Monday, January 20, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  I went to bed around 9:30pm last night and woke up this morning at 5:30am, I got up took my medication but I'm still feeling tired.
Kaylee stayed last night but she's still sleeping...she is sleeping really good.

I been feeling really fatigued lately, the last few days.  I wonder if it's the new medicine I just restarted?  I was hoping this new medication would work out good for me so I didn't have to take the infusions. 

We are getting ready for a trip to AZ.  Paul and I look forward to it every year.  We visit my brother and his wife and we go to the gem show.  Paul has started a pretty good collection of fossils and other neat rocks.  I go for beads to make jewelry.  You can get a good deal on a lot of things...

I got a call yesterday from AZ, my brother, Tim.  He was touching base with me and wanted to let us know that a friend, his renter, is not doing well, she's dying and he didn't want us to walk into it without getting us ready.  She has a rare form of breast cancer.  So sad :-(  Connie's mom died alittle over a year ago.  Going to AZ last year was so different without Sue, Connie's mom.  Now this... :-(
When you see all this take reminds you of how important it is to enjoy today, not to take anything for granted or anyone.  Life is way too short...

I appreciate my family and friends...

Today's Bible Study

Idols in the Life of the Believer
Read | Mark 11:24-25

Have you noticed that in recent history, the word “idol” has been completely disassociated from the word “idolatry”? In church circles, we recoil at the mention of idolatry, as it brings to mind images of golden calves and other things once worshiped by heathens. We know these things are wrong, because our worship should be directed to God alone. But do we feel the same about “idols”?

Today’s culture enjoys its own idols. We have music stars, beauty queens, pop-culture icons, and sports heroes all fighting for our interest. And, in return for their hard work, we give them just what they want: our focus and attention.

We sit for hours in front of the TV, follow fashion trends of top celebrities, and read, watch, or listen to anything that features our favorite public figures. The 1950s gave our society a term that has since characterized our culture-driven mindset: the “teen idol.”

We must be reminded what an idol is. It’s not simply some image of a false god to whom we bow down in worship. Instead, an idol is anything that we value more than the Lord. This could be movie stars, prized possessions, or even our loved ones.

The nature of idolatry is distraction. When something pulls our eyes away from God, we begin to spiral out of control. Bring your distractions to the Lord, asking forgiveness for the times you’ve allowed other people or things to take precedence in your life. Pray for the wisdom to enjoy His blessings without being blinded by temptations that pull you from communion with Him.

Looking forward to another great day....

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