Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Longsuffering - Joni and Friends

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional   


"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning. . ."      
Psalm 130:5,6
The call came into the counseling department of the Dutch Christian television network. "I am a quadriplegic," the caller said. "I had said I would kill myself in ten years if I could not find help. It is now the tenth year. This is my only hope."
The young man had called in response to one of my programs on TV in the Netherlands. He had heard my message of hope and trusted that somehow people could respond to his needs. Contacts were made, help organized, and now we wait for God to heal the young man's heart.
We're all saddened and shocked by this story. It's hard to imagine no one being able to help and give him relief these past ten years. But what is just as shocking to me is the man's patience. He gave himself (and God) ten years! Most people in his circumstance rarely take such a long-term view of their circumstances. They want relief, and they want it now.
The discouraged people that grab God's attention are those who intentionally set out to wait.   Like the Psalmist, they know it may take a while. They not only wait, they watch. They watch because they know that God will answer. Rather than standing on the corner of life waiting for God, they go about their days unencumbered. They are productive, joyful people, knowing that God will come in due time.

Wait. Wait patiently, and eagerly. In the meantime, get busy with what you know to be your responsibilities.
Lord, I don't give You enough time to do that which You desire to do. Grant me an eternally minded heart to wait upon You today.

Joni and Friends

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