Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, June 26th

Another beautiful morning with lows in the 60's.

My life has changed drastically since I've been diagnosed with DM.  I'm hoping my pain will go away soon.  I think most of my pain is the neuropathy and bursitis from the post shingles :-(  I hope so anyway. :-)

As I continue to reflect on how I got to this point...I remember the onset of some of my symptoms. I was getting ready for a fundraiser at church and the night before the run I was in the emergency room, I was itching so bad I couldn't get any relief...I tried taking a shower, it helped temporarily but eventually I scratched so much I started bleeding. Another incident was when I went to a conference in Owatonna for church. That was the day the shawl started appearing.  I have read that stress can bring it on but this wasn't the first time in my life I've had to deal with stress.  Why now?

Anyone in this situation would feel sad and frustrated about what Is happening to their bodies but I try to keep my head up and move forward.
DM and Lupus are mysterious illnesses. With them, you really don't know what is going to happen...will it get better?

My challenge now is to move forward and learn to live with my new self and deal with the curve balls as they come my way. At times I still mourn for my healthy body but realize I may not get it back.  I try to eat right and make myself attractive with what I've been given. My figure has changed due to the medication I'm on and I will always have to keep myself covered from head to toe to protect myself from the UV and florescent lights. 
I'm still so thankful for what I can do...:-)


Today's Bible Study:

The Danger of Money

Read | 1 Timothy 6:6-19

Money is a neutral commodity—it is inherently neither good nor evil. However, a strong yearning for wealth can cause great danger for our souls.

God created mankind to love Him, but ever since the temptation in the garden
of Eden, people have given their heart to lesser desires. Love of money not only robs God of His rightful place in our affections; it also steals contentment, leads to various temptations, and can cause us to wander from our Creator.

The amount of money we possess is not the source of the problem. The root originates in the desires of the heart. We never seem to think we have enough, no matter what our financial situation is. The lure of wealth promises pleasures and security, but if we devote ourselves to the pursuit of affluence, we will find that it does not satisfy. Even worse, it will ultimately lead to ruin and grief.

Mark 4:19 speaks of the “deceitfulness of riches.” Think back to a time when you purchased something you really wanted. Remember the delight you had in that item when it was new? What about now-—do you still feel the same joy, or has the pleasure decreased? The satisfaction of possession is fleeting and, therefore, requires the pursuit of more in an effort to regain the same feeling of gratification.

Lasting pleasure and security are found only in God. He “richly supplies us with all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17). But if we let His tangible benefits become our main desire, we’ll lose our contentment. Seek the Lord through His Word and prayer—as you learn to delight in Him, you’ll discover enduring satisfaction for your soul.

Another great day!

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