Friday, January 3, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Great Day!
Oh these temperatures are hard on a body...brrr

I reallylove this quote! "Do you want to ramp up the good things in your life? Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day better for having seen you. Say "Thank you" at every turn. Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude. When you do this, the circumstances in your life will change to reflect your inner state of gratitude and appreciation.~Rhonda Byrne

I realized what I was doing to cause my flares...
I've been drinking low calorie hot chocolate and it has powdered milk in it. LSo no more hot's hot tea instead.  I'm doing much better...

I need to do a better job watching what I eat and drink, it's too hard on me...

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

A Balanced Schedule
Read | Ephesians 5:15-17

We often think seconds are not very important. But seconds tick away into minutes, minutes into hours, and hours into days. We have all been amazed at how swiftly days turn into weeks, months, and years. Think of it this way: a 70-year-old has lived the equivalent of about two billion, two hundred seven million, five hundred and twenty thousand seconds!

While you read that last sentence, about five seconds of your life elapsed, and you can never go back and decide to use them differently. As small as they are, seconds are precious because they are a creation and a gift of God. How we use even these small time increments makes a difference. Since our heavenly Father has a plan for each life—that we live for His purpose and His will—then we must consider how we spend not just years, months, and days, but even minutes and seconds. And the time to decide is now, before any more of your life passes by.

Understanding the value of each moment, the apostle Paul urged us, “Be careful how you walk . . . making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16). In essence, he is instructing us, “Take advantage of every opportunity God gives you. Don’t waste your time!” Let Jesus be your role model for keeping a balanced schedule. He knew that spending time with the Father was the most important thing He could do. Follow His example, and begin each day in the Father’s presence. He will help you arrange your schedule and can make every second count.

 Looking forward to another great day...

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