Monday, May 20, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, May 20th

I had another great night sleep.  Investing in the sleep number bed has helped me a lot.  In any other bed, I toss and turn and wake up hurting.  I am so thankful for a great night sleep.  What a  difference it makes in my day.  :-)

Today, I'm going to start to tackle the spring cleaning. Slow and steady that's how I'm going to tackle it.  Slow and steady.  LOL

Kaylee and I watch the story of the tortoise and the hare.  The tortoise is going to win the race slow and steady that's how I'm going to win it...slow and steady.
It's stuck in my head.  :-)


"'How many loaves do you have?' he asked. 'Go and see.' When they found out, they said, 'Five - and two fish.'"        Mark 6:38
Do you ever feel as if you're only one person who can only do so much, especially in the face of some pressing need? We can all find excuses to sidestep a problem. We can say we're the wrong person for the job; we can't do it alone; we have other priorities; God hasn't called us to meet the need; or the ever-ready excuse, "I only have limited resources."
That's the excuse the disciples reached for in Mark 6 when Jesus told them to give a huge crowd something to eat. They said to Him, "Look, Lord, we only have five loaves and two fish." Well, you know what Jesus did with that excuse. He turned it into a miracle of multiplication, and before they knew it, the disciples ended up helping to feed five thousand.
God laughs in the face of limited resources. In fact, He often uses limitations on our resources to strengthen and test our faith as we step out and believe He will supply the need.
That's something to remember if today you are faced with a need, a project, a problem with which you feel bound and gagged because of your lack of resources. Remember that when you roll up your sleeves and dig into the task God has put before you, your resources will expand. Out of nowhere you will find you have the strength, you will see you have the time, and if money is the problem, then watch to see how God will supply what's needed.
God of limitlessness, I confess that I'm often caught up in seeing the limits rather than the possibilities. Open my eyes, but more importantly, open my heart that I might see and believe.
Another great day!

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