Monday, May 27, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, May 27th

I hope everyone is having a safe Memorial Weekend!

Relaxing this morning.  I am planning to continue with my spring cleaning this week...I'm hoping to get it done soon.  It would be nice.

This afternoon the kids and Kaylee are coming over to eat ribs, chicken, stuffed mushrooms and other goodies. :-)

This years mushroom hunting has been a great success...Paul found most of them the 20 far...we have more areas to search yet.  Hopefully we will have nicer weather so we can get back out to search...


Life Would Be Great If Only...
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority."  
Colossians 2:9-10
What do quadriplegics (people whose hands and legs are paralyzed) daydream about? Running a marathon? Ballroom dancing? Climbing a mountain?

Even able-bodied people look at others who seem more attractive, smarter, richer, healthier, and who get all the breaks in life. In comparison, our minor defects begin to look like deformities. Thankfully, the Bible has good advice for people prone to compare. Paul tells us we have been given "fullness in Christ." In other words, we are complete in Him. We have everything. We lack nothing. There's no need to compare. Once we comprehend this truth, our so-called defects become reminders of how "full" we are -- because we have "fullness in Christ." The inferiority complex releases its grip. We become content.

In what ways do you feel incomplete, inadequate, or less than you had hoped? Rather than seeing these as insufficiencies, realize you are lacking in nothing. Why? Because Christ dwells in you.   Bask in that knowledge for a few, quiet moments and feel yourself relax into contentedness.
Lord, help me to keep from drumming up "if only" scenarios in my mind. Fill my thoughts with satisfaction in You and in whom You have fashioned me to be. Amen

Another great day!

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