Monday, February 10, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another BEAUTIFUL Day!  Highs again in the 70's.  Love this weather...
We are leaving to go home on Wednesday and the temperatures back home are going to be in the 30's.  What an adjustment...
It could be worse...I've been getting winter weather or cold weather advisories on my phone...
Most the time we've been here in Arizona, the weather back home has been very cold...

I'm again noticing that my blogs have misspelled words and I've been leaving words out. :-(  I don't realize I do it even when I read my blog over and over.  So sad...
I used to pull together newsletters and other communicational letters.  It would be really hard for me, in the state I'm in, to do those again :-(  It doesn't happen all the time but often enough...

I've also been reading others blogs and/or stories and realize that their stories and/or symptoms are exactly what I have going on with me.  I notice the way they pull out the words to describe the illness or symptoms.  So much better than I can do.  I wonder if they have the same problems I'm having with my brain???? 

Yesterday, it was really bad...I was talking to my husband, Paul and brother, Tim, and I couldn't get the words out I wanted to use...other words came out and I would try again and again to get the correct one...  ???? Is this a symptom of some of my medicine or is it the combination of the diseases????

I am so thankful for all I can do...
Today's Bible Study

Running the Race of Life
Read | Hebrews 12:1-3

The Christian life is often described as a race-—one designed by God. In it, we are called to fulfill His purposes for us. That is, we are to be conformed to Christ’s likeness and bring God glory.

To run the race, we need to know the route. The Bible serves as our map, compass, and guidebook. It is an infallible manual for godly living, which is needed in our culture of contradictory voices, all claiming to be the truth.

To complete the race, we need inspiration and correction. Scripture provides both through the true accounts of biblical personalities. Some of us are like King Saul, who answered God’s call and began the race in strong fashion (1 Sam. 10:9-11); correction is likely if we lose our focus on God’s agenda and become immersed in worldly ways. Others of us are like the apostle Paul, who lived an ungodly life for years before salvation. His life inspires us to persevere and to embrace the Lord’s plan with growing passion.

During a race, we will encounter obstacles against which we must persevere. Some of these hindrances might include: criticism from believers and/or unbelievers; opposition to our stand for Jesus; and periods of loneliness and uncertainty when the way isn’t clear. The Holy Spirit strengthens us as we study God’s unchanging character and timeless promises.

Are you running the race well? How are you responding to pressures along the way? Remember that Christ, who is our very life, always runs with us. And be encouraged through the Scriptures.

Looking forward to another great day...

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