Friday, March 14, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!

The last couple of weeks I've gotten invited to be involved in a couple of conference call regarding the DM.  One was through MDA another through the Facebook/Google support group for those with DM.  After I received the invitation, it open up a conversation between Paul and I ...

I asked Paul how DM and Lupus has affected our relationship, our life together and the family in general.  He thought it affects life daily...we never know how I will feel when I wake up, if the medicine will help and if the food I eat will cause inflammation.  Each day is different...
I will continue to enjoy each day :-)

Yesterday, Kaylee and I went to Faribault to take grandma Faye to the Dr.  She forgot about the appointment so we were alittle late.  She was playing bingo :-). Anyway, for some reason all day yesterday I was swollen and red.  My mom always lets me know...

We stopped by to see grandma Gloria too.  She was doing really good also.  Kaylee and I both enjoy spending time with Grandmas. 

Life is different and very difficult...As my dermatologist stated when I was first life as I knew it will never be the same.  He's right it has not been the same.  :-(

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

The Riches of God’s Grace
By Charles Stanley
Read | Ephesians 1:3-9

Imagine an elderly couple living in a dilapidated farmhouse. They can barely afford the few groceries and medicines that they need. There isn’t even enough money to keep the heat on all the time.

Then a short while after they both have died, a huge deposit of oil is discovered on the old homestead. All their years of poverty were lived out sitting on top of untapped wealth.

Sadly, many Christians go through life like that elderly couple. Such believers have distilled Christianity down to its most basic elements: God saved me and someday I’ll go to heaven. Though Jesus offers an abundant life now (John 10:10), they aren’t living it. Spiritually poor believers fail to tap into the reservoir of God’s grace. Eternity begins the moment we are saved; there is no reason to wait until heaven to enjoy the Lord’s riches.

God has lavished His grace upon believers. We receive righteousness, freedom from legalism, and an unbreakable union with our Father. In return, He desires that we invest time and energy in our relationship with Him. As we open ourselves to the Father, everything He has to offer pours freely into our lives. Our connection with Him makes it possible for us to live joyful, contented lives overflowing with blessing.

True wealth isn’t measured by your bank account or automobile. As fellow heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17), believers have access to God’s riches, which include unspeakable joy, unconditional love, and peace beyond understanding. Invest in your spiritual life, and enjoy these blessings of grace.

Looking forward to another great day...

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