Saturday, September 7, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, September 7th

Another beautiful morning!

Every day I wake up and do my morning routine. It has changed some...I get up, start the coffee, take my medication, use the bathroom :-) read my morning bible scripture, meditate and do my blog.  I don't turn on the television until Paul gets up. I am up for about an hour and a half before Paul...It's my time with God.
Reading scripture and meditating on God's word puts me in the right frame of mind to take on my day.  I'm ready for anything that may come my way.  :-) I have been given the peace that passes all understanding...
Don't get me wrong...I am far from perfect and still have my problems or issues to deal with but I am so thankful that God takes me as I am and gives me His peace and strength to live everyday. I don't know what I would do without it...
At first I really struggled with the DM and Lupus and the changes I've experienced with them. Now I take life one day at a time and appreciate what I can many have things far worse than I have it. 

Yesterday, when I was driving over to pick up mom...I was listening to a christian speaker talking about being plugged into God.  How we try to change our faults...We go on a diet, we try to stop smoking, we say we will take more time with the kids, spend more time cleaning the house or we decide not to talk so much...We aren't equipped to change it alone...we must turn it over to God and let him work on us.  :-). I was like a little child that hands over my toy for my father to work on but snatches it back before the job was completed.  I know my faults but I have to hand them over to God so He can help me make those changes...I cannot do it myself :-) I trust God will complete His work in me and will complete me in His time, not mine. :-)

Today is a special 3pm we are celebrating Kaylee's 2nd birthday.  She has grown so much, so fast and is turning into a beautiful young girl, both inside and out.  :-)

I am so blessed... :-)
Today's Bible Study

Youthfulness Isn’t about Age

Read | Psalm 103:1-5

When Abraham was 99 years old, God promised him that his wife would have a son the following year. The Bible records Sarah’s response to the news: “Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, ‘After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’” (Gen. 18:12 niv). Her skeptical laughter indicated that she didn’t expect the Lord to keep His promise.

The following year when the Lord’s promise was fulfilled in the birth of Isaac, Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me” (21:6 niv). This time, her laughter was the joyous kind that comes from seeing the Lord is at work and keeping His word.

Can’t you just picture the difference in her countenance on those two occasions? The first time, Sarah’s face must have looked old, weary, disappointed, and etched with unbelief. But later on, when she beheld her new son, her face must have been transformed—still covered in wrinkles, no doubt, but now with eyes sparkling, cheeks glowing, and mouth curled in a smile. Sarah had become young at heart. Not only was she transformed, but those nearby must have joined in her infectious laughter.

What was true of Sarah can be true of us: Burdens feel lighter and the world seems a gentler place when we see God working in our midst. And if we watch for Him, we will find reasons to smile. Chronological age doesn’t determine youthfulness; heart attitude does.

Another great day!

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