Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, August 21st

Another beautiful morning...still no rain :-(

This morning I woke up with the swelling and I'm having trouble moving around...I will wait to see of the medication did yesterday. :-)

I had a pretty good day hip is still giving me trouble but I am able to walk.  :-) My feet are blue most the time :-(
A couple of days still until my Dr appointment.  Hoping the appointment goes well. :-)
Today's Meditation

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." —Mother Teresa

Miraculous Communication Meditation

In the yogic tradition, our ability to communicate with clarity and compassion is governed by an energy center or chakra located in the area of our throat. When the energy in our throat chakra is flowing freely, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about being judged or misunderstood. We’re also able to listen with our heart, truly hearing the messages other people are sending us. When the energy of our throat chakra is congested, however, we may feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and we are likely to censor ourselves. We may also find it difficult to listen with an open heart and an open mind.

Today in our meditation together we will focus our attention on expanding the flow of energy in our throat chakra, holding the intention to communicate with clarity, compassion, and honesty.

Our centering thought for today is:

I fearlessly speak my truth with love.


Today we invite you to try a conscious communication practice rooted in the Buddhist tradition. Before you speak, ask yourself these four questions: Is what I’m about to say kind? It is true? Is it necessary? Does it improve upon the silence? If you can answer yes to all four questions, then your words will resonate with authenticity and love. Consider posting these four questions somewhere you will see them each day, maybe adding them to the wallpaper on your phone. Each carefully delivered communication will provide you with abundant blessings.

Today's Bible Study
If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view.

Aug 21, 2013

Hindrances to Success

Read | Galatians 6:9-10

No matter how carefully we plan our time, we will now and then run into obstacles. They might be interruptions, miscommunications, cancellations, or delays. We have no control over many of these types of situations, but we are able to change certain kinds of hindrances.

We can, for example, adjust misplaced priorities. Consider how often we allow others to dictate how we spend our time. Instead of maintaining a God-centered schedule, we may be responding to the demands of other people, permitting them to decide our activities without regard for what God has in mind for us.

Circumstances can also determine our schedule, if we permit. But we cannot succeed in life if we let ourselves be drawn away from what God wants. Investing time in the Word and learning God’s ways must be an integral part of our schedule.

Another hindrance to reaching our goal is procrastination. We all experience this on occasion, but for some of us, putting things off has become a habit. When that’s the case, we no doubt have many good intentions but lack follow-through. Success will evade us as long as we dally.

A third hindrance that we can work to overcome is lack of concentration. To be successful, we must focus our minds on a particular task and stay with it until it is finished. Having a strong motivation to achieve the Lord’s plan is helpful, as we work at completing what we value and desire. How important to you is achieving the Lord’s plan? Align your thinking and your time with His ways, and success—in God’s eyes—will follow

Another great day!

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