Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, April 30

Today I'm back in for additional tests at the U of M...

The tests they do today will be painful but shouldn't take long...the Dr won't treat me until he knows what he's treating...

If I had to come up with something rare, why couldn't it be a winning lottery ticket? :-)
Putting it in perspective and Factoring the Odds

CANCER 1 in 3 people (lifetime)

ASTHMA 1 in 15 people (NIAID)

ALZHEIMERS 1 in 68 people (Wrongdiagnosis.com)


LIGHTNING STRIKE: HOUSE 1 in 200 each year

PARKINSONS DISEASE 1 in 272 (Wrongdiagnosis.com)

LUPUS 1 in 2,000 (NIAID)


*DERMATOMYOSITIS 1 in 20,000 *


The odds of being killed in a PLANE CRASH are 1 in 11 million

Well, here's where the winning lottery ticket landed (so I guess that pretty much answers my question, doesn't it? :-)

Telling It like It Is

Read | John 9:13-25

The blind man was willing to answer questions about his healing, regardless of who was asking. Responses to his testimony varied. The neighbors argued over the genuineness of his story and demanded to know how he came to see. The man explained what had happened, with no embellishments: he’d met a man named Jesus, who gave him some instructions. When he obeyed, he was healed. Though the neighbors couldn’t deny what had happened, they had trouble accepting the account, because they could not understand it. The world still does the same thing—what they can’t explain, they try to deny.

The Pharisees also questioned how he had received his sight. Again the man reported, “He applied clay to my eyes, and I washed, and I see” (John 9:15). These leaders refused to believe him because they didn’t want to accept the One responsible for the healing. When they questioned the man a second time, he simply repeated his testimony: “I was blind, now I see” (v. 25). Again they rejected his words, because they refused to change their beliefs. Many people reject God’s truth and instead cling to their own interpretation of the facts.

A third response is seen in the man’s parents, whom the Pharisees asked to verify his testimony. They refused because they were afraid of the authorities. Fear of someone’s reaction can keep us from speaking about our transformed life.

Next time you have an opportunity to talk about the Lord, share something that has changed since you met Him. Say, “I was ___ , and now I am ___ because of Jesus.”

Another great day!

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