Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, August 7th

Another beautiful morning!  We had a storm pass through over night.  No damage and only 1/8 of an inch :-( We still need the rain...hopefully we will get more rain today.

I decided to try getting my hair coloured again, going to a stylist I have never gone to before :-(  it didn't work out. I ended up having skunk stripes on the back of my head.  I have a hair appointment Friday to finally get it corrected. :-)

Lee shot off fireworks last night before the storm.  Was a lot of fun.  The boys really enjoyed it. :-)

I get a tightness in my chest ??? I've been feeling nauseous or sick when I go out in the sun :-) Having swelling and the puffiness under my eyes yesterday.  I wish I could feel better... :-( 

I know I need my hernia repaired again.  Hoping to get that repaired soon.  It maybe what's causing my issues...
DM is usually brought on by trauma, cancer or ???
I have cadaver skin and mesh inside me used as part of my last hernia repair...I think this may be my problem ??????

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." —Thich Nhat Hanh

How Self-Acceptance Can Crack Open Your Life

Miraculous Nature Meditation

Yesterday we began to explore the difference between our true self, which is the source of all our love and happiness, and our learned self or ego, which is the source of our fear and suffering. Although the ego has a difficult reputation, our intention isn’t to judge it or attempt to get rid of it because such efforts only intensify the drama of the ego and the struggle in our lives. Instead, we want to focus on embracing all aspects of our self, letting the healing that comes with self-acceptance work miracles in our lives.

Today we will begin to let go of self-judgment as we experience the wholeness and truth of our essential nature. We will open our hearts to ourselves and let ourselves feel the love that has been there all along.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a wondrous miracle of life.


Begin today by putting your attention on your heart. Take time to connect with and feel how much your soul wants you to know that you are loved and appreciated. Look into your own eyes and see your timelessness. See everything—the joy, sadness, compassion, playfulness, and wisdom. You contain everything. You are whole. Each time you find yourself in front of a mirror today take a moment to witness yourself. As you look deeply into your own eyes, hold all aspects of yourself in loving awareness, silently repeat these words three times, “I see you, I accept you, I love you.” Carry this practice through your day and witness your heart gently open to yourself and others.

Today's Bible Study

Holding Fast to the Faithful Word

Read | Titus 1:5-9

In today’s passage, Paul gives Titus guidelines for selecting church elders. At the end of a list of desirable conduct and character traits is an essential qualification that applies to every believer: holding fast to Scripture. It is necessary that we, like the first-century elders, demonstrate an unwavering commitment to God’s Word in order to nurture and guard the church.

We can’t use the Bible to defend our faith and assist others unless we study. And knowing its truths isn’t enough; for them to be effective, we must apply them.

Christians appreciate Scripture’s power to encourage, comfort, and heal, but too often we keep our knowledge to ourselves. We may feel uncertain about sharing, but God provides courage and brings to mind pertinent verses when we’re willing to speak. As we practice His ways, our wisdom will increase. We’ll begin to recognize hurting people and will learn how to exhort them in sound doctrine, as Paul suggests. The apostle also bids believers to confront those who contradict true faith—this requires courage and discernment. When we study and live out sound biblical principles, we will quickly recognize false doctrine. And the better we know God’s Word, the more readily we will be able to find passages that challenge counterfeit teachings and support our own beliefs.

We can’t all be elders in the local congregation. But each Christian is a member of God’s church and responsible to gain biblical knowledge. In that way, we can discern correct doctrine, defend our faith, and encourage the downhearted.

Another great day!

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