Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another beautiful day with temps back down below zero.  Brrr

I've tried cutting back on pain medicine but I'm finding out I may have to add them back in sometimes...
Yesterday, I wasn't feeling well, I had swelling and alot of pain.  So, I ended up having to take some.
I'll still cut back but if I have a bad flare the pain medicine will be available for me to use. 

This morning I'm going to pick up Gracie and take her over to see Grandma Faye and Grandma Gloria. 
We are eating lunch with grandma Faye and having a treat with grandma Gloria.
Grandma Faye will be riding back home with us and staying overnight.  She's joining us on the trip to AZ
Christine starts back to work in March, so I will start babysitting Gracie.
I plan on doing the same as I did with Kaylee..visit every week so the grandmas can watch her grow up too.

I'm so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Reinforcing Our Faith
Read | Jude 1:20-23

Even though we have already examined some ways in which we can identify false teachers, it is impossible for us to avoid this destructive influence completely. Therefore, it is critical that we reinforce our faith so we’ll be able to stand firm against the subversive pull of the world. But how can we build a stronger faith?

First, we must saturate our minds with the holy, unchanging Word of God. Then the Holy Spirit will continually refresh our minds and bring new insights as we develop Christian maturity.

Second, we must commit to pray in the Holy Spirit (Eph. 6:18). We can trust the Spirit to guide us in our prayers, leading us with regard to what, when, and how to pray.

Third, we must keep ourselves in the love of God. Of course, we can never fall beyond the scope of divine love, but we shouldn’t ever take the Lord’s amazing grace for granted. With that in mind, we need to guard our closeness with Him, ensuring that we spend uninterrupted time in His presence.

Fourth, we must await the Lord’s return eagerly. From the Christian perspective, Jesus’ second coming is the most anticipated event in history, and we need to keep our eyes on this goal. The thought that Christ could return at any moment is a purifying and protective realization for the believer (1 John 3:2-3).

There’s no “magic formula” for spiritual growth, but these simple steps, laid out in verses 20-23 of Jude, can serve as a guide while we strive to protect our faith from the snares of the world.

Looking forward to another great day...

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