Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  

Yesterday, I spent my day taking down Christmas decorations and cleaning up.  It looks so much better picked up.  We had a visit from Gracie and Erik yesterday afternoon :-). Gracie is so precious...

I did something wrong, not sure what...I was in a lot of pain and swollen last night...When I hurt, it's so hard to move around.

I woke up with swelling and shooting pain. Spots on the right side of my face again...I will continue to watch it hopefully it doesn't spread... :- ( 

Paul and I watched Avatar(love this movie) last night. We went to bed at 11pm we didn't stay up to bring in the new year...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

I don't normally make New Years Resolutions but this year I have a few wishes for my family and friends.

1. Live a healthy lifestyle.

2. Enjoy everyday but take nothing for granted.

3. Be grateful for even the smallest things in life.

4. Live today in a way that you won't regret tomorrow.

6. May God bless you with overflowing abundance in every area of your lives! 

7. May your home be filled with the peace of God. 

8. May God give you favour everyday of your life, open doors, expect change and great opportunities. Hold your head up have a right to be special...Thank You God!  

Tell yourself every morning you have favour with God...expect it and God will take care of you...
Today's Bible Study

God’s Plan for Our Life
Read | 1 Peter 2:9-12

As we search to discover God’s plan for our lives, we should consider three things:

1. Glorifying God. We are commanded to let our light shine before men so we will bear spiritual fruit that glorifies the Lord. As our life increasingly follows the pattern of the Savior’s, our thoughts and responses will bring Jesus praise and point other people to Him.

2. Conforming to Christ’s likeness. In considering any decision, we should ask ourselves, Will this help me become more like Jesus or tempt me in my weaker areas and cause me to turn away from Him? If we submit our minds and emotions to the Lord, His Spirit will build Jesus’ character qualities into our life. As we rely on the Holy Spirit, He will help us make wise decisions and guide us safely past temptation.

3. Following the Lord’s will. When deciding how to proceed, it’s wise to ask, Is this in line with God’s known will? Throughout the Scriptures, the heavenly Father has revealed what pleases Him. His commands are clear regarding the way born-again believers should live. Our home, business, and community life are to function according to His will.

Wherever you are, don’t let yourself be pressured into actions or decisions that would be displeasing to God. Train yourself to stop and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal whether each choice will bring God glory, help to develop Christ’s character in you, and keep you in the center of God’s plan and purpose. Wait on Him, and do not step ahead until you have an answer.

 Looking forward to another great day...

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