Thursday, May 1, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning! 
Today starts the 100 mile garage sales.  Paul and I will go out to a few sales tomorrow.  It's a lot of fun to see what's out there... :-)

This morning I was listening to a Christian speaker and he was talking about when he ran into a time of change...he would become restless.  This would bring him to his knees to seek God's will.  When I became restless I felt I was disobeying God.  I felt I should have been satisfied where I was, to accept my situation and stay at home to take care of myself.  But instead I continued to apply for jobs to see if the door would open.  Trusting God to find the right job if I am supposed to hold one.  The door was opened...

Today, I'm back to work at second day.  My hours are short ones, 4 to 5 hours at a time. I will tred slowly and lightly at first, to get my body back into working.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Standing Before God’s Open Door
By Charles Stanley
Read | 2 Corinthians 2:12-13

In today’s passage, Paul wrote about open doors—he used the figure of speech to signify great opportunities to preach the gospel. Those “doors” were important because physical, technological, and geographical limitations hampered his work considerably.

Just think about how different things are for evangelistic efforts today. We’re living in the most opportune time to reach the entire world for Jesus. We have the technology to penetrate every country and impact every culture.

In times like this, we should be asking where we personally fit into God’s plan. It’s inappropriate to sit back and act as if this job were intended only for preachers and missionaries. There may be all kinds of reasons why we consider ourselves unqualified, but it is time we got past our excuses. All of us can read and study the Bible and then begin to share it with others. If you have trusted in the Savior, then you’ve received eternal life from Him and are indwelt by His Spirit. So you should be able to talk about Him.

This is the time to impact the entire world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can no longer think in terms of just “my workplace,” “my city,” or “my country”; the whole world matters. We begin at home but are not to stop until we’ve reached all people groups on earth.

Jesus died to purchase men from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Don’t discredit yourself or count yourself out. You can walk through the open doors God has placed before you and have a significant part in reaching the world with the good news of Christ.

Looking forward to another great day....

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