Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

I accepted the Volunteer Coordinator position in Rochester.  It's only part-time and they were willing to give me 6 weeks to go to AZ in January/February.
I have access to the physical therapy department when I want to use it...which is a big plus also. :-)

I also received s letter telling me that I was approved for disability and disability insurance.  The amount wasn't given...another department handles that.  I am aloud to make $1000.00 a month to remain on disability.  

I think my biggest issue is I don't want to believe I am disabled and as I was reading in the bible it says step out in faith...believe first then you are healed...
I am putting all my hope on a healing...regaining my health. :-)

I am do thankfull for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Lordship of Jesus
Charles Stanley
Read | Philippians 2:5-11

Whether you've been a believer for many years or just recently trusted Christ as your Savior, there's one crucial thing you must settle in your heart. Many Christians understand that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. But who is He today?

Scripture tells us that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God who took on flesh and entered our world in the form of a servant. He came to walk among us and make it possible to know Him. Then after His death, burial, and resurrection, He was exalted back to His rightful place as Lord and sovereign Ruler.

It's essential that every believer understand the person and position of Jesus Christ. We often call Him "Lord," but what does that mean? The answer is that as Lord and Creator, He made and sustains all things (Col. 1:16-17). And by trusting in the Savior, we accept His rightful place in our life.

As Lord, He has authority over every single element of our daily lives. We are sheep, and who should follow the Shepherd; going our own way, we'd fall off the mountain and end up destroyed (John 10:2-15). Won't you acknowledge that He has the right to determine what you do and where you go? You can trust that His way always results in fullness of life.

Jesus is not some distant, judgmental ruler; He's your awesome, supportive Lord, who loves you and has gone before you, having lived a human life and suffered unimaginably. So when He says, "Follow Me; I'll make your life count," you can be confident that He is trustworthy every step of the way.

Looking forward to another great day...

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