Saturday, February 22, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning! 
Yesterday, I received some shocking news about a friend...I cried trying to understand why this happened.  In the local newspaper and surrounding community papers there was an article about a woman going in the water on the Mississippi River in Wabasha.   I'm still crying this morning for her family and for her :-(  My heart is heavy and saddened by this... :-( 

When Paul and I go to bed, we pray together...last night we were praying for Nancee's family and friends.  After our prayers we spent time talking.  Our conversation was about the news and why this happened???? Then we talked about why my first husband, Greg died the way he did???  He died of an overdose of medication...what was he thinking before it happened??? What was Nancee thinking before it happened???? 
Why? Why? Why?  So often our thoughts turn away from who they were as a person and we get consumed by what just happened and judge them because of the circumstances that surround their death...why?  Don't judge just love them...
Greg and Nancee were both wonderful people and I was blessed to have known them.  They both made an impact on my life in many ways and I'm thankful for that. :-)
I received the greatest compliment anyone could receive, from Nancee...
One day Pat, Nancee and I were sitting in the breakroom at St. Felix and Nancee said  "Julie when I see you, I see Jesus,". My goal in life is to walk as Jesus walked and live as Jesus lived.  I want to be the example of a good person both inside and out. 
When she said this I was floored.  I didn't feel like I had achieved my goal.  Walking everyday like Jesus is something I work on everyday with the help of the Holy Spirit. :-). I am human...

So many times in our lives we ask ourselves WHY? 
Why did this happen to Nancee?
Why did Greg die the way he did?
Why did Paul get Leukemia?
Why did I get DM and Lupus?
And the many other questions...the medical expenses, the medication I take, the changes in our lifestyle, the reason things don't get taken care like we think they should, in the timing we think they should???  Why?Why?Why?

I know even in the midst of our everyday life, we have become stronger because of what we have gone through and what we are still going through...each day is a blessing. I need to be thankful for everyday and everyone :-). I take nothing for granted.

So thankful for my family and friends...

Today's Bible Study

Prayer-Based Planning
Read | Luke 14:28-30

In today’s passage, Jesus’ example of building a tower shows the importance of planning and using resources wisely. Otherwise, money may run out too soon.

Any financial plan should be covered with prayer. First, ask God for the wisdom to understand His teachings about money and how they apply to your situation. Next, pray for clarity about all details—including both the amount that is earned and what is spent.

One final step is to seek the Lord’s guidance in determining whether spending habits are in line with His priorities. In evaluating this, it is helpful to divide expenses into categories, including:

1. Giving to the local church, missionaries, and other organizations
2. Basic needs—food, clothes, and housing
3. Insurance, retirement plan, savings
4. Debt, such as excessive mortgages, loans, and credit cards
5. Personal spending on entertainment and extras—cell phones, Internet, cable TV, eating out, vacations, etc.

Some of us will discover that our finances are not in sync with scriptural principles, and that may be discouraging. If this is true of you, turn to the Lord, confess what has happened, and pray for the strength to handle your God-given resources His way.

Financial discipline is a learned skill. It requires a commitment to live according to Scripture, persistent effort to change bad habits, concentration to develop new ones, and faith that we can learn to live according to God’s priorities. We are blessed when we practice prayer-based planning.

Looking forward to another great day...

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