Friday, August 16, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Friday, August 16th

Another beautiful morning with highs in the 70's again today :-)

Yesterday, I started out in the morning with just a pressure in my right hip and buttocks area or an uncomfortable feeling. As the day went on it got to the point I couldn't put my full weight down when I was walking. :-)  My hands continue to spasm or locking up.
I even took a nap yesterday afternoon...I don't do that very often.  I wasn't feeling very well.     :-)

I will see how today goes, :-) hopefully better than yesterday...
My right side is still alittle sensitive.

Christine, Kaylee, Paul and I are going to garage sales being held for the Corn on the Cob days celebration in Plainview.  After garage sales we are meeting, Kris Asa and Jason at HuHut in Rochester... :-) Should be a good day...

"I wait quietly before God,
  for my victory comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
  my fortress where I will never be shaken.
Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
  for my hope is in him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
  my fortress where I will not be shaken.
My victory and honor come from God alone.
  He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me."

Psalm 62:1-2, 5-7
encouragement for today

Here is the stance of the trusting heart: waiting quietly in the trust that God will act on your behalf. Declarating that God alone is your hope, your protection, your salvation. Today, leave whatever is troubling you at God's feet. Wait quietly for him to act. Your victory comes from God alone.

—Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled Devotion

Today's Meditation

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." —Albert Einstein

Miraculous Dynamism Meditation

Today in our meditation we will explore our essential energetic nature. At the deepest level, we are all powerful energetic beings. We inherently possess the ability to shift the world around us with our presence and how we project ourselves. When we walk into a room, our energetic state of being is communicated before we say a word. If we’re coming from love, everyone feels it. And if we’re feeling resentful, edgy, sad or preoccupied, everyone can feel that, too. Silently, our energy speaks and our thoughts, feelings and intentions ripple out into the world.

Our capacity to affect others with our energy is both a gift and a responsibility. Ultimately, we have the power to choose how we show up and interact in this world. When we choose to come from compassion, peace, and unity, we become a powerful force for good and open the door to deep and rich relationships.

Our centering thought for today is:

I use my energy to heal and transform.


Today, pay attention to your energetic state. Take time to focus your awareness on how your state of being may be affecting other people. If you notice that you’re feeling prickly, irritable, or otherwise out of sorts, take a few moments to breathe deeply into your heart, sending yourself love and self-compassion. Acknowledge your distress without judging it, and notice how your energy shifts. Each time you pause, assess, reframe, and choose love, you are truly leading your life toward your destiny. You are opening to your infinite potential.
Today's Bible Study

The Danger of Bitterness

Read | 1 Samuel 18:1-30

King Saul had it all: God’s anointing on him as ruler; the prophet Samuel to guide him; the power and wealth of the kingdom of Israel; the applause of the people. Yet he died a bitter man. What steps led to his downfall?

• Anger. When Goliath was defeated, the crowds praised Saul as a killer of thousands but David as a slayer of tens of thousands. Instead of rejoicing that God had raised up someone to slay the giant, Saul grew angry with David for receiving more praise than he did.

• Wrong thinking. Saul’s flaring temper affected his mind, and he became suspicious of David’s motives. He started thinking that since the Lord was with David, the young man would want to take over the kingdom right away.

• Fear. Saul’s fear led to plotting against David and throwing spears at him.

• Rejection. The king sent David away from his presence.

• Dread. Saul’s fear grew stronger with David’s military success and the people’s growing love for the younger man.

• Deceitful action. Twice the king tried to manipulate David by offering one of his daughters in marriage. Both times he plotted to get David killed by the Philistines, and each attempt failed. Saul’s response was to become David’s enemy for the rest of his days. From then on, bitterness reigned.

Although the details of our lives differ from Saul’s, the steps to bitterness and ruin are the same. What unresolved anger do you allow to fester? Whom do you avoid because of ill will? Won’t you confess your sin, turn to God, and be set free?

Another great day!

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