Thursday, March 27, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

It's interesting how everyday is so different, my symptoms.  These changes are brought on by the disease, what I eat, the exposure to uv or florescent lights and I believe stress.  There may be other triggers that I'm not aware of yet...

In the morning when I take the morning meds...once they kick in the symptoms decrease but every evening I start feeling the itching, low grade fever, swelling and pain return to some degree.  :-(  I so wish they could get this under control.  I've been reading stories about others with the disease...many are not doing very well... :-(

I will continue to hold on to the  positive in my situation and I will be thankful for all I can do and leave my situation in God's hands.  I may be hurting right now but I am going to bounce back...

I am thankful for family and friends...
Today's Bible Study

Responding to Conflict
By Charles Stanley
Read | Matthew 18:21-35

Conflict is part of life. It may originate from misunderstandings, a difference of opinion, or deep convictions. But oftentimes, discord stems from envy, pride, or hunger for power.

No one can control another person’s response to conflict; we’re accountable only for how we handle it. Sadly, many people have unhealthy reactions to disagreement. Some ignore the issue or pretend it doesn’t exist. Others place blame while defending themselves.

These negative responses often indicate one of three underlying scenarios. First, past hurts can leave a person emotionally insecure and unable to handle criticism. Second, a perfectionist sets such high benchmarks that he can never live up to his own standards—then it’s hard to acknowledge mistakes. Finally, pride makes it hard for some to admit when they’re wrong or to ask forgiveness.

Unless we respond correctly to conflict, we limit our potential to grow, because we aren’t learning what the Lord is teaching. Also, we can develop an unforgiving spirit, which leads to bitterness and resentment. Eventually, such an attitude can destroy relationships.

There is also a positive way to handle conflict. Luke 23:34 reveals how our Savior responded when He was wrongly accused, unfairly judged, and killed for something He didn’t do. Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

How do you deal with accusations and criticism? Forgiveness is the only response that will keep you from becoming a victim of bitterness.

Looking forward to another great day....

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