Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, September 18th

Another beautiful morning! Last night we got some much needed rain :-) Sound like more rain is on the way. :-)

I've always been very close to my children and respect their individual personalities.
I love being apart of their lives and watching them achieve their goals and starting their families. The best part is watching the grandchildren grow. ,:-)

Like any parent, I have hopes and concerns. I hope they will be happy and healthy.  I hope they have work that they will enjoy, good friends, and loves with whom they can share their lives.  I sometimes wonder if I did enough to prepare them? 
We don't know the twists and turns ahead in our lives but we can encourage and support one another through it all . :-)

It's been around 15 months adjusting to the DM and Lupus.  I have done pretty good learning to cope with the disease symptoms, medication, pain, swelling and the lifestyle changes.  I've been having red on my right ear, both cheeks and both eye lids.  I'm sure it's from going outside without uv makeup on. :-( I continue to get a lot of stares when I'm outside, being completely covered makes me stand out mote. :-( I wear my hats, hats are in now, so they are most likely looking at the gloves and long sleeve shirts in the warm/hot weather. :-).  With Fall and Winter coming I won't stand out as much. :-)

I have been fortunate that the medication has been doing its job and not causing too many side effects. I take my share of supplements. I eat a good anti inflammatory diet, most the time. I do my daily exercises.  The hardest thing is coming to terms with slowing down and taking care of myself.  I've been doing what I'm told and taking it easy.  The Drs will be proud. :-)
I spend a lot more time with my family and friends:-).

I'm so thankful for for what I can do! :-)
Today's Bible Study

Withstanding Satan’s Attacks

Read | Ephesians 6:10-11

The Enemy’s attacks against our minds are skillful. By watching how we live, he can determine when and where we are defenseless. While he is not omniscient, he knows enough to work against us.

For instance, he directs our attention to something we want, causing us to get so wrapped up in perceived needs that we forget the many wonderful things our Father has already provided. Once we have narrowed our focus to a desire for satisfaction, Satan steps in to meet our craving with what he wants us to have—something that will ultimately draw us away from God.

By observing us, he knows the times and situations when we’re most likely to say yes to temptation. He will do anything in his power to get our minds off the Lord and will distract us even during prayer. In addition, he understands our emotional climate and looks for fatigue, loneliness, and other vulnerabilities that he can exploit. Satan urges us to “want it now” and tries to hide from view any future consequences.

The Enemy works to create doubt in our minds. He wants us to question the truth of the Word, and even to feel unsure about our salvation. Once disbelief sets in, as it did for Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1-6), our minds will start to rethink the interpretation of Scripture in order to justify our conduct.

Though we may be susceptible to his schemes, we’re not helpless against Satan (2 Tim. 1:7). Since our Father protects us, our Savior intercedes for us, and the Holy Spirit guides us to truth, “resist the devil and he will flee” (James 4: 7).

Another great day!

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