Sunday, August 25, 2013

Prudence - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   


"I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion."
Proverbs 8:12
People and labels. They really don't go together. It's much nicer to just push aside the politically correct protocol, snip off the label, and look at each other as ¼ people.
I tried this during a luncheon meeting with a group of Chicago inner-city pastors. My goal was to find out about the unique needs of disabled people living in an urban environment. The pastors were eager to discuss with me how they could minister to families that included a disabled child.
As we talked, I couldn't help but wonder, Now, am I supposed to refer to these men as "African American"? Or would they prefer the word "black"? I know "colored" is out-of-date. Hmm, although it's okay to say "people of color."
I shrugged my shoulders, smiled, and continued to talk with the pastors. The subject of color didn't come up. Later on, when we discussed Hispanic churches, I became tongue-tied between "Hispanic" and "Latino." I decided then to ask the pastors what word I should use.
To my surprise, they slapped the table and laughed. Little did I realize, but the pastors had been wrestling with questions of their own. They had been wondering, Now, are we supposed to call Joni "handicapped"? Or "physically challenged"? We know we're not supposed to refer to people like her as "cripples" or "invalids." Which is it?
We agreed labels didn't matter so long as you remember the person's name. I'm glad Jesus never spoke to one He loved as a prostitute; He just called her Mary Magdalene. He never made mention of someone being a coward; only that certain someone's name being Peter. To a workaholic he said, "Martha, Martha..." Jesus loved people. I'm sure that's why He often used their names when talking to them.
That's good advice for you, too. Red or yellow, black or white, standing, sitting, blind or with sight, it's the name, not the label, that means the most to the person.
Father, help me to focus on individuals, just as You do with Your children. Amen

Joni and Friends

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