Thursday, August 22, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Thursday, August 22nd

Another beautiful morning!  I hear rumbling going on in the distance...sounds like we may get some rain after all.  :-)

Yesterday, I met my sister over in Rochester for a manicure and pedicure.   After our nails we went out to eat at Applebees.  Had a good time... :-)

I woke up real early this morning with my right ankle and hip throbbing.  It feels like my ankle is getting weaker.  My Dr appointment is this afternoon.  :-) So glad :-) I've been hurting alot more lately...Why????
Is it because of the changing weather...the barometric pressure???? Medication isn't working????

I attempted to get up and fell back into bed.  I was able to stand and walk slowly out of the room hanging onto things as I went.  :-(
While I'm sitting here my right leg is tingling.

So thankful for what I can do. :-)
Today's Meditation
"Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one." —Eleanor Roosevelt

Miraculous Independence Meditation

In today’s meditation we will reflect on the beautiful truth that we are already whole. We were created by universal intelligence as a complete expression of love, wisdom, and happiness. If we feel like something is missing, it is because we are seeing through the eyes of our ego-mind, which has a limited perspective of our infinite, divine nature.

With the realization that we already have everything we need and desire, we give up the exhausting search to find that person or situation or achievement to make us feel whole. We stop waiting for someone to complete us and open to the love that is right here, right now, in our own heart. And from that boundless well of spirit, we are free to share the deepest experience of love with the people in our lives.

Our centering thought for today is:

All I seek is within.


Begin to write your own love story today by treating yourself as the most precious being in the universe. Throughout the day, ask yourself, What is the most loving thing I could do for myself right now? What is the most loving way I could treat myself? Listen to the response of your heart and follow its guidance.

Today's Bible Study

Blessing Our Enemies

Read | Luke 6:27-28

As stories make their way to us from the persecuted church, we hear about Christians who, though beaten, harassed, and jailed, respond with unimaginable grace and dignity. These saints have learned to apply Christ’s command to “love your enemies,” even in the harshest of circumstances.

We may never face a beating for our faith, but we will run across people who hate and mistreat us. The easy and natural response is to dislike them in return, but harboring ill will chokes our witness with resentment. Instead, Jesus instructs us to love our adversaries and to treat them well. The Greek word is agape—it means “unconditional love,” which is not a soft feeling based on the attractive nature or appearance of the other person. Agape forms through an act of our will. When we choose to love, our emotions follow the decision of our mind.

A right response to an enemy will prove beneficial to him. God has a redemptive plan in mind for his life, and we have an opportunity to help show him the way to the Lord. A bitter or angry response on our part will serve only to feed our adversary’s desire to cause harm.

The natural urge to return one wrong for another can be subdued only through prayer, the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. Instead of begging the Father to defeat our enemy, we can ask Him for the opportunity to express genuine Christlike love in the face of opposition. That’s the kind of prayer He delights to answer. And when we are privileged to meet the need of someone who despises us, we might just see an amazing change in his life.

Another great day!

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