Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, April 23rd

I'm disappointed in myself...I thought I jotted down my neurology appointment on the calendar correctly...I guess I didn't...I got a call from the clinic yesterday at around 4:30pm asking me about my appointment...they had me scheduled for yesterday at 4pm instead of Tuesday at 4pm, today, like I thought...I messed up :-( they rescheduled my appointment for next Monday at 10am now...

I also had a message, on the answering machine yesterday, from one of the positions I applied for several weeks back...it was the person I would be replacing, if I got the position...she was letting me know that she was glad I applied for her position and wanted me to hang in there...they would be getting in touch with me the first week in May for an interview...I thought they already hired someone for the position...I was okay with that...

I'm not sure how I would do in any position right now...I don't have the skills or memory I used to...
Lord let me know what you want me to do...I want to do your will...open the door in the areas you want me to go.Amen!              

How to Be Encouraged

Read | Psalm 139:7-10

Most of us yearn to walk through life with a sense of confidence and assurance. But see if the following scenario ever describes you: At the end of your day or week, you feel worn out and depleted. Your nerves are frazzled—you seem to be in a season of trials, trudging through valleys, water, and fire. You know Scripture says the Lord has omniscience and uses all things for His good purposes, but feelings of isolation and discouragement leave you wondering if He’s even aware of the situation.

If that sounds familiar, then you need this reminder: You do not journey through this life alone. Our loving heavenly Father is and has been with each believer every single day. He travels with us side by side and hand in hand. We are walking in the presence of the living God, whose Spirit abides with us and is in us (John 14:16-17).

No matter what season of life you are in—no matter how long, short, painful, or easy it might be—God wants you to know you are never alone. He is with you always (Matt. 28:20). Allow yourself to be encouraged by that truth.

David reflected on this reassurance in Psalm 139—he realized that no matter where we might go, the Lord is right there with us. We are never beyond the reach of a God who is full of lovingkindness, mercy, and comfort (1 Chron. 16:34; 2 Cor. 1:3).

Friend, remember that God is faithful and omnipresent. You have a partner in this life—a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24), and He will never leave or forsake you, on this day or any other. Have a wonderful time walking with Him today.

Another great day!

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