Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another BEAUTIFUL Day!  

I woke up this morning with a headache :-( puffiness under my eyes, matter in both eyes and sore.  Hoping after I eat and take my medicine I start feeling better.

Yesterday, I ran to Faribault to see grandmas and I realized I have lost some strength in my arms:-) I tried to hold the bottle for Gracie while she was sitting on grandma Gloria's lap.  My muscles hurt and I couldn't hold it for long.  

I am also losing the grip in my hands.  I drop my keys and I'm unable to open things, like turning the door's the worst.
I walk in small steps and at times start to tip over and have to catch myself...Disappointed :-(
Today, I will run down to Winona to pick up medicine and just take it easy...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Winning the Respect of Others

“So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders...”
(1 Thessalonians 4:12, NIV)

When others look at your life, what do they see? Does your daily life win the respect of others? As believers, we are Christ’s representatives in the earth. We are called to a higher standard. The way we live our lives should bring glory to God the Father.

Notice this verse doesn’t say, “Go out of your way to do something major so that everyone will respect you.” It doesn’t say, “Win a gold medal or Pulitzer prize so that people will glorify your Father in heaven.” No, it says that your daily life should win the respect of others. That simply means to always take the high road and live a life of excellence. It means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It means finding common ground in order to be a peacemaker. It means going out with an attitude of faith and thanksgiving.

Remember, you will become like whomever you spend the most time with. If you are committed to spending time with God the Father every day, you’ll develop His character. You’ll win the respect of outsiders and bring glory to your Father in heaven!

Father, today I dedicate every area of my mind, will and emotions to You today. Help me live my daily life as an example of Your love. Let me honor You in all I do so that my daily life wins the respect of others in Jesus’ name! Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Today's Bible Study

A Life of Peace
Read | Isaiah 26:2-4

Your home offers protection from the elements. So when a storm rolls in, you seek shelter within the safety of those four walls. The same principle applies to life’s storms. If we’ve built a solid house on a foundation of faith, then we’ve got a haven to run to when dark clouds gather and anxiety threatens to overwhelm us.

Let’s suppose a problem is worrying you, and your stomach is in knots. Friends and family try to be understanding, but they’re growing weary of you taking your heartache out on them. You are so focused on the issue that it feels as if your shoulders are bearing a heavy weight. Now listen to the liberating alternative God offers: “Cast your burden upon [Me] and [I] will sustain you” (Ps. 55:22). He doesn’t erase the ills that invade this life. Instead, He shields us from the weight of worry by taking situations into His own hands.

However, the call to a free and peaceful life goes unheeded unless a person has confidence in the Lord. Trust is built through relationship—praying during daily trials and triumphs, seeking biblical guidance for decisions, and testing God’s Word to see that it is true and practical. That’s how a house of faith is constructed brick by brick on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

A believer who trusts in the Lord receives the peace that Isaiah 26:3 promises. But unshakeable peace isn’t instantaneous; it is cultivated through a consistent relationship with God. A lifestyle of dependence upon Him is the key to weathering storms with supernatural calm.

 Looking forward to another great day...

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