Monday, January 6, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another cold but beautiful day!  Looking forward to warmer weather soon.  This coming weakened our highs go back up to 30 degrees.

I am starting my new year focusing on me physical and emotional health.  I will be doing what is best for me...

I thought things was good...
You don't have to think big to be healthier in 2014. Here are 5 simple things that you can do to greatly improve the quality of your life this year. Live each day at a time, but planning with the week in mind will help you organize your time, achieve your fitness and wellness goals and help you get all the rest you need to really enjoy your life. Happiness is here and now!!

1. Breathe

 There is an old yogic saying that "He who only half breathes, only half lives". There are many different ways to breathe, and many different breathing techniques, so take the time to explore the gift of your own breath. Your breath is the most effective tool that you have for coping with any given situation and controlling your response to the stressors in your life. 

To practice measured breathing, inhale through your nose to a count of 5, and then exhale to that same count of five. Try this exercise at various intervals throughout the day, and whenever you feel stressed, for two or three minutes at a time- concentrating on filling and emptying your lungs completely. Before long, you will find that you don't become stressed as often, and when you do, you'll have an easier time recovering. Take the time this year to get to know your breath. Ask your yoga instructor for tips, and consider trying a new breathing technique each week. Even just experimenting with breathing techniques can be profoundly relaxing and energizing. The more you practice, the better it gets!

2. Pamper Yourself

Many years ago I went to school to become a cosmetologist. As students, we were inclined to experiment on ourselves and try new things out on each other. Every Tuesday afternoon was designated as "Self Improvement Day". Tuesday afternoons quickly became my favorite time of the week. To this day, I still try to do something for myself at least once a week, and preferably on Tuesdays. It could be as simple as applying a mud mask, and/or conditioning my hair or doing my nails. Maybe Tuesday afternoons/eves will work for you too. Whatever day you choose, taking time for "Self Improvement" on a regular basis is a great way to maintain your natural beauty and to keep you looking and feeling your best. 

When it comes to personal wellness, never underestimate the power of touch. You can't give a hug without getting one, so go for 8-12 hugs per day. Decide now how many massages you would like to have this year and get them on your calendar.  

3. Work Out Regularly 

 Working out is good for you and helps you to relax. In general, we as Americans are mentally fatigued and sleep deprived. However, most Americans, because of our sedentary lifestyle, are not physically tired enough to relax. I know this sounds like a lofty goal, but there are ways to get all your workouts in on a regular basis. First of all, take it week by week. Decide how many workouts you would like to do per week. Even though most calendars show that Sunday is the first day of the week, I would like to suggest that you consider Monday to be the first day. Start early in the week, with the goal of fitting in 3-5 workouts by Saturday so you can take Sunday off. That way you can begin the new week physically and mentally fresh and rested. After waffling back and forth and trying to randomly fit in my workouts through the years, I can't believe how much this simple suggestion helped me to loosely structure my week and reach my fitness goals. 

Make sure that your workouts are both fitness and wellness oriented. Feed your soul by balancing intense cardio workouts with Gentle or Restorative Yoga. If you enjoy walking or jogging more than intense exercise, depending on your level of fitness, you may enjoy strength oriented yoga classes that will challenge yet relax you, or gentler yoga classes that will strengthen your body and increase flexibility. Do what you enjoy and keep at it.  Wellness is all about finding the balance that is right for you and sticking with it over the long haul.

4. Stay Organized

Even if you aren't actually an organized person, taking 5-10 minutes each day to pick up and put things away, to straighten out your closet, or to organize your purse, goes a long way to help you feel on top of a busy and demanding life. Set the timer and go for it. The most common mistake people make when it comes to dealing with clutter is thinking that they will eventually find the time to get organized. Don't let clutter bog you down. Keeping up is truly easier that catching up.

5. Get Plenty of Quality Sleep

One of the best ways to get out of the "striving mode" and into enjoying life more fully, is to develop good sleep habits. Quality sleep at night actually begins with taking a little time out each day to rest and slow things down a bit. Combined with a bit of deep breathing, a mid afternoon (or right when you get home from work) "Savasana" is a great way to recharge and reenergize. Just 5-10 minutes a day, flat on your back will rebalance your energy and help you to unwind- leaving you calm and relaxed instead of overwhelmed and overtired. A mind that is deprived of personal space and privacy during waking hours can become a very busy mind in the middle of the night. 

Most Americans are chronically sleep deprived. Try to get to bed early enough to allow for at least 9 hours of sleep each night. Going to bed early will keep you from pressuring yourself to fall asleep, which can lead to insomnia; and will provide the time you need to unwind naturally as you enjoy the space you have created in your day. It is not uncommon to occasionally have trouble falling asleep so don't be discouraged. The quality of your life is directly affected by the quality and quantity of your sleep, so before grabbing for that bottle of pills, try the progressive relaxation technique described below, practice your breathing techniques, and don't forget to count your blessings. 

There are many different progressive relaxation techniques you can try, and all are very effective at helping to release muscular tension, which will help you drift off into that sweet slumber we all crave. The technique that I have found to be particularly helpful for restful sleep starts with lying on your back in the most comfortable position you can find. Practice your deep and breathing for a couple of minutes. Then, beginning with the feet, imagine each body part to become heavy and relaxed. Scanning your body for tension, gradually work your way towards the top of the head and then all the way back down to your feet. Repeat as many times as necessary, but don't be surprised if you drift off before your scan is completed. Sweet Dreams!

So thankful for all I can do...
Today's Bible Study

Getting Your Life Back on Course
Read | Hebrews 12:1-3

Do you ever feel as if your life has gone a bit off course? Maybe you were making your way just fine, but all of a sudden, you weren’t sure which way to turn. Now and again, all of us face circumstances when our spiritual sense of direction seems unclear. Fortunately, though, Hebrews 12:1-3 lays out a clear plan for getting back on track after we’ve made some missteps.

First, we’re to “lay aside every encumbrance.” Here, encumbrance literally means “weight.” In other words, we should remove anything from our life that is weighing us down. Stress, guilt, fear, shame, and regret are just a few of the burdens that can break our backs as we strive to move forward in the Lord. We will simply never go far when we’re dragging around so much baggage.

Second, we are to lay aside “the sin which so easily entangles us.” Have you ever felt completely powerless because of your sin? When left unattended, it grows like a wild vine. Sin may start small but can completely overtake you unless it’s rooted out early.

Third, we are to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.” That means we should stay focused, and if we fall, get back up and carry on. With the determination of an Olympic athlete, we press on with our eyes on the goal, despite the obstacles and distractions.

Even when we feel lost, we can be sure God has a specific plan for our life. He knows where we’ve been, He knows where we are, and He knows where we’re going. The course has been laid before us, and Jesus stands waiting at the finish line.

Looking forward to another great day...

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