Saturday, August 17, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, August 17th

Another beautiful morning! :-)

Yesterday was a little better...I had the soreness in my right hip and buttocks again but not as bad as it was on Thursday.  I could walk on it without assistance.
It felt like my leg slipped out of joint has done it once before.  It's still swelling all over.   :-(

Paul, Christine, Kaylee and I went to a few garage sales and found a lot of things for the grandkids.  Couldn't believe the number of sales...not sure I could make it to all of many. :-)

We met Kris, Jason and Asa for lunch in Rochester and then headed back home.

So lucky to have such a wonderful family...
Today's Meditation

"The quieter you become, the more you can hear." —Ram Dass

Miraculous Awareness Meditation

Today, as we continue on the journey toward creating miraculous relationships, we explore one of the richest gifts we have to offer others: our undivided attention. In the enlightening stillness of meditation, we will focus on the many gifts available through listening with our ears, heart, and soul.

Consider for a moment the last time you truly felt heard. What a gift it is when another person is truly present, hearing our words as well as receiving all the unspoken messages we send through our energy, body, and nonverbal communication. Listening is a form of mindful attention that brings us fully into the present moment, where miracles can unfold in our relationships and in every area of our lives.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am present.


Set the intention to have at least one conversation today in which you truly listen with your heart and soul. Give yourself permission to pause your busy inner dialogue. Listen to the words being spoken and make the choice to listen beyond the words to receive the full spirit and potential of the message. With fresh and attentive eyes and ears, witness the miracle of the person before you, seeing them through the eyes of your heart. With this practice you invite true connection, infinite possibility, and abundant love into your life and relationships.

Today's Bible Study

The Pain of Bitterness

Read | 1 Samuel 13:5-14

Bitterness is never a proper response for a child of God. It poisons the mind, emotions, and spirit. When did this resentful attitude take root in Saul? Let’s look at two events in his life for clues.

Saul couldn’t go to battle until Samuel arrived to offer the burnt sacrifice as God had commanded. Before the prophet arrived, though, Saul’s men became scared of the enemy and started to leave, so the king took action and made the sacred offering himself. He may have thought, This has to be done right away. Why shouldn’t I do it? He failed to see the necessity of obeying divine commands to the letter. God saw this as a serious act of rebellion, which brought judgment: Saul’s kingdom wouldn’t endure. God would one day appoint someone else to take over as ruler instead of Saul’s descendants. Imagine Saul’s reaction to hearing the kingdom would not belong to his family.

During the war against the Amalekites, King Saul once again failed to follow the Lord’s instructions fully. When Samuel confronted him about his misdeed, he lied and claimed that he had obeyed. Later, however, Saul attempted to justify his disobedience. His unrepentant heart grieved the Lord and resulted in further judgment: he, the king, was now rejected by God (1 Sam. 15:10-11, 26).

I believe Saul’s descent into bitterness began with the news that his disobedience would cost him the kingdom. Be sure to take your disappointments and anger immediately to the Lord. Pour them out before Him, and ask that He help you let them go. Your spiritual health depends on it.

Another great day!

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