Sunday, September 1, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Sunday, September 1st

Another Beautiful Morning!  The temps are in the 40's this morning...The weather has been really nice the hole trip :-) We've had some thunderstorms but they moved through very quickly. :-)

Today we are heading back home.Flying can be stressful expecally when they pull me aside and search me everytime. :-(  I will see if they do it again on the way home. :-)  I were a big floppy hat and gloves so I wonder if that is why I get stopped ????

It will be nice getting home and sleeping in my own bed.  I've been sleeping in a recliner and still waking up a lot hurting. Yesterday I couldn't get the swelling to go down. :-(  This morning I'm not too bad, just slightly swollen but maybe my morning pills will help.

We had a great time with family :-) Beautiful much to see. I have been so blessed :-)
So thankful for what I can do...
Today's Bible Study

By Dr. Charles Stanley

You and I will never go wrong by trusting and obeying God. You may be praying and asking God to work in your life and situation. Maybe there is something you long to have or something you want to experience. You want to make sure that you are getting His best and are in step with His will. But how can you be sure that the promises you’re claiming from Scripture are those God intended for you?

When you trust God for promises in His Word and feel as though He has answered, ask yourself the following questions about your choice:

Does this promise meet my personal need or desire?
Sometimes we can want something so badly that we make choices without considering the consequences. But if we wait for God and remain committed to be right in step with His will, we will receive His blessing, and it will be more than we imagined. In fact, it will be the best. We may be right on target and have chosen the right course of action. If this is the case, then God promises that we will hear His voice or at least sense His leading telling us that this is the right way (Isa 30:21).

Have I submitted my desires to His will?
This is a crucial step. I once knew a woman who wanted to marry a man whom she had known for years. It seemed like a perfect match, but I counseled her to get alone with the Father and remind Him of His promises to her and ask Him if this union was His best. “If it is God's gift to you, He will make sure you keep it. If it is not, you do not want it." I could tell by the look in her eyes that she really did not want to submit her desires to the Lord. That night, however, she got down on her knees and gave God the relationship. Three weeks later she found out that he was seeing someone else. The Father had protected her from making a terrible mistake. Though it took a long time for her to get over the incident, she is now happily married to a wonderful man who loves her without hindrance. God had something better in mind. Before you make a horrendous mistake, stop and submit your life and situation to Him. You will be very glad you did.

If God answers this promise, will He be glorified?
Often people are more concerned about having their needs met than they are about pleasing God. They forget that if their lives are not in step with His will, then there will be heartache, disappointment, and sorrow. However, if He is our first concern, then the decisions we make will glorify Him and He will be honored. When He is, then others will see His work in our lives and they will want to develop a personal relationship with Him.

Can God fulfill this promise to me without harming or hurting someone else and without interfering with His will for his or her life?
Many times, our requests are "me" centered. We want things that are not necessarily bad, but they may be things that could draw someone else away from the Lord. You cannot just pick a promise out of His Word and claim it as your own or push to achieve it in your life. God has a plan, and He always takes into account your life and the lives of others around you. Therefore you need to pray, "Lord, this is what I want to do, but I want to make sure that it lines up with Your will for my life and that it will not harm anyone else." God's promises always bring blessing and hope. They never subtract or take away our emotional strength or faith; they always add and multiply what He has so generously given.

Does the Holy Spirit bear witness to my spirit that God is pleased with this promise?
You may want something so desperately that you will go to Scripture, choose a promise, claim it, and then tell others, "This is what God is going to do for me." But He never does. Each time you remind Him of what you have read in His Word, you sense His quietness of Spirit. He is waiting for you to get in line with His will and stop trying to make something happen that is not His best for your life.

By claiming this promise, am I contradicting God's Word in any way?
You always want to make sure that what you are asking the Father to do is in alignment with His will for your life. It also needs to be something that is biblically on target. Solomon prayed for wisdom, and this was exactly what he needed and what the Lord had planned to give him. When we study Scripture, we are going to begin to think like He does, gaining His mind about our situation. He may not remove our trials, but He will give us such a strong sense of hope that we will be able to endure to the end with a spirit of victory and reward. God wants us to claim His promises, not just to gain a material blessing, but so that we can understand His truth for our lives. A promise made to us by God emphasizes His greatness, His faithfulness, and His unchanging love for us.

If God answers this promise, will it further my spiritual growth?
The answer to this question should be a flat-out "Yes!" If you have to think about it or try to convince yourself that gaining the answer to your promise will actually be good, then either you have missed the point, or you are off track with God.

By now you probably realize that claiming a promise of God is not a simple matter. It takes faith, obedience, and patience. But even more than these three, gaining the promises of God requires a deep abiding love for Him. Therefore, choose to trust Him, to commit your way to Him, and to delight in His precepts, and you will be able to claim His promises. And you will quickly discover that the goodness God has for you will never end.

Another Beautiful Day!

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