Monday, January 13, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  Winter weather advisor is starting tonight through tomorrow... Yuck

Yesterday, I had cloudy pee and dark bm.  Last night I wasn't feeling very well again...I felt like throwing up.  I went to bed at 8:30pm. I slept in bed until 11:30pm and went out to sleep on the couch...
I woke up with a really bad headache at 5:00am.  I took my morning medicine and took a bath...went back to sleep until 8:00am.  I'm having the shooting pains going down my right side this morning.  They are very sharp pains...

I got a call that my disability hearing isn't until April 9th and will be held in the cities.  At least I finally heard something from them...I just want it over already...

So thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

A Reason for Confidence
Read | Philippians 4:10-13

Negativity affects us both spiritually and physically. Simply spending time with a pessimistic individual can take a toll. On the other hand, positive emotions, particularly godly confidence, can empower us to live fully, as the Lord intends.

Facing each day with the knowledge that our strength comes from Jesus will drive away doubt and anxiety. Yet many things can interfere with a healthy outlook. For example, we often allow wrong advice and negative attitudes to drain us. Sin, too, will keep our hearts from finding full confidence in God. And sometimes false guilt creeps into our minds and robs us of assurance as well.

Instead, we can purposefully develop confidence in almighty God by maturing in our faith. Meditating on the Word, drawing near to the Lord in prayer, and choosing to believe Him are all ways to strengthen our relationship with the Father. The more our friendship with Him deepens, the more unshakable our trust will become.

As Christians, we have every reason to live with assurance—we have the very presence of God living within us (John 14:17). But in addition, we also have His peace, power, and provision (Phil. 4:7, 13, 19).

Our world is full of distrust, fear, and uncertainty. Don’t allow yourself to listen to negative messages, which can make you lose the confidence God gives His children. Instead, focus on the truth in Scripture, as well as the glory and victory of Jesus. Let His perfect love cast out your fear (1 John 4:18).

Looking forward to a great day...

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