Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Last night I was on Facebook and saw a picture on my timeline that reminded me of Kelly C....everytime she posted she would end her post with...to the moon and back... :-)

Her last post to Mr read...
I also take care of mama. Alzheimer's, diabetes and almost blind from diabtetic retinopathy. That keeps me busy. 

I have dm, lupus, sjogrens,chf , cardiomyopathy and list goes on. I have that ER personality of always doing so.ething. i gain and loose but my face never looses that swollen look. I have loved meeting everyone and without these awful diseases i know i would not have. 

God knows his plan for us all and i know it is greater then any i have.

I love the sun. Always had a tan and loved it. We can no longer have that luxury because yes it makes us sick and enhances our symptoms. All will be well. I know that but....anyhow...to the moon and back. If you ever need an ear, i have two!

Its sinking in and i feel guilty for feeling sorry for myself. I know He has control but i am so tired of the fight. I just have had about all i can stand......ya know? I push myself so i dont get bed bound. Today, is just a bad emotional one.    RIP Kelly

With these diseases, we may look alright but we have a fight going on inside us.  Our bodies are fighting itself and the medicine we take have many of the same symptoms as the disease has.  The fight can cause some really rough days...physically and at times emotionally. I try to keep busy at work, at home and with the grandkids to keep a positive mindset...

This morning I woke up with a bloody nose and sores on my face.  I know the sores are from the uv exposure...I was out a lot longer yesterday than I usually am...so it caused some swelling, pain and sores. :-(

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

A Passion to Obey Him
By Charles Stanley
Read | Luke 11:37-52

The school of obedience has many courses and many exams. As we progress through its lessons, we often move from fearful or feigned obedience to more heartfelt compliance.

God’s people heard the Word thundered at Sinai’s “classroom,” but the way they obeyed was stained with constant rebellion. Centuries later, however, a new course was offered. When the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, the people began to catch on—they saw it was possible to become obedient from the depths of their hearts (John 1:14; Rom. 6:17).

Jesus had a great deal to say on this subject, and His words were powerful because they came from a fully obedient, sinless life. His testimony was that He had come down from heaven to do the will of the Father (John 6:38). Knowing full well the beauty of the surrendered life, Jesus admonishes us to become like Him: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter” (Matt. 7:21).

The Lord also had harsh words for those teachers of the Law who refused to obey its commands. He accused them of weighing men down with heavy burdens and not helping to carry the load. In other words, they taught what should be done but were unwilling to do it themselves. Jesus went on to identify obedience as “the key to knowledge” (Luke 11:52).

When we obey, doors of understanding will open in front of us, and we will be able to see as never before.

Looking forward to another great day...

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