Sunday, October 27, 2013

Marking Off the Miles - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional  

Marking Off the Miles

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
'This is the way; walk in it.'"           Isaiah 30:21
When I was young, every October our family piled into the old Buick and drove to
the town of Hancock, Maryland, where we would pick apples at my Uncle Don's farm. We
kids loved to climb the trees, shake the limbs, and watch the fruit plummet to the ground.
But the best part of the trip for me was getting there. My dad let me have the map. The lines would turn from thick red to thin black when the road became narrow, and I would mark off on the map each little village as we passed through it.
I've always loved journeys. I gain satisfaction seeing how I've gone from one place to the next and that I'm all the better for it. And when it comes to maps, you'll always find my nose stuck in one. A map allows me to mark off my progress and to see how much farther I have to go.
The Bible is just like a map. Pick a verse, any verse, and you're on your way. God orders your steps. He goes before you, and He even tells you that you ought to be on the narrow road rather than the broad one. Do you think you might lose your way? Don't worry. When Jesus' disciples asked Him how they could get where He was going, He replied, "I am the way..." You can't get lost when you trust in the Lord.
Are you a little unsure of your directions? Read today's verse again. If you are intimate with the Lord, if your communication with Him is close, He will tell you which way to go. But if your ears are dull to His voice, and your heart unyielding to His nudging, you won't have a clue as to which direction to take.
So get into that map of yours. Learn to look at your life ahead as the best journey ever. And remember you know exactly where you're headed -- heaven. Just keep your eye on the Way, and you'll make it safely.
Thank You, Father, for the adventure of the journey and the guidance of Your map. Keep me alert to Your directions.

Joni and Friends

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