Monday, July 22, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, July 22nd

Another beautiful morning! We had almost 1/4 of an inch of rain...we can use more.
From noon to 7pm we will be in a severe thunderstorm warning.

I am continuing to stay out of the sunlight and watch what I eat.
I messed up. I put catchup on my hashbrowns for breakfast after church yesterday. Whoops...Tomatoes and potatoes are nightshade plants and cause swelling. The ketchup has salt which also causes swelling :-(

Sometimes I don't think about it...things are automatic.  For 18 years Paul and I have gone to church, parked in the same place, sat in the same pew and would go to Finne for breakfast.  When we walk in they start our breakfast...we have the same thing ever Sunday. :-)
I order 2 egg, hashbrowns, bacon, toast and coffee for 18 years. I need to change my order to something different so I won't swell.

Yesterday I decided to go to church without my my knuckles have the patchy red on them. :-(
One of the sheds I am going through was one my dad had built to put his things in while he was here from AZ.  He would set up at swap meets, antique or coin shows. Dad has been gone for several years. Time to clean the shed out.

I haven't told many about the dream I had before my dad died.
My dad came to me in a dream telling me that he was going to take Pauls place so I wouldn't have to lose another husband. I promised dad I would always take care of mom and thanked him for that gift.  Dad died at age 70 of Acute Myloid Leukemia. Around 12 days after he was diagnosed.

So many of us rush through life...slow down so you are able to hear from God...He teaches us so many things, if we would listen.

When trials come into our life, whether it be a lose of a job, financial, martial, death or sickness, at these times in our life is when God graduates us to a new level in our faith. 
Today's Bible Study

Lessons from a Man on the Run

Read | Jonah 1:1-17

We are told that the prophet Jonah bought a ticket to Tarshish in an effort to escape from the presence of the Lord and thereby avoid a God-given assignment. Probably none of us would book a flight to a distant land in order to escape from God’s presence.

Nonetheless, good people actually try to run from God in many different ways and end up experiencing miseries similar to Jonah’s.

While running from the Lord, the prophet overlooked some essentials that we should all keep in mind. In the first place, he incorrectly assumed that fleeing from God would release him from having to obey. He probably never imagined how persistent the Lord can be when He calls us to a duty station. Eventually Jonah found it is impossible to run from God successfully—His love will pursue us, even to the depths of the sea in order to conform us to His will and His plan for our lives. God simply will not be deterred by our slippery disobedience.

Jonah had also overlooked the fact that the direction of disobedience is always downward. Scripture tells us that the reluctant prophet initially went down to Joppa. There he found a ship and proceeded down into it. And the next thing you know, he is plunging down into the depths of the sea—even down to the roots of the mountains (Jonah 2:6).

When you run from God, there is no hiding place, even in the bottom of the sea. Our entire life is always visible to the Lord. So instead of trying to flee from His presence, welcome it.

Another great day!

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