Thursday, August 15, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Thursday, August 15th

Another beautiful morning!

Yesterday Kaylee and I took it easy and stayed around the house instead of going to Faribault.  My medication doesn't seem to be handling the itching, swelling and pain like it was...
It may be the longer days with more intense uv rays or it could be my body is getting used to the medication so it's not working like it did when I first started ?????
I have a Dr appointment with my Rheumatologist, Dr Danning on the 22nd of August...
I may have to start using the pain patches again or up my other medication :-(

My hands are locking up or having muscle spasms and my right ankle has been bothering me.  It feels like it Is weakening and it has a constant nagging ache. :-)

I was trying to open a canning jar and lost my grip :-( I don't have the strength like I use too... :-(

So thankful for what I can do. :-)
Rx for Health: Add a Pet!

Research shows that owning a pet can be good for your health.
Run a Google search on ;pets help our health, and you'll find a dozen or more articles and blog posts on the subject. Most households in the United States count at least one companion animal as a member of the family, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The benefits of having a pet has been found to decrease blood pressure and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It also might make you feel less lonely, the CDC reports.
Pets help us cope with lifes stressors. :-)
Today's Meditation

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." —Khalil Gibran

Miraculous Appreciation Meditation

Today in our meditation we will experience one of the most luscious qualities of spirit: the fullness of gratitude.

When our attention is focused on the blessings in our lives, we feel connected to everything in the universe. We experience our wholeness and oneness with all creation. When our heart is filled with gratitude, we arrive fully in the present moment, letting go of our regrets about the past and concerns for the future. In this state of pure appreciation, we radiate the light of love to everyone we meet.

Our centering thought for today is:

I nurture my relationships with attention and appreciation.


Today make a list of five people who have had a profound impact on your life. Choose one person and write a thank-you letter expressing gratitude for all the gifts you’ve received from him or her. If possible, deliver your gratitude letter in person—or mail it. Often the people in our lives have no idea how much help, comfort, and inspiration they have given us, and this is a wonderful opportunity to share the love in our hearts.
Today's Bible Study

Results of Uncontrolled Weakness

Read | Romans 6:17-23

It is normal for children, at some point, to become aware of growing stronger. “Let’s see your muscles,” a parent will say. The child bends an arm, makes a fist, and proudly displays the evidence. Parents often encourage their children to increase strength and overcome any weakness. Some youngsters cooperate, but others act indifferent or feel defeated even before they start.

We all have weak areas in our lives. How do we respond to them? Do we make a plan to overcome them? Do we pretend they are unimportant or surrender to them without much effort? None of these responses is what God desires for us. He wants our weaknesses to remind us how totally dependent we are upon His strength and how great our need is for Him. His plan is for our frailties to be a powerful motivator to deepen our relationship with Him.

Handled improperly, those areas in which we lack ability can become stumbling blocks that hurt us and those around us. A proper response—namely, turning to God—means He will take charge of our weaknesses and no longer allow them to dominate our lives.

Samson was a man whom God set apart and equipped for divine purposes. But he had an uncontrollable weakness, which he allowed to run unchecked until it destroyed his work for the Lord (Judg. 13-16). We, as Christ-followers, have also been set apart for God’s work and equipped by Him. We should heed the warning of Samson’s life and turn quickly to God every time our weakness surfaces. Delay could mean disaster.

Another great day!

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