Saturday, June 1, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, June 1st

Everyone commented this morning that I looked really red and swollen.  The lake home we are staying in has a lot of windows and no window I was sitting inside by the windows, exposed to a lot of UV light...I was covered from head to toe but my neck and face wasn't fully protected :-(

Having DM or any progressive illness is difficult. Somedays it only take one tiny added burden to throw off my day.  And I've been having a few of them lately.

These past few days have been challenging for me. I'm trying hard to stay positive, but there is no question that the light affects me.Longer days and more intense UV rays.  I do not want to give the impression that I'm blissfully accepting what I cannot change. My faith has not faltered. God has me in the palm of His hand, but this child is scared and frustrated nonetheless. I feel its important that I be honest and tell you that, yes, I do indeed get discouraged.  I know God is looking out for me but I sometimes question Him...

This blog is my journey through uncharted waters. People ask me constantly how I'm doing. The short answer is Okay.

I continue to have challenges and feel like I'm on this roller coaster ride known as my life...with many ups and downs.  But so thankful for all I am able to do :-)

Confidence to Face the Unknown

Read | Hebrews 11:23-29

The phrase by faith occurs five times in today short Scripture reading from Hebrews. In fact, it appears in every full sentence. Essentially, we are told that by faith Moses endured ill treatment, left Egypt, observed the Passover, and passed through the Red Sea.

Why are the words by faith so critical to this story? The reason is that Moses faith allowed him to join a long list of biblical heroes who were called to move forward into impossible situations, armed only with their trust in God.

Of course, at times these great men and women Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, David, and many others must have been filled with reservation and even fear. Yet by choosing to place their lives in Gods hands and to follow His call, each of them was able to accomplish great and mighty things in the name of the Lord.

The path through life can be dark and confusing; it can be difficult and at times unsettling to move forward with the lantern of Gods guidance shining only a step or two ahead of us. We want to know more, we want to see what lies ahead, and we want a guarantee of success.

Our worries and fears of the unknown, however, do not in any way diminish or deter our sovereign, omniscient Lord. Instead, He desires that each of us step forward in faith. He has promised that when we do so, He will provide us with the guidance we long for (Isa. 30:21).

If you're currently being called to move forward by faith but are having trouble doing so, call upon the Lord of Abraham, Moses, and David. He strengthened each of them, and He'll surely strengthen you.

Another great day!

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