Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another BEAUTIFUL Day!  

Yesterday, we had a very busy day.  I was very sore by the end of the day.  I over did it. :-(  I didn't sleep well.  I was In a lot of pain and had a bad flare.  Swollen, itching and extremely sore.  I took prednisone for relief but got no relief.  Woke up this morning early to take my morning meds.  I hope I get relief from those. :-(  I had shooting pains from my shingles again last night.  Very painful...

On the way home from Faribault, yesterday, I was listening to a Christian radio station.  They were telling a story about a young couple that just moved into a new apartment.  The couple was sitting at their table and could see the neighbor hanging out her laundry.  The husband listened as his wife said "she doesn't wash her clothes very good she should change her detergent.  Her clothes are still dirty."  A few days later the neighbor was hanging out her clothes again and the young wife mentioned again how her neighbor's washing didn't look clean.
A few days went by and the neighbor was out hanging up her laundry, this time, the wife noticed the laundry was white and mention to her husband she must have changed her detergent.  Her husband said "no I took it upon myself to clean the windows."

Isn't it true how we see people through our tunnel vision. Through a dirty lens or window.  We see what we want to see and judge others without knowing the circumstances or who this person really is.  Take the time to get to know someone before judging.  :-) 

I'm not sure what I'll do today????  I need to pick up meds in Winona.  I'll see what I feel up to as my morning goes on. :-)
I may try to get a nap in...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Why Listening Is Critical
Read | Nehemiah 8:9-12

Sometimes we take certain blessings for granted. Stop and think what it would be like if we couldn’t attend the church of our choice or read a Bible in our language.

During the 70-year Babylonian captivity, the temple and its sacrificial system weren’t available to the Israelites. And those born in that land didn’t understand the language of Scripture. So when the opportunity arose to hear God’s Word in Jerusalem, they were ready to listen.

Ezra read to them about the Lord’s promises to Abraham and his descendants, the covenants God made with the nation of Israel, and His requirements of faith and obedience. As the people listened with repentant hearts, they felt conviction and wept over their sins. But they also experienced joy because they were once again following the Lord’s commands. The people trusted not only the words of Scripture but also the men who explained its meaning.

The Bible is our source of truth about God’s righteous character, mankind’s sinful nature, and the plan of salvation. In its pages, we discover that man has a sin problem but no way to solve it on his own. We also learn that God’s just nature requires a penalty for transgression. Scripture goes on to reveal how divine justice was carried out against Jesus for our sin—that He died in our place, and through faith in Him, we receive forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. What an amazing provision from the God of love.

Good listening is essential, because faith comes from hearing God’s message (Rom. 10:17), and spiritual growth also depends on heeding what He tells us.

 Looking forward to another great day...

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