscience. Even people who have never heard of God’s laws instinctively know what is right and what is wrong (Rom. 2:11-15). There are atheists who would never lie, steal, or kill. This standard comes from God, who has impressed a moral sense on every person’s conscience.

Many people obey their conscience yet fail to believe in God or recognize that they are accountable to Him. The fact is that unbelief doesn’t cancel your accountability to the Lord. The evidence for His existence is undeniable, but He will not force anyone to believe. Everybody has a choice to make: Will I worship a god of my own creation, or will I worship the One who created me?

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

Last night we received an inch of snow and there's  snow in our forecast again today. Jesse, Lee and the grandsons, Nolan and Grant, are coming this weekend from Oklahoma.  So excited! It's been a couple of months since we've seen them.  The boys will really enjoy the fresh snow...

Christine and Gracie comes home from the hospital today.  She's ready...it's hard just laying around.

Last night I was very swollen and sore.  I also had tingling going down both sides of my body.  I really hate it when I have these flares. They can be very uncomfortable and debilitating at times.  

A few weeks back I thought I could work but I'm finding out I no longer have the strength or energy to work full-time, let alone part-time.  I did take a position working 4 to 5 hours a week to see what I still had in me.  I am finding out that even 5 hours can be hard and the exposure to the uv and other lighting does takes a toll on me also.  It's really sad knowing what I used to be able to do.  

I am so thankful for what I can do...


Today's Bible Study

Joy to the World

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
(Psalm 16:11, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God promises that joy is found in His presence. If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then His presence lives inside of you. That means you can have joy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Joy manifests when you focus your heart on the Father and praise Him for who He is and what He’s done in your life. The Bible says that He inhabits the praises of His people. When you begin to praise and thank Him, you are in His presence. You have access to His full joy.

Today, know that no matter what’s going on around you, God wants you to experience His supernatural joy and peace at all times. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world, so He could live inside of you. Don’t waste another minute feeling burdened or condemned. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength and move forward in the victory He’s prepared for you!


Father, thank You for an endless supply of joy. Today I choose to cast my cares on You and praise You because You are worthy. Let joy flow through me as I honor You in all I say and do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

 Looking forward to another great day...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Interesting Facts

6 Facts About Shingles | www.healthcentral.com http://www.healthcentral.com/skin-care/cf/slideshows/6-facts-about-shingles

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

Gracie Kathryn Johnson

Born Saturday, December 14th

I am so thankful for our beautiful family...

Today's Bible Study

How God Sees the Unbeliever

Read | Ephesians 2:1-5

God’s Word is always true but not always popular. When it runs counter to cultural preferences, the message of the gospel can be uncomfortable to hear and may lead to challenge and confrontation. We need to know biblical truth, including the fact that God sees unbelievers as . . .

• Dead in their trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1). As newborn babies, we are physically alive but spiritually dead. Spiritual death came to all generations through the first Adam (Rom. 5:12); spiritual life comes only through Jesus, the “last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45).

• Unable to grasp spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14). Those who are spiritually dead can’t perceive the things of God. Divine truth can’t penetrate because their “receiver,” or spirit, is dead within them.

• Not part of God’s family (John 1:12). Spiritually, there are only two families in the world: God’s and Satan’s (John 8:44). A person is born into God’s family—or “born again”—by trusting in Christ’s sacrifice and receiving Him as Savior.

• Under wrath (Eph. 2:3). Unbelievers, even kind and loving ones, are under judgment. A sin debt is owed (Rom. 6:23), and it can’t be paid by kind or loving acts of service. Jesus paid on our behalf, and only by trusting in His substitutionary sacrifice can we escape God’s wrath.

Unbelievers are in grave danger, but most do not realize it. The good news is that God’s offer of salvation through Jesus Christ is still available. Have you reached out for the hand of your Rescuer? If your answer is yes, are you pointing others to the One who wants to rescue them?

 Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

It's been very busy the last couple of days...finishing up the Christmas shopping and cleaning. 

Yesterday, Gracie Kathryn was born, our second granddaughter. She was 9lbs 1oz and 20 3/8th inches long. We were very surprised by her size.  We guessed that she would be around 7lbs at the most...what were we thinking. :- ). She is a big girl...

We had Christmas with the Joslin side of the family on Saturday.  

I've been having so much tingling all over my body.  I wake up to it in the middle of the night.  I wonder why I'm having it???? 
The sores on my face are gone but the shingles pain on my right side continues.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Love is in the Giving.  

       By Charles F. Stanley

When you think of a loving relationship, what comes to mind? Perhaps you think of the romantic love between a husband and a wife, the special bond between a parent and a child, or the comfortable companionship of a close friend. Most people think happiness in love depends heavily on getting what they need from the other person.

The truth is that giving, when it’s done with pure motives, is its own reward. This sense of satisfaction doesn’t depend on how others receive your gift of service. Some people will never be content with what you do for them. Others will never feel worthy; no matter how much you encourage them or attempt to include them in your life. In risking love, you are also risking the possibility of being rejected or turned away. A person may even reject you while saying he or she loves you!

The goal in loving is not to evoke the response you want from another person, but to do what you believe the Lord is pleased for you to do. Your willingness to love must never depend upon another person’s ability to give love back to you.

You must seek to give love in ways that others can accept your love. But if they cannot accept your love in spite of your best efforts, then you must ask yourself, Is God asking me to show love to this person? If so, then you can be sure He accepts your efforts and values them. He will reward you by sending someone who can receive your love, and who can return love to you in precisely the ways and in exactly the moments you need it most.

Also ask yourself, Can I accept the forms of love that others are showing to me? Be open to receiving the love of others.

Your challenge as a Christian is to love others even if they don’t love you back. So, you are never without someone to love. Reciprocity is not required for this kind of love. The only thing that is required is your willingness, your desire, and your commitment to open up and give others a piece of who you are and what you have.

If you don’t have someone who needs you today or who counts on your love, find somebody. You only need to open your eyes and look around. You’ll find dozens of people within immediate range who greatly need to know somebody cares for them.

Volunteer your time to an organization or group that needs an extra pair of hands or perhaps a particular skill that you have.

Join a group that shares your interests. Don’t do it with an eye toward what you can get from the group. Instead, join with the intent of giving something to the group. Your gift of love may be baking cookies for refreshment time, typing up the minutes of the group meeting, offering your living room for meetings, or picking up members who no longer drive so they can attend.

Get involved with a church group actively engaged in ministry to others. It may be a group of ushers who assist with church services. It may be a group that goes door-to-door to deliver information about the church. It may be a group that prepares boxes of clothing and bedding to send to missionaries.

You’ll find more opportunities to give than you ever dreamed possible. You’ll find more people in need of love and compassionate care than you ever anticipated.

When you know someone is counting on your help, when you know you’re making a difference in someone else’s life, when you can see that your gifts of time and talent are greatly valued, when your loving touches are accepted and returned, when your words of encouragement fall on appreciative ears, and when your acceptance of another person creates a friendship or establishes a good relationship, you automatically have a sense of purpose and meaning for your life. You have a desire to love more, to give more, to extend yourself further.

And in that, there is hope. You want tomorrow to dawn because there is still a lot of loving that you have to do tomorrow. You want next week to roll around because there’s still a lot of giving that you want to do next week.

On the other hand, if you isolate and turn inward—refusing to acknowledge the hands that are reaching out to you and refusing to believe the encouragement that others attempt to offer—you will become increasingly depressed. You also can expect to have a growing feeling that you are worth nothing and that life is over.

Loving others is the most hope-filled thing you can do.

Adapted from "The Reason for My Hope," by Charles F. Stanley

 Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Good Land - Joel & Victoria Osteen

The Good Land

“For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land — a land with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills.”
(Deuteronomy 8:7, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you facing an area of lack in your life? Lack in your finances, lack in your relationships, lack in your physical health? The good news is that’s not the place God wants you to stay. He wants to bring you into a new land with no lack, no shortage, no defeat and no mediocrity. He wants you to live in a place where you will have more than enough so you can be a blessing to others. He wants to lift you up and keep you up. He wants you to remain stable and strong in Him.

The key is, in order to get God’s results, we have to do things God’s way. His love is unconditional; His access is unlimited, but our obedience is what opens the door to His blessings. We have to do our part and humble ourselves before Him and keep pressing forward with an attitude of faith and expectancy.

Remember, promotion doesn’t come from people, it comes from the Lord. When we follow Him, He leads us into the land of blessing, the land of more than enough, the land of opportunity. Today, put Him first, follow His commands and let Him lead you into the good land!

Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank You for restoring my soul and leading me beside still waters. Today, I recommit my life afresh and anew. Help me follow Your commands and leading in every area of my life in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

I woke up this morning to swelling and pain...waiting for meds to kick in.

Christine went in at around 12:30am to have the baby...we are still waiting for the little bundle of joy to arrive.. :-)
We are prayinng everything goes well for both mother and baby.

Today, we run over to Faribault for the Joslin family Christmas party at Milestone.  We will stop and see grandma Gloria afterwards to share the great news...

So thankful for Family and Friends!

Good Man or God?

Read | John 5:16-29

Jesus has been a subject of contention throughout human history. Even today opinions about Him vary widely. One common belief about Him, however, is that He was a good man—but not God. Those who hold this view usually appreciate some of His teachings, but they are obviously not familiar with His claims.

The religious leaders who came face to face with Christ would never have called Him a good man. In their eyes, anyone who claimed to be God was a liar and imposter. Just look at some of His amazing statements from John 5:

• Jesus referred to God as His Father, making Himself equal with God (v. 18).
• He declared that He did the same works as the Father (v. 19).
• Christ said He would raise the dead to life with just His voice (v. 28-29).
• He claimed that the Father had given Him all authority to judge (v. 22).
• Jesus demanded equal honor with God (v. 23).
• He promised to give eternal life to those who believe in Him (v. 24).

A “good” man wouldn’t make these statements unless they were true. If Jesus were just a man, His death on the cross would be of no benefit to anyone. But if His claims to be God’s Son are true, your salvation depends upon believing in Him.

Anyone who is serious about finding out who Jesus is must consider His claims. It’s a matter of eternal life or death. No one who denies His deity will enter heaven, because He is the only way to the Father (14:6) Now is the time to believe—not when you stand before Him at the judgment.

Looking forward to another great day....

Friday, December 13, 2013

How Will You Finish? Joel & Victoria Osteen

How Will You Finish?

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
(2 Timothy 4:7, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
So often when people make mistakes, they get down on themselves and think, “If only...” “I should have...” “What if...?” It’s easy to feel like you’ve missed the best plan for your life. That’s when people get discouraged and stop pursuing their God-given dreams. But understand today, just because you’ve made a mistake or failed in some way doesn’t cancel God’s plan. God never disqualifies you. He never says, “Go sit on the sidelines. You’ve blown it too many times. You’ve got too many weaknesses.” No, God always gives you another chance!

Some of the great people in the Bible made very poor choices. The apostle Paul started off as a murderer, yet his destiny was bigger than his mistakes. He ended up becoming a great leader and writing over half of the New Testament.

What am I saying? Our mistakes, our failures, our poor choices don’t have to keep us from our God-given destiny. With God, it’s not about the way you start in life, it’s about the way you finish. Receive His grace today and embrace the bright future He has in store for you!

Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. I trust that my days are ordered by You. I ask that You strengthen and empower me to fulfill Your call on my life. I love You and bless You today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Encouragement for Today

"Oh, please help us against our enemies,
  for all human help is useless.
With God's help we will do mighty things,
  for he will trample down our foes."

Psalm 108:12–13

Encouragement for Today

What kind of "foes" are threatening you? Worries over health, finances, your children? Personal insecurities? The pressures of job or just modern life? Human help is useless, unless sparked by God as his provision. Claim his help and victory over your foes!

—Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled Devotions

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
In God's presence is fullness of joy...fullness in all we need.  I have been blessed.  I am free from anything trying to hold me back. Me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

The other day when Kaylee was staying over, she walked into the bathroom and looked at a book in a rack.  It had a picture of Jesus on it.  Kaylee said that's Jesus.  Then she holds her hands up like Jesus was on the cover of the book.  I said Jesus says come to me...that's why he's holding His hands that way.  :-)

This morning I woke up at 3:30am...I thought I heard Christine, got up and after realizing it was probably a dream I went back to bed.   

When I was outside yesterday afternoon I noticed my body flaring, swelling and hurting again.  This morning I am still swollen.  My whole body continues to tingle all over.  The tingling goes on and off throughout the day.
I'm waiting on my medicine to kick in, again.  I'm still on 20mg of prednisone and a combination of many other meds.  It's amazing how well the prednisone works with the swelling and hurting even though it's not good for longer-term use.   It's so hard on my body in so many ways. 
It sounds like my next step will be having the infusions. Dr. Mariner mentioned if I went on the infusions I can get off a lot of my other medications and I would have less side affects.  I would be able to do so much more than I am right now.  My next appointment with Dr. Danning is in January.  That will be when I would start the infusions.

I received my mammogram results and everything looks normal.  The only other thing is to have my swallowing test to see if my esophagus needs to be stretched.  Dr. Mariner also reminded me I have Barretts esophagus and we will have to watch to make sure it doesn't turn to cancer.

Yesterday, Kaylee and I had a great day visiting Grandma Gloria and Grandma Faye.  The last time I saw Grandma Gloria she was sleeping all the time, they were still trying to find the right dosage.  :-( 

Today, Paul and I have no plans so I will wrap the last gift and go back to cleaning.  I put it off knowing it will need cleaning again tomorrow anyway. :-). It's so close to being done anyway...I need to get to it.

This weekend, we are having my side of the families Thanksgiving, Christmas and celebrating mom's birthday.  After the family gathering, we'll stop over to see grandma Gloria.

My cousin, Jon and my grandma, Ruth are coming up for Iowa for our gathering on Saturday.  I'm going to ask Jon if he wants to come over for Christmas Eve and Christmas.  His mom, Dorothy died this year and his sister is in Wyoming so if he has no other plans he is always welcome at our home.  I found out he had no place to go on Thanksgiving.  :-(

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Can Eternal Life Be Earned?

Read | Mark 10:17-22

Sometimes teenagers decide on a course of action first and ask for input later. And then, if the response is one they don’t want to hear, they often react negatively. Believers can act the same way toward God.

One day a wealthy man came to Jesus and asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17). Having spent his days keeping the commandments, he wanted to know what else needed to be done to secure his position in heaven. The man erroneously believed that eternal life could be earned.

Satan, the great deceiver, promotes the false idea that man can make himself acceptable in God’s eyes. Many of us have fallen victim to the Devil’s lies and approach God on the basis of our conduct or performance. Just like the rich man, we may have thought, God will accept me because I am doing the right things. Or perhaps we have assumed that our good deeds outweigh any wrong we have done.

In thinking this way, we have established our own standard of acceptability and ignored God’s. He says we all have a flesh nature bent away from Him, and nothing we do will pay for our sin debt. Only faith in Jesus, who died in our place, makes us acceptable to God. Through the Savior, we are forgiven of our sins and receive life everlasting. Apart from Christ, we face eternal punishment.

The rich young man chose to walk away from Jesus. How do you respond when the truth of Scripture conflicts with what you believe? Do you embrace God’s standard or turn away to follow your own desires?

Looking forward to another great day!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Detours - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   


"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:34
There's an old saying that goes, "A contented man is the one who enjoys the scenery along the detours." We usually think of detours as interruptions in an otherwise well-charted path. True, detours can be viewed as problems which slow us down (we learned that yesterday). However, sometimes the detour doesn't involve problems, but people. In order to build contentment, God places people in our path; but God never considers people as interruptions.
For instance, my 84-year-old mother once came to California to visit Ken and me. Arthritis and a heart condition had shortened my mother's stride, so I set aside all the deadlines, the demanding appointments, and the commitments screaming for my undivided attention in order to keep in step with her. She wasn't an interruption; she was more important than all my commitments stacked together.
For those few weeks, I was on a "detour." But I enjoyed the scenery along the way. That said something for me! I live with my wheelchair in high gear. The way I figured it, the staff meetings and production schedules would worry about themselves. Over those weeks, I measured my days more slowly. The secret of being content is to take one day at a time. Not five years or ten, but one day. Like the manna that fell fresh from heaven each morning, God supplies the needs of his children with the dawning of each day. "... his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:23).
Bill Gothard has said, "Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. It is realizing that God has already given me everything I need for my present happiness." My 84-year-old mother is my reminder of this wonderful truth. What person has God placed in your life to remind you to be content?
There are people in my life, Lord, who 'slow me down.' Help me not to be anxious or worried about that. Help me to be content to live at their pace.

Joni and Friends

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
It's suppose to be a tad bit warmer today....that's 20 degrees.  Still cold but it's not  below zero anyway. 

I had my appointments yesterday, everything went well.  I will get the results of my mammogram when they compare their results to last years results.  They said it would be about two weeks.

I still have sores on my face and chest, I thought it was going away but this morning it's as bright as could be. The Drs thought it may be a reaction to the new medicine I've recently started.  They took me off the medication to see.  If it is the medication or even if it isn't, the DM isn't under control...my next step is having the infusions.  Four a year...

Yesterday, when I returned home from my appointments I started wrapping presents and stuffing the stockings.  I can't believe how fast time is flying, Christmas will be here before we know it.

No baby yet...Christine has a Dr appointment this afternoon at 1pm...
Kaylee and I are running to Faribault to visit grandma's...we haven't been over for a couple of weeks with everything going on, I haven't been feeling very well...it's time.  I've called to talk to the nurses but we would like to see for ourselves how both are doing.  I've been able to talk to grandma Faye on the phone, when I can reach her.  Today is a celebration for all birthdays in December, moms birthday is December 13th. 

So thankful for Family and Friends...

Today's Bible Study

God's Love Offered to the Hurting

Read | John 4:7-27

Jesus said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). His life clearly revealed God’s loving character and compassion towards people. Let’s take a closer look at one of the examples mentioned yesterday: from the Savior’s interaction with the Samaritan woman, we can learn much about our heavenly Father’s tender love and care for us.

• Jesus initiated contact. Much to His disciples’ dismay, Jesus deliberately went out of His way to meet the woman from Samaria. In that day, Jews did not associate with Samaritans and in fact avoided traveling through their region. But God does not adhere to man’s rules or prejudices. He brings a message of hope and new life to all who listen and believe.

• Jesus knew her pain and heartache. She must have felt worthless, abandoned, and unloved after being divorced by five husbands. We all have emotional baggage that weighs us down and causes us pain. Our Father knows when we have deep hurt or secret shame.

• Jesus offered her forgiveness and love. He drew out the details of her situation in a nonjudgmental way so that she would be receptive to His offer of forgiveness and a relationship with God. He understood what she needed—to feel loved, valued, and accepted—and knew a relationship with Him was the answer.

God sees us today as clearly as He saw the Samaritan woman. He knows our hurts, and He wants to bring us healing and restoration. Won’t you accept His love? Submit to the Holy Spirit’s transforming work so that you can be brought to spiritual wholeness.

Looking forward to another great day!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Small Steps - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   

Small Steps

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."
Galatians 5:25
A friend of mine who suffers from migraine headaches tells me that on some mornings she wakes up thinking, How can I do this? I don't have the will to even get out of bed. Lord, help me just make it to the shower. On days like this, she says she's doing great if she can make it to lunch time without collapsing back in bed from pain.
When you're hurting, life is lived in steps. Very small steps. The sufficiency of Christ is more than enough to meet the needs of a lifetime, but life can only be lived one day, one moment, at a time.
This is why today's verse is one of my friend's favorites. Especially the part about keeping "in step with the Spirit." The meaning here is not about keeping pace, as if the Spirit were racing ahead and we'd better keep up with Him; it has to do with measuring one's moments in a slow and circumspect way. God's strength is available one day at a time (Lamentations 3:22-23). And frankly, when you're suffering like my friend, you are only able to take one day at a time -- often, one hour at a time.
Contentment comes from many great and small acceptances in life. What is there in your life right now that is slowing you down? Can you thank God for it, knowing that it makes you gear down to a slower speed? Discontented people are always rushing ahead to escape the 'now' of their circumstances. The environment in which to learn how to be content is the environment of moments and small steps. When life isn't the way you like it, like it the way it is one day, one hour at a time... with Christ. And you will be blessed.          
There are things in my life, Lord, which are slowing me down. Help me to see these 'problems' as opportunities to keep in closer step with the Spirit.

Joni and Friends


Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another artic cold but beautiful day! Brrr I wish this cold weather would turn around. 

I Continue to Remain Strong in Faith...I am in the Palm of God's Hands...He is Fighting my Battles for me.  I am Strong, I am Blessed and I am Redeemed.  He is Restoring My Health. Thank You Lord!

Today, I go in for a couple of appointment or tests to continue checking me for cancer.  

Dr Danning wanted to do anorther biopsy when I have a flare again...well, looking in the mirror this morning, the sores on my chest looks like DM...just like when I was first diagnosed but not as bad.  So far it's only a small amount on my neck.  I'm not sure what is going on with my face.  It doesn't look like anything I've ever had or seen before. 

Dr Mariner mentioned that when you have DM the shingles can change from the normal looking blisters or sores...that's why they thought it was shingles.  I continue to take the shingles medication.  I mentioned to Paul, yesterday, it looked like it was getting better but he didn't think so.  He thought it looked like it was the same, no changes...I'm not sure what's going on.

Christine went in to her appointment and the Dr wants to see her again on Thursday if she doesn't go before then..
Dr thought it would be anytime...I know Christine is ready.

I'm so Thankful for all my Family and Friends...

Today's Bible Study

Those Who Hurt

Read | Mark 10:46-52

When in pain, we may question whether God cares or even knows about what we’re going through. Our adverse circumstances can give us a wrong view of Him.

Scripture teaches that our triune God is omniscient. In other words, He knows all things. No action, person, or situation—past, present, or future—is hidden from Him (Ps. 33:13-15; Heb. 4:13). The Lord “searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought” (1 Chron. 28:9 niv). Because of His perfect knowledge, He knows us intimately and understands what we really need (Matt. 10:29-30). What’s more, God’s love and concern for us do not change, even if our pain has resulted from our own sinful actions.

Jesus repeatedly demonstrated His Father’s care for people. He met with Nicodemus, one of the religious leaders, and without condemnation or accusation, showed him the way to the Father (John 3:3). Another time, the Lord visited Zaccheus, a man whose dishonesty had hurt many financially. And Jesus even initiated conversation with the Samaritan woman, a social outcast. He also delayed His journey in response to the cry of a blind beggar—He showed compassion to Bartimaeus and affirmed his faith. Because of Jesus’ life, we can be certain that our heavenly Father cares about us.

God’s love extends over us, and He wants us to come to Him with our questions and pain. Don’t allow trials to cloud your thinking about God’s deep concern for you. Accept Jesus’ invitation and bring your burdens to Him (Matt. 11:28).

Looking forward to another great day!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Encouragement for Today

"Just as Saul was finishing with the burnt offering, Samuel arrived. Saul went out to meet and welcome him, but Samuel said, 'What is this you have done?'

Saul replied, 'I saw my men scattering from me, and you didn't arrive when you said you would, and the Philistines are at Micmash ready for battle. So I said, "The Philistines are ready to march against us at Gilgal, and I haven't even asked for the LORD's help!" So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering myself before you came.'

'How foolish!' Samuel exclaimed. 'You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you. Had you kept it, the LORD would have established your kingdom over Israel forever.'"

1 Samuel 13:10–13

Encouragement for Today

Saul's reasoning made a lot of sense—if you only look at circumstances and depend on reasoning alone. Saul's mistake was to leave God out of the equation and take things into his own hands. Though he thought he was seeking the Lord, he was ignoring the guidance he'd already gotten. How might you be disregarding the guidance God has already given you, perhaps through his Word, and depending instead on reasoning and/or seeking fresh revelation?
—Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled Devotions

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  It's been pretty cold out the last few days...highs only in the single didgetes and below.  By Friday we may get up to 29 degrees.  Winter is going to get old fast If it stays this cold...

Yesterday was my primary care Dr., appointment with Dr Tiffany Mariner.
If my swallowing continues to be a problem., I will need a swallow test.  At times I choke on my food or drink and sometimes when I drink it gurggles going down. 

I still have the sores on my face and neck.  I continue taking the shingles medication util it's gone.  If I still have the sores I go back to dermatology.

I have a mammogram and the Dr wants to check my ovaries, on Wednesday.  I have a higher risk of getting cancer.  They will continue to watch me for 5 years.  I guess that is the magic number for DM patients.

I asked Dr Mariner if it is possible that I got the DM because of the hernia repair with cadaver skin and mesh.  She said anything is possible.   The reason I asked was because they say DM is brought on by cancer or trauma to the body.  Wondering if the mess or cadaver skin could be rejected by my body?

I'm so happy for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

No Work for God Is Unimportant

Read | Colossians 4:7-18

The final lines of Colossians seem to have little theological impact. Most of the names listed, except for Luke and Mark, are unfamiliar. We could easily skip these verses and jump to 1 Thessalonians. But Paul’s closing words to the Colossians carry the subtle message that no ministry is unimportant.

It isn’t hard to recognize Paul’s amazing contributions to the faith—much of the New Testament is made up of his divinely inspired letters. The people mentioned in his Colossian missive seem to pale in comparison, but the apostle considered all of them important enough to include. For instance, Tychicus, the first mentioned, played a big role—wherever he appears in Scripture, he is running errands for Paul (Acts 20:4, Eph. 6:21, 2 Tim. 4:12). Thanks to this man, the Colossian letter traveled over 800 miles to its destination, then moved from church to church to be read repeatedly and copied. Tychicus’s job was important in spreading the gospel; without his assistance to Paul, modern believers might not have this valuable letter.

We tend to judge types of service as important or unimportant, and too often pride prevents our approval of a particular ministry. We want a big, impressive job to prove to everyone how much we love the Lord. But God desires the exact opposite: He wants our love for Him to motivate us to do anything He asks, no matter how insignificant or unnoticeable it may seem.

What is God asking you to do that you are resisting? Repent of your pride, and humble yourself to do all that He desires. None of His work is unimportant.

Looking forwardto another great day!