Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This is Why He Came - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   

This is Why He Came

"Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: 'Everyone is looking for you!' Jesus replied, 'Let us go somewhere else -- to the nearby villages -- so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.'"   
Mark 1:36-38
Why were Simon and his companions so anxious to find Jesus? Because everyone was asking for Him. The day before in Capernaum Jesus had healed all the sick and the demon possessed. Word had spread through the night and the next morning everyone was searching for the Great Physician. Only after searching high and low did Simon find Jesus away from the crowds, almost hiding and praying alone.
Back in Capernaum, sick people and their families were frantic for His healing touch. But Jesus left them to go on. It's not that He didn't care about the cancer-ridden and arthritic (those who came too late for healing the night before). It's just that their illnesses weren't his focus -- the gospel was. Jesus' miracles were merely a backdrop to His urgent message. He said so himself: "This is why I have come... so I can preach." And He preached it time and again: Sin will kill you, hell is real, God is merciful, His kingdom will change you, I am your passport. Whenever people missed this point -- whenever the immediate benefit of His miracles distracted them from eternal things -- the Savior backed away. (Estes)
What are you seeking from God? The healing of a hurt? The meeting of a need? These things are good, but don't miss Jesus' deeper message. The core of His plan is to rescue you from sin. Our pain, poverty, or broken hearts are not His ultimate focus. God cares most, not about making us comfortable, but about teaching us to hate our sins, to grow up spiritually, and love Him.     
I desire healing on the inside of my heart today. Lord, help me not to be so absorbed with outside things. Touch my soul, Great Physician.

Joni and Friends

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