Thursday, September 12, 2013

Training - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   


"...train yourself to be godly."        1 Timothy 4:7
I once owned a horse who was a great jumper. For an entire summer, we cleaned up ribbons at the horse shows. On the trail, I could ask him to sail over fence after fence, all the while keeping a steady gallop. This horse was trained for endurance. When I returned to school in the fall, I put him out to pasture. After a month or so, and before it got cold, I saddled him up for one more joy-ride before the first snows came. After three fences and less than half a mile, he was wheezing and lathered. I asked him for more, but it just wasn't there. His head drooped and his pace slowed. My horse was out of training.
I occasionally think of my old horse when I come up against a temptation and seem to have no resources, no strength to say "no." At those times (and I know when they are) I shouldn't be surprised. I've been out of training. I have no endurance.
We're all the same. We fiddle and faddle, meandering through life, ignoring spiritual disciplines like fasting, praying, and regular Bible reading. Then suddenly, when temptation broadsides us, or we get hit with a heavy trial, we wonder why we lack faith, the power to say "no," or that we succumb easily to discouragement or depression. We plead for help from God, but it's just not there; so we fume that God's grace isn't sufficient or that He's abandoned us.
Not so. The strength isn't there because we're out of training. We can't expect to exhibit godliness - especially at the snap of a finger when temptation strikes - if we've been out of training.
First Timothy 6:11-12 says, "But you, man of God... pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
Pursue. Fight. Take hold of. In other words, stay in training.
Lord, often in a trial I have faulted Your grace as being "not enough," when actually I haven't had the strength to be godly because I've been out of training. Help me to pursue and take hold of today every spiritual discipline.

Joni and Friends

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