Saturday, October 12, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, October 12th

Another beautiful's dark out when I get up now and it's starting to get dark at around 6:30pm...that is so nice.  It gives me a chance to sit out on the deck and enjoy the fresh air.  Something I can't do during the summer.  :-(  I love summer but only can enjoy it from inside. 
Can you believe it's mid-October already...where does that time go?

I really enjoyed my trip to Council Bluffs...sometimes when you get away it sheds new light on your situation.  I spent the time reflecting on my life and my situation with DM and Lupus.  I can truly say I am many have it worse than I.
I continue to focus on the good things and stay as positive as possible. :-)

In a couple of weeks we are heading down to Oklahoma to visit the kids and grandkids :-) I am looking forward to our trip.  Our grandkids continue to grow so fast... :-(  I can't believe their already 3 and 5...

Last night I was watching, Where are they now? An Oprah show...the story was about a family of, dad, two teenagers and a fourteen month old son. Dad, mom and the two older boys were addicted to heroin...It was so sad to hear this story...You wonder how they got into this situation?
Why do some people use drugs or alcohol?  Why are some living on the street?  Why do some live in mansions? Why do others have eating disorders? Why do some have disabilities or rare disorders?
So many questions...

Anyway, A tv reporter first brought the story to the publics eyes in 2008.
When this family left the Oprah show the four went into four separate treatment facilities. In 2009 the parents decided to give the youngest up for adoption because they were living on the street.  After the adoption the mother was devastated and committed suicide.  The father was having a difficult time because he lost his wife and child to adoption.  He felt bad for not providing for his family.  Then the father ended up turning himself in to the police to make good on some outstanding warrants he had.
One of the sons got into trouble and was sent to another facility. The other son got himself together and finished school and went onto college.  The reporter didn't know if they went back to using or not at the time of the last update...

Why does life take the turns that it does? Why are some better equiped to handle things? 
I am so thankful for my life and all I can do! :-)
Today's Bible Study

The Privilege of Knowing God

Read | Philippians 3:7-11

God wants people to know Him. If He had preferred anonymity, He wouldn’t have inspired the writing of a multi-author book about Himself. But since He did, our becoming devoted followers and friends of the Creator requires us to delve deeply into Scripture.

First, we learn about God from His Word. In reading the Bible, we accumulate facts about His character, principles, and ways of operating. Unfortunately, churches are full of men and women who stop at this step. They know much about religion but haven’t developed their faith.

The second step is to meditate on Scripture by thinking about God’s words and allowing the Holy Spirit to interpret them. The only way to rightly understand this divinely inspired text is with the Spirit’s guidance.

Finally, we must apply what we learn. Suppose you read that God is a very present help in times of trouble (Ps. 46:1). Then, when trouble shows up, you will rely on Him for aid. When He answers—and He will answer, although not always as expected—you will learn something about God: He helps you by responding to your trust and dependence with a custom-made solution to your problem.

I frequently admonish believers to read the Bible, but by that, I do not mean for anyone to skim its pages and walk away with only facts. Scripture is a living document that will tell you how to practice faith in daily life, but you must do what it says. Only then can you see God as He truly is—not some ancient deity full of rules, but a vibrant Friend who wants to connect with His children daily.

Another great day!

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