Sunday, June 30, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Diseas

Sunday, June 30th

Another beautiful morning!  Sunny and Highs in the 80's. Slight breeze.

Yesterday we got a text from our daughter, Jesse, in Oklahoma telling us her grandpa Taubel died.  So Jesse, Joanna and Nolan will be coming to stay this week for the funeral.  It hard to see a loved one go to be with the Lord no matter what age they are.  Matt was in his 90's. 

So today I will try to get the bedrooms ready for their arrival. I've been using the bedrooms to go through grandma Glorias things.  I want to make sure I keep some of her belongings in case the kids want them down the road. :-)

Last night Jerry and Marilyn stayed over night so they didn't have to drive home after the wedding and reception yesterday.  We had a good time.  We went to church and out for breakfast this morning.  They just left. 

I had the discharge from my eyes and the pain in my right leg again this morning.  I had trouble standing on it at church today. :-( When the medication kicks in it does helps some. :-)

Today's Bible Study

Wants and Needs: The Difference

Read | Philippians 4:19

Sometimes people perceive a desire as a necessity. The heart can become so consumed with a craving that fulfilling it feels critical to well-being. Then, unless God meets the “need,” frustration occurs.

Believers wondering why they’ve been neglected should honestly answer one question: Is my petition essential to achieving God’s purpose, or is it only for my enjoyment? Beyond basics like food and shelter, necessities might include money for a mission trip or counseling for a troubled marriage. If we can’t complete God’s plan without something, then it is a need, and He’ll answer when we bring the matter before Him in prayer (Phil. 4:19).

God is also pleased to satisfy desires that fit within the confines of His purpose and will. The things we long for bring pleasure, entertainment, or a sense of joy. Many are good and worth pursuing, but they become troublesome when we deem them essential for our plans. God isn’t obligated to grant wishes or fulfill any plans but His own. However, He says that those who seek Him won’t lack any good thing (Ps. 34:10). Matthew 6:33 tells us we are to pursue the Lord above all else. That means making our desires subject to His will. And when we “delight in the Lord” (Ps. 37:4), He’ll also shape our desires to be most beneficial.

The heavenly Father wants to be His children’s greatest delight—the One in whom fulfillment and satisfaction are found. When that is true in a believer’s life, then he or she does not require a lot of “stuff,” entertainment, or other people in order to be happy. Genuine joy is found in the Lord.

Another great day!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, June

Another beautiful morning!  We got rained overnight.

Yesterday, I was cleaning the house while Paul was mowing the lawn in between raindrops.  :-) 

Last night I went to bed with a headache and woke up with a headache.  Not feeling very well this morning. :-(

We have a wedding today at 2pm with the reception to follow. :-)

Today's Bible Study

Ignoring the Conscience

Read | 1 Timothy 1:18-19; 4:1-2

Are you making certain choices today that your conscience would not have allowed in the past? If so, you may have become desensitized over time.

As we discussed Thursday, God uses our internal “moral compass” along with the Holy Spirit’s guidance to direct our daily choices. The conscience serves as a protective “alarm system,” sounding an alert when a Christian is about to take part in ungodly behavior. But sin can throw off the system’s sensitivity.

The insidious process begins if we choose to disobey and then refuse to deal with our rebellion. The conscience warns us repeatedly, but it will eventually become “gummed up” and ineffective if we persist in ignoring the distress signal. When that happens, there are no longer any signals from the heart to point us back toward godliness. In other words, the conscience has become seared.

One way of looking at it is to imagine removing all of the traffic signals from a busy intersection: it is a recipe for disaster. Missing “red lights” in our life can deceive us into thinking “go” when we should be putting on the brakes.

Take an honest look to determine whether your internal signals are in good working order. If they are malfunctioning, repent before the Lord, and pursue accountability and fellowship with other believers. A healthy conscience is worth the effort.

Don’t delay. Scripture warns that we have a real Enemy who desires to lure us away from godliness and into destruction. God uses a clear conscience to guide, protect, and lead us into His light and peace.

Another great day!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Friday, June 28th

Another beautiful morning. Highs in the 70's today. :-)

As I wake up to the morning light, I am renewed and ready for a new day-a day filled with hope and promise. So much to look forward to and to be thankful for. :-)

Coming home from the cabin yesterday I saw the sign for the exit to Glenwood.  Several years ago my family went up north together to a lake house in Glenwood.

My mom and dad came back from Arizona for this trip. During our stay, my dad wasn't feeling well so I took him into the emergency room at the Glenwood hospital. After several tests the Dr told us my dad had AML, Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
The Dr sent my dad and his nurse by ambulance to the St. Cloud Hospital.  They weren't sure he was going to survive.  When dad arrived at St Cloud his legs started to swell so big the Dr decided to cut them open to relieve the pressure. They continued to give him high doses of antibiotics to try to get the infection under control.  His body wasn't able to fight any longer.
The team of Drs caring for dad asked him where he wanted to die?  They gave him two weeks to live.  Our family decided to have dad transfered to a hospice faculty in Owatonna.  Dad lived 19 days after he was diagnosed with AML.  It was so hard to see him go but I know I will be reunited with him again one day.

During dads final days I was reminded of his strength and strong faith.  Dad called all of his fiends to say goodbye.  I'm not sure I could do that. :-(

I am thankful for the gift of today!

Bible Study for Today:

God desires more for us than knowledge and good behavior. He wants us to know Him personally...person to person. You'll never know God intimately by listening to sermons.  Even reading the Bible, on its own, will not achieve this goal.  Although the scriptures are foundational truth and the basis for confirming who God is, intimacy with Him isn't possible unless He reveils Himself to us in the experiences of life.  This means we must be willing to go through difficulty and pain, because some aspects of His nature can be understood only through suffering.  For example, how will we ever learn that he is a Comforter (2 Cor. 1:3-4) if we never experience grief and pain? Those who are willing to walk faithfully with the Lord through the fires of affliction come to know Him in deeper ways and are able to speak with authority concerning His character, because they've experienced His faithfulness.
The Christian life is not ultimately about our comfort or satisfaction.It's about the almighty sovereign God of the universe loving us so much that He's willing to reveal Himself in a very personal way.  We each have a choice: Will we invest our lives in getting to know the Lord, or will we squander the opportunity and live for ourselves?

Another great day!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Thursday, June 27th

Another beautiful morning!

Today, Paul and I decided to head home and sleep in our own beds tonight.  We have a wedding and company arriving on Saturday.  Getting home today will give us time to get the house picked up and the lawn mowed.

The boys and Christine haven't had a lot of luck catching fish.They got small northern and bass. No keepers though :-( Hopefully they can catch a couple of big ones before they leave Saturday morning :-)

As I continue to reflect on life...
I've been thinking back to the death of Greg, my first husband, my life was stripped away and I was slapped with new labels. I was a young widow and a single mother of two boys.
"This is not what I signed up for!"

I continued on my journey and met Paul, we married and started our new life together.  After several years Paul was diagnosed with CLL, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.  Paul has done remarkably well.  I pray everyday that God would help us through this and keep his cancer stable.  He has granted me my prayers.  I'm was not ready to lose Paul or to be a widow again.
"This is not what I signed up for!"

"This is not what I've signed up for!" ...I have screamed those words through tears more than once during difficult times in my life.

Now again with the harsh reality hitting us again.  We have been given another difficult diagnosis to deal with...DM, Dermatomyositis and Lupus.  I don't recall many tears right away when given this diagnosis...mercifully, we were numb with shock.  I really didn't know what it was I had.  When we finally got past the shock and started researching and asking questions.
We decided that we shouldn't focus too much on the future it would only paralyze us with fear. Our goal would be simple: Taking it day by day. Trusting God's Plan.

Eighteen years ago, Paul and I promised before God to love each other "in sickness and in health." There were many moments of anger, fear, sadness, and tears.
Yet, I can honestly say that somehow through it all trusting God's sovereignty and goodness helped us accept that this was all part of His plan for us.
Believing God was in control. Although our diagnosis took us by surprise, we agreed that we couldn't expect God to shield us from the diseases that plague the rest of the world. "Why this? Why us? Why now?" are questions that naturally flood our minds in times of crisis, we concluded, "Why not us?"

Paul and I have shared so many special memories.  We may question God at times but we know we have been blessed in so may ways.  Thank You Lord For Being There For Us In Good Times and Bad :-) Amen!

Today's Bible Study:

A Clear Conscience

Read | Acts 24:10-16

When facing hard decisions, do you pay attention to your conscience? Is trusting this inner voice always wise?

God gave everyone an internal “moral compass.” In fact, reflecting His truth within all men is one way that He reveals Himself to mankind. The conscience is a divine alarm system that warns us of oncoming danger or consequences. Its main purpose is protection and guidance.

But sin warps perception and can lead us astray. So it’s important to understand the difference between following your heart and allowing a clear conscience to help with decisions.

To make a determination, ask, What is the greatest influence on my morality?If the world’s system of what is acceptable has infiltrated your heart, then your conscience cannot be trusted. But if you have allowed God’s Word to permeate and transform your thinking (Rom. 12:2), that inner voice is likely dependable.

The Holy Spirit, along with a divinely informed conscience, guides believers. In order to maintain a healthy internal compass, we should continually meditate on Scripture. The Ten Commandments are a solid basis for morality, and we are wise to internalize them—especially the way that Jesus summarized them: to love God above all else and to love others (Matt. 22:36-40).

What would you say has the greatest impact on your belief system? Is it the truth of Scripture? Or do the world’s standards of right and wrong infect your heart? Almighty God knows what is best for you, His child—and He gave you a conscience to aid in making wise decisions.

Another great day!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, June 26th

Another beautiful morning with lows in the 60's.

My life has changed drastically since I've been diagnosed with DM.  I'm hoping my pain will go away soon.  I think most of my pain is the neuropathy and bursitis from the post shingles :-(  I hope so anyway. :-)

As I continue to reflect on how I got to this point...I remember the onset of some of my symptoms. I was getting ready for a fundraiser at church and the night before the run I was in the emergency room, I was itching so bad I couldn't get any relief...I tried taking a shower, it helped temporarily but eventually I scratched so much I started bleeding. Another incident was when I went to a conference in Owatonna for church. That was the day the shawl started appearing.  I have read that stress can bring it on but this wasn't the first time in my life I've had to deal with stress.  Why now?

Anyone in this situation would feel sad and frustrated about what Is happening to their bodies but I try to keep my head up and move forward.
DM and Lupus are mysterious illnesses. With them, you really don't know what is going to happen...will it get better?

My challenge now is to move forward and learn to live with my new self and deal with the curve balls as they come my way. At times I still mourn for my healthy body but realize I may not get it back.  I try to eat right and make myself attractive with what I've been given. My figure has changed due to the medication I'm on and I will always have to keep myself covered from head to toe to protect myself from the UV and florescent lights. 
I'm still so thankful for what I can do...:-)


Today's Bible Study:

The Danger of Money

Read | 1 Timothy 6:6-19

Money is a neutral commodity—it is inherently neither good nor evil. However, a strong yearning for wealth can cause great danger for our souls.

God created mankind to love Him, but ever since the temptation in the garden
of Eden, people have given their heart to lesser desires. Love of money not only robs God of His rightful place in our affections; it also steals contentment, leads to various temptations, and can cause us to wander from our Creator.

The amount of money we possess is not the source of the problem. The root originates in the desires of the heart. We never seem to think we have enough, no matter what our financial situation is. The lure of wealth promises pleasures and security, but if we devote ourselves to the pursuit of affluence, we will find that it does not satisfy. Even worse, it will ultimately lead to ruin and grief.

Mark 4:19 speaks of the “deceitfulness of riches.” Think back to a time when you purchased something you really wanted. Remember the delight you had in that item when it was new? What about now-—do you still feel the same joy, or has the pleasure decreased? The satisfaction of possession is fleeting and, therefore, requires the pursuit of more in an effort to regain the same feeling of gratification.

Lasting pleasure and security are found only in God. He “richly supplies us with all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17). But if we let His tangible benefits become our main desire, we’ll lose our contentment. Seek the Lord through His Word and prayer—as you learn to delight in Him, you’ll discover enduring satisfaction for your soul.

Another great day!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, June 25th

Another beautiful day!  Lows in the 70's this morning...enjoying the fresh air through the open doors.   :-)

The rash on my face is getting worse even if I use a moisturizer with SPF 30, and makeup with sunscreen on top. My hands are affected if I don't keep my gloves on.  I stay covered indoors or close the curtains to keep the light out. 

I'm still having problems with the swelling and pain, thinking about trying acupuncture.  I've been told it helps. 

I've also been reading about mentioned not to take the folic acid the same day because It lessens the affect of the methotrexate.  I wasn't aware of that and have been taking both on the same day.  Maybe the meds will work better if I stop taking them on the same day.

I continue to read information online to find anything that may help. :-)


Success and Money

Read | Luke 12:13-21

The belief that wealth equals success is a common misconception. True success means becoming who God wants you to be and doing the work He has prepared for you to accomplish. Jesus said the man in Luke 12 was a fool because he spent his life pursuing wealth but was not rich toward the Lord.

An idolatrous attitude about money is revealed by an insatiable desire for more, and materialism affects rich and poor alike. So whenever financial concerns have top priority in our thoughts and begin to dictate goals and desires, we can know we’ve succumbed to the foolishness of greed. Worrying about finances is actually a warning sign of not only misplaced priorities but also lack of trust in God.

Money is a vital part of our lives, but it should never come to have a higher place than the Lord intends. Everything belongs to God. We are merely stewards of all that He entrusts to us, and one day we’ll give an account to Him of how we have used what He gave us to oversee. Our goal shouldn’t be to become wealthy but, rather, to be found faithful.

In His great wisdom, the Lord has prescribed a remedy for our tendency to overvalue money. Giving it away breaks the grip of greed, teaches us to trust and obey God, and is an avenue through which treasure can be stored in heaven.

If you hunger for worldly riches more than the riches of knowing God, you’re climbing the wrong ladder of success. Eternal blessing is measured by a relationship with Jesus, not accumulation of money. Make Him your top priority and chief joy, and you’ll know true prosperity.

Another great day!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, June 24th

Another beautiful day!  Sunny with highs in the eighties. Slept much better last night. When taking a right side was very sensitive to the water touching did that it is still inflamed. :-( When I take my medication it takes the edge off but still painful. This morning I also have the shooting pain going up my right leg again.
Wondering if it could be the four hour ride in the car to get up to the cabin or the sunlight coming through the cabin windows.  The UV exposure??  I haven't put UV protection on my car windows yet...I really should do that...

Yesterday afternoon Paul and I went to Alexandria to antique shops.  I picked up a couple of things.  I love to look through the shops to get decorating ideas and to see all the fun stuff. :-)

The guys headed out fishing at 6:30.  They were hoping to get out early to get some muskies.  I hope they catch a few big ones. :-)

Last night the guys finally got out to fish...first it was raining then strong winds. Hopefully today is a better day for fishing. In the forcast it's supposed to rain into Wednesday.  Nicer weather Thursday and Friday.  We leave Saturday morning.

We are staying in a cabin on Lake Malitona. Nice lake and really comfortable cabin. I would recommend it to everyone :-) Nice and very peaceful. I sit inside most the time but the cabin overlooks the lake.


When We Feel Lonely

Read | Psalm 25:15-18

As believers, we have a Father who loves us and desires the best for us. We are part of a large spiritual family with many brothers and sisters. But if that’s the case, why do we sometimes still feel lonely, even when there’s no major crisis in our lives?

The greatest loneliness man can experience is due to separation from the Father. This is a spiritual problem whose source is sin. We experience a break in our close fellowship with the Lord when we disobey Him and go our own way. The remedy is confession (1 John 1:9), which leads to restored fellowship with God. If we refuse to admit our sin, the separation grows worse.

Busyness and preoccupation with earthly affairs also cause this isolation. Sometimes we push aside time with God in order to fulfill our obligations. Or we might focus so heavily on daily living that we ignore Him. To overcome loneliness, spend time reconnecting with God through His Word—take in the knowledge of His deep, abiding love, and meditate on His great promises (Eph. 3:16-18).

Being in harmony with the Lord renews our purpose and energy for life. Then that sense of isolation lessens, hope replaces discouragement, and our focus shifts from “self” to others. It’s important to reconnect with people, so look for opportunities to practice the “one anothers”—encouraging, serving, loving, and supporting those around you.

When David felt isolated and lonely, he turned to the Lord and sought His help. Intimacy with God is both the antidote to loneliness and protection from it.

Another great day!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Sunday, June 23rd

On the way up to the cabin yesterday...I was in extreme pain from the post shingles/inflammation on my right side.  If anything touched it or we would go over a bump...oh my gosh it hurt.  I was in pain all night.  I wish I knew what caused it. If I did I would stop :-(

After arriving yesterday we stopped at Fleet Farm to pick up a few things.  When I went in I noticed the many stares...because of the hat, gloves and the long sleeves.  I noticed one couple whispering as they stared.  So sad :-(  I know they are just wondering why I would be dressed like this in 80 degree weather.

So not only do we have to deal with the symptoms of the disease and side affects of the medication but we also have to deal with the glances and stares of those that don't understand.

Today's Bible Study

     By Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture tells us that God created mankind for the purpose of expressing His divine, unconditional, all-satisfying love. Yet one of the most devastating failures in a Christian’s life is the inability to embrace the pure love of God. What prevents a believer from accepting His unconditional love?

1. Our own love relationships.

Ironically, the way we love each other can distort how we perceive God’s love. As imperfect people, we exhibit imperfect love. Conditional responses, wrong motives, and emotional highs and lows taint our understanding of God’s pure love.

2. Guilt.

Our remorse over sinful behavior can subtly convince us that we are unworthy of God’s love. This is a trap of the devil. We have the assurance of Scripture that the Father loves us completely, regardless of our actions.

3. Legalism.

Many people view the Bible as a simple rule book—a collection of dos and don’ts. If you base your view of divine love on your ability to uphold every biblical precept, you are doomed to failure. God gave us His Word for instruction and inspiration, not as a measuring stick by which He distributes love.

4. Misinterpretation of divine discipline.

Make no mistake—God definitely disciplines His children when they go astray. However, He is a trustworthy Father; His discipline and love are intimately connected (Heb. 12:5-6) He corrects our behavior when necessary for our benefit, not as a form of punishment. Jesus already paid the price for our sin; He will not make us pay a second time.

Truly, every person was created with a desire and need in his or her heart to love God and feel His love. But it is what we choose to do with this desire—act upon it, or ignore it—that draws us closer to the Father, or away from Him. There are three specific reasons that the Lord placed this desire for Him in our hearts.

First, when we enter into a loving relationship with God, He is able and willing to offer His wisdom to guide us (James 1:5). Second, when we accept the Father’s love, we will be open to becoming the person He created us to be, living to our fullest potential. And third, when we embrace the Lord’s love, we will begin to see people and circumstances as He sees them—from the vantage point of His love.

In light of this, why would anyone choose to refuse God’s love? If you are ready to reap the benefits of God’s perfect love, reach out to Him in prayer today. Ask Him to help you overcome the hindrances so that you may rejoice in His everlasting and tender care.  

 Another great day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, June 22nd

Another beautiful morning...wet and lows in the 60's. We've gotten around two and a quarter inches of rain this week. Sounds like rain is in the forecast for several more days and highs will again be in the 80's.

The mayo I used yesterday
helped my hair but I'm not sure it's the answer to my problem. I'll keep looking for ways to get rid of the dryness. 

I thought I might try the wigs again.  The hats I wear make my head sweat. I have a problem with the wigs staying on.  I'll check with someone that wears wigs or a store that sells them to help me figure out a way to keep them on.Wish me luck :-)

Sore again this morning.  Waiting for my medicine to kick in so I can pack for our trip up north fishing.  We will take a route around the cities.  Too much construction through the cities. :-(

For almost 27 years we went up to lake Wakanoba fishing by Aikin, MN but the last few years we thought we'd look for new lakes to try out.

We started going up north fishing when Erik and Kris were babies around 32 years ago. We went up with Greg, the boys dad, before he died and we kept the tradition going after his death...

The boys and Paul love fishing and it's a great time to be together :-)


Times of Temptation

Read | 1 Corinthians 10:6-13

Scripture teaches that at times we’ll all be tempted to act in ways contrary to God’s commands. Our circumstances are not unique to us; others have faced similar situations. Yesterday, we learned an acrostic to help us resist enticement: we can put a “halt” to letting ourselves be too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. That is, we are wise to eat regularly, experience the peace God offers, stay in fellowship with others, and get enough rest.

But where does the urge to sin come from? Sources of temptation can be the world we live in, the Devil, or something within ourselves. The world wants us to join in on its sensual, selfish pursuits. Satan wants to turn us away from God. And our self-focused “flesh” nature wants us to be in control, not the Lord.

Does God ever tempt us? No, according to James 1:13. Our Father doesn’t want us to do evil; He will, however, test us to reveal to you and me our motives and attitudes. He also uses times of testing to mature us and transform us into Christ’s likeness. His work is always for our good.

Remember, it is not sinful to experience temptation. Feeling tempted is not the same as committing a sin. Jesus Himself was tempted by the Devil at a time of great weariness and physical need, after spending 40 days in the desert without food. Do not judge yourself harshly when you feel enticed toward ungodliness. Only when we act upon the enticement do we cross the line into sin.

The Lord knows exactly how to rescue every one of us from the temptations that we encounter. The question is, How good are you at responding to His direction?

Another great day!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Friday, June 21st

Good morning! Another beautiful morning :-) We are under a thunderstorm warning. Should be clearing out soon.
The temperatures are expected to be in the 80's and humid this weekend.  It's going to be really hot wearing my layers :-( 

I've been looking for long sleeve lightweight shirts and long skirts.These should be cooler for me to wear this summer.  I need to make sure they are UV protective also.  I found something you can put in your laundry to add UV protection to any clothing. 

Last night I decided to soak in the walk in tub with baby oil.  I only filled it up part way to prevent the biopsy area from getting wet.  Two weeks is the request to stay out of the tub, hot tub and swimming pool.  It's only been a week. I'm working hard to follow directions.  :-)
I also decided to put mayo in my hair over night to help bring out the oils.  I found some home remedy ideas for dryness...

Today, I pick Kaylee up from daycare at 11:30 and we are heading to Faribault to visit grandma Faye and grandma Gloria.  Grandma Gloria took a fall on Wednesday.  They said she didn't get hurt.  So thankful for that.  I thought we'd bring them a treat, a small ice cream cone.


Moments of Weakness

Read | 2 Samuel 11:1-5

The Bible is filled with examples of men and women who sinned against the Lord in moments of weakness. These true stories—beginning with the account of Adam and Eve—are given to us for our instruction (1 Cor. 10:11). The Father wants us to learn from the mistakes of others.

Idleness allowed King David’s mind to contemplate adultery with Bathsheba. Weariness led Elijah to consider death preferable to life (1 Kings 19:4). Pride may have played a part in Eve’s listening to the serpent (Gen. 3:6), while lust may have prompted Solomon to desire many wives, including unbelievers (1 Kings 11:1-3). Add to these a sense of spiritual or emotional neediness and emptiness, and we have at least six situations that are fertile ground for temptation. In some biblical examples, enticement was resisted; in others, the individuals gave in. I’m certain every one of us can identify.

While there are many kinds of temptation, they follow a similar pattern. The eye looks, the mind desires, and the will acts. King David looked at Uriah’s wife, inquired about her, and then he acted. Another Israelite, Achan, who helped in the Jericho conquest, noticed all the material wealth, coveted it in his mind, and took what he wanted (Josh. 7:20-21).

No matter what’s creating vulnerability, each person is ultimately responsible
for his or her own actions. So in times of weakness, remember the word halt. Its letters can remind you not to let yourself become too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Most importantly, fix your attention on the Lord, draw strength from Him, and experience victory over temptation.

Another great day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Thursday, June 20th

This morning is sunny and lows in the 60's...a little muggy out. The humidity is up...

Another morning of swelling, shooting pains and eye drainage.  Waiting for meds to kick in. Are these symptoms because I went out yesterday or my diet...something I ate???? I cheated alittle...I ate something that wasn't on my experiment list.

I went to get a pedicure and manicure yesterday.  I decided to get the jell polish...everytime they put a coat of polish on I put my hand back under the lights.  By the time I was done my hands turned red...the patchy red around my knuckles.  :-(  Having my nails done makes me feel good.

This week I started a new experiment. I'm eating oatmeal, egg whites, almonds, crasions, raisons, sun nuts and drinking water & coffee.  I will add additional fruits and veggies as I test how I am doing.
I have continued to stay away from milk, most
sugar and anything in the night shade family.
My goal is to find foods I like to eat and that doesn't cause any inflammation...

This morning I'm running down to Winona to pick up my medicine and to get the oil changed in my car.  This weekend we are going up north fishing.


Led by the Shepherd

Read | Psalm 34:9-10

As our Good Shepherd, the Lord fills many roles. Yesterday, we saw Him as a pardoning shepherd. He is also a providing shepherd—He knows our necessities before we even ask for help, and He delights in meeting those needs (Matt. 7:9-11). In practical terms, that means He knows what we need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And He is already at work, achieving and providing things that we may not even have thought of as yet.

Not only does God provide for us; He’s also a protecting shepherd, who defends us from attack. In verse 4 of Psalm 23, notice what comforts the writer—the Lord’s rod and staff. Ancient shepherds used these two implements to defend their sheep from vicious animals seeking a quick meal. God goes ahead of us, clearing our path of the Enemy’s snares.

It is important to note, though, what Psalm 23 does not say. As much as we might want to avoid hard times, this passage doesn’t tell us that God will lead us around the “valley of the shadow of death.” Rather, He leads us through it (v. 4). This means that God’s plan often requires us to walk through painful circumstances, facing those shadows and dark places in our lives. However, in the midst of the rough journey, we can remain confident by keeping our eyes on the Shepherd, who leads us safely home.

Have you experienced the Lord’s provision, only to fall into subsequent doubt and fear because of loss or hardship? He has not left you. God remains your Good Shepherd, leading you through the darkness and into the light, where He is.

Another great day!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Highs and Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, June 19th

Another beautiful morning...temps are again in the 50's.  Windows are open and we have a slight breeze...

I didn't get a call yet for my swallow test.  Shouldn't be too long. May get a call today. 

Some of my frustrations with DM are the dryness I have with my hair and skin.  I don't know how to bring the oils back out.  I wash my hair everyother day and it's still really dry. My hair and skin used to be oily...not any more. :-(

Today, I am planning on running over to Rochester to meet my sister for a manicure and pedicure. She gave me a gift certificate for my birthday :-) Going out to eat afterwards.

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from Milestone to take Grandma Gloria in for a followup appointment.  Will schedule that appointment this morning before heading over to Rochester.


The Good Shepherd

Read | Psalm 23

“He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul” (Ps. 23:2-3). You have probably heard this passage countless times. But no matter how often this beloved psalm is recited, we still seem to miss the full impact of its important message: God restores our soul.

The way that the Lord sets our souls right is through our fellowship with Him. Even though we stray far from His path at times, He remains the Good Shepherd. We are prone to meander, but He receives us back gladly and is always willing to pardon His wayward sheep.

But why would we ever want to leave such a loving Guide? The fact is, you’ve most likely never made a conscious decision to forsake the Father. This usually happens more subtly, as a result of our wandering desires and selfish attempts to meet our own needs. When we strive to gain comfort and safety apart from God, we stray further and further.

Luke 15:3-7 is a wonderful picture of the warm reception awaiting a lost “sheep.” Does the shepherd scold or punish the wayward lamb? On the contrary, all of heaven celebrates because what was lost has now been found. In a similar way, heaven rejoices when a wandering child of God returns to the “fold.”

In returning to the Lord, you might experience divine discipline, but as a believer, you will never incur His wrath. That has already been poured out upon His Son, who bore the punishment on our behalf. Are you a lost sheep, wandering far from your loving Shepherd? Stop to listen for His voice, and you’ll be led safely home.

Another great day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, June 18th

What a beautiful comfortable...lows this morning around 58.

I received a call from the U of M yesterday...cancelling my appointment for today...they said the Dr ordered the wrong test. So now we wait for the right test to be ordered and the call to schedule a new appointment.
The test that should have been scheduled is the swallow test.
This test will show any changes to my throat muscle and esophagus.

I am also watching the biopsy area and it seems to be healing well. :-)

This morning when I was reading my bible study...
It reminded me of a time when I was in a different place in my faith...much stronger than today. 

I received a call from a prayer ministy and she told me she received a word of knowledge for me...her vision was that God was going to bless everything I touched...I held on to that word of knowledge and saw everything I touched blessed.  :-)

Today, as I think back to that time of great faith, I will grab ahold of this word of knowledge again...not to forget,  God still wants to bless me today, even in my current situation. 

Thank you Lord for another great day and the many blessings you continue to give!


Be A Blessing

"I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."
God was in essence saying, "Abraham, I am blessing you so you in turn can bless all nations. They will receive something through you, and it is in this way that you will know that my hand of favor is upon you."

For us, the surest evidence that the Lord's hand of blessing is upon us comes when others are blessed through us. When we encourage friends and family in the midst of our trials, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God's hand of favor is on us. The best part is that those who are being blessed are at the same time being drawn closer to the Lord.

Lord, the best blessing You can ever bestow on me is Jesus. Help me to get to know Him. In turn I'll pass on your blessing.  Amen!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Biopsy area...

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, June 17th

Another beautiful morning. Sunny and highs close to 80 again today.

Our lives are made up of some
exciting, difficult and even devastating experiences... devastating is when we know life will never be the same. 

Last night when getting ready for bed, I realized that the bandage that covered the biopsy area fell off.  Hopefully it isn't too soon.  I really don't want to get an infection in it. :-(

Yesterday we had a great day celebrating Father's Day and Erik's birthday.  Erik turned 32 already. Wow! :-) We picked up duck dinners from Beth's and ate them out on Erik and Christine's deck.

This past weekend Paul got the vegetable garden planted and I finished cleaning up the deck.  I spent more time outside than I probably should have but I enjoyed it. :-).

I continue to try to keep things simple and enjoy every moment.


The Discipline of Love

Read | Hebrews 12:5-11

Loving mother and fathers will discipline their children, yet even when lmotives and methods are appropriate, no one enjoys undergoing correction. With a long-term perspective, however, we remember that the benefits of discipline far outweigh its momentary discomforts.

A parent’s ultimate goal for corrective measures should be to train children in righteousness. Specifically, there’s a key principle I believe each child should learn before setting off on his own: Whether at home or away from home, every person is accountable to God for his own life, actions, and attitudes. With this in mind, you can see that applying discipline properly takes perseverance, effort, and wisdom on the part of the parent. But it’s an act of selfless, purposeful love.

God, too, disciplines His children. And the fact that we experience His correction proves His love for us. Though this redirection seems unpleasant at the time, it spares us much difficulty later on and leads us toward joy and a fulfilling life.

Our response will determine whether we learn the necessary lesson: we can react with anger about the difficulty, we can repent of our unholy ways and ask to learn whatever God wants to teach us. In seeking Him through His Word, prayer, and counsel, we should then obey.

Human wisdom may seem right at the time, but it leads to destruction. Thankfully, we’re dearly cared for by our heavenly Father, who redeemed us with Jesus’ blood so He could call us His children. When we’re headed in the wrong direction, He lovingly redirects us so we can know the fullness of living His way.

Another great day!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Sunday, June 16th

Today is Father's Day...I lost my dad several years ago to Leukemia.  He was a good man...generous to a he loved me, my brothers & sister and my mom a lot.  I miss him.  If your dad is still with you...let him know what he means to you. 

I appreciate Paul for being there for me, the kids and grandkids. He continues to teach us so much. :-) we love him a lot... 

Thank you to Lee and Erik for bringing us 3 + beautiful grandchildren into our lives.  I love you all very much.  We are looking forward to the birth of our 4th grandchild in December :-)

Today, we are going to church, running down to Winona to pick up medicine, running over to Nelson, WI to pick up lunches and then over to Erik and Christine to eat.  Erik is on call so we are heading over to eat at their home. Christine's dad and brother are here from Michigan.

Today is sunny and temps running in the 80's.  Another beautiful day!

I had a rough time falling asleep last night because of my swelling, itching and pain.  I finally fell asleep around 12midnight/1am. Woke up at 6am.  I'm tired...


When I was a teenager Proverbs 3:5-6 became my spiritual compass. Whenever I faced a difficult decision, I always turned to it for assurance. God etched its simple but profound truth in my mind and heart. It continues to be a signpost along life’s road, ever pointing me to the bottom line for all decisions: trust and obey God. It is an eternal combination that always makes one a winner.

Why? Because God is trustworthy. He is dependable. He is sovereignly working everything together for his glory and our good.

His wisdom is given to those who look to him, lean on him, rely on him. The more we depend on our Father for instruction, strength, hope, and guidance, the more abundantly he confers on us his divine wisdom.

We cannot receive wisdom from God apart from a relationship with him. God is no interested in teaching his ways to those who have no desire to please him or follow him. He does yearn, however, to teach men and women who are bold enough to believe his promises and carry out his commands.

Trusting in the Lord means that we place our present and future circumstances in his hands, confident in his ability to orchestrate people and events to achieve his will. This whole-hearted trust brings a secure peace of mind and contentment. Putting our full emotional and volitional weight on the faithfulness of God activates his promises.

There is one catch, however. We must first admit our inadequacy: “Lean not on your own understanding.” That was Solomon’s attitude when he confessed, “But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties” (I Kings 3:7).

This is where many Christians falter. We can do many things quite well without an apparent need for God’s wisdom. We can repair items, invent machines, program computers, hike trails, and perform multitudes of other activities with very little sense of God’s participation.

Yet we have been created by God to work in a world he fashioned with his own hands. Our lives, our very breath, is in his hands; our minds and bodies are his gifts. His wisdom is displayed in everything, even when we fail to recognize him.

God has given you talents and skills. However, they are maximized for eternity when you trust him to direct and use them for his plans. The question is, Will you lean on your own understanding or depend on God?

The wise choice is obvious when we understand that God knows the end from the beginning and sustains all things in between. Trusting him is the wisest decision we can make. Depending on our frail discernment limits us to a narrow, finite control. Relying on God’s wisdom adds a supernatural dimension that cannot be matched by anything on earth.

Excerpted from "A Touch of His Wisdom," by Charles F. Stanle

Another great day!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, June 15

Another beautiful sunny day.  The morning news says we have a chance of rain.  I also heard that even with all the rain we've been having, some areas are still in a drought.  This surprises me...

I had a great day visiting Grandmas in Faribault...both were having a great day. 

I took my pressure dressing off the biopsy area last night.  Bruised and swollen.  This morning the area isn't as sore as it had been the last couple of days.  On my way to mending :-)


Knowing God as Our Father

Read | Matthew 6: 8-14

Of God’s many names in the Bible, one is especially comforting to me in difficult times. What an awesome privilege that we—sinful, created beings—can call Him our heavenly Father.

Now, I realize that in today’s culture, family relationships too often fail to reflect God’s heart. Many parents are absent, distant, or harsh with their children. If you had such an experience in your growing-up years, it might be difficult to grasp the heavenly Father’s unconditional love. So let’s explore what it means to be adopted as His children and given the right to call Him “Father.”

First, we are His. We find great confidence and worth in this truth, as the sense of belonging fulfills a very deep need.

Second, our God wants an intimate relationship with us. We should be genuine when we pray, because the Lord accepts us just as we are. He longs for us to be transparent, sharing honestly with Him. In love, He responds by revealing Himself to us in many ways and speaking life, peace, and joy to our hearts.

Third, Christ has promised us His eternal presence. Once we are saved, nothing can separate us from Him—no sin is too big and no evil too strong. We are secure in His love forever.

Because of sin, we deserved separation from our Creator. But in His great love, God redeemed us and adopted us into His family. Now we are His children, who can bask in His unconditional acceptance and eternal presence as we get to know Him more deeply. No matter what our earthly dad was like, we can thrive in our heavenly Father’s care.

Another great day!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Friday, June 14th

Woke up to another beautiful morning.  Sunny and 60 degree this morning. Rain is expected for this afternoon through tomorrow.

I've been having trouble with my phone so I wasn't getting calls, internet service or email.  Not sure what was wrong.  What had we done with out our cell phones.  :-)
We rely on them so much.

Well I'm during pretty good...just alittle sore this morning.  I can take Advil or Tylenol if  I have problems with my arm.

Kaylee stayed over last night and is still sleeping.  I will see  how I do this morning and if I'm up to it Kaylee and I will run over to Faribault to visit Grandmas.  . :-)


A God You Can Count On

Read | Ephesians 2:4-10

On the basis of God’s character, what assurances can we depend upon every single day?

1. God will extend His loving kindness to us. Sending His Son to die in our place proves the Father’s love for us, and His unchanging nature confirms that He will love us forever (Ps. 100:5; (1 John 4:10).

2. The Lord will help us do what He requires of us. He provides not only the spiritual wisdom to carry out our tasks but also the inner strength to complete them. We will receive from Him everything that we need. (Heb. 13:21).

3. God will limit the temptations and pressures He allows in our life. Like a master craftsman, He knows what force can be applied to shape us into Jesus’ image without breaking us (2 Cor. 4:8).

4. God will strengthen and protect us so we do not have to compromise or yield. Though we are weak, He understands how strong we can be when His divine power is working in us. And the Holy Spirit gives us the spiritual strength to say no to temptation (1 Cor. 10:13).

5. Our Father will forgive our sins. He stands ready to receive our confession, forgive us, and bring us back into fellowship with Him—every time (1 John 1:9).

In addition to these blessings for our days on earth, we also have assurances about the future. We can trust that life does not end when our earthly body dies (2 Cor. 5:8), that we will live in heaven forever, and that Jesus Christ will return someday to set all things right.

Life certainly has trials (John 16:33). But when challenges press in, think about all the reasons we can depend upon God.

Another great day!

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Thursday, June 13th

Today was sunny and temps hit around 78 degrees.  It was a warm one :-) So nice and it was what everyone has been waiting for.  Summer has arrived...

I've been thankful for less swelling and pain the last few days. I've been able to get more cleaning and sorting done around the house. I was moving a few shelves yesterday and woke up this morning with several large bruises on my right arm...I should ask for help but I'm one that likes to do things myself.

I went up to the U of M for a muscle biopsy today. When they brought me back to the room I found out they were taking 3 samples...I wasn't ready for that.  The Dr told me I wouldn't feel anything until she got to the muscle...she couldn't put any pain killer in the muscle, it would destroy the sample. The first two weren't too bad but when she got to the third one it was painful...she said she had to go alittle deeper and bigger. No shower for 48 hours and no bath, swimming, and hot tub for 2 weeks.  Shucks :-)

Now I just wait for my Dr appointment to get the results. 


Why We Can Trust God

Read | Hebrews 10:19-23

In our troubled world, injustice, crime, and dishonesty fill the news. The one constant seems to be change.

By contrast, we have a God whose actions are perfect, whose character is flawless, and who is faithful to keep every promise He’s made. He is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). We can have complete confidence in Him because He is . . .

• Omniscient. Our Father knows what is happening with every person at every moment (Luke 12:2-3). His knowledge is complete—no circumstance is hidden from Him; there is no motive or thought process that He does not discern.

• Omnipotent. God has total power over all things; nothing is outside His control. He uses His might to bring about His perfect will. No authority in heaven or on earth can thwart His purposes (Job 42:2; Matt. 19:26).

• Omnipresent. No person or place is outside of God’s presence (Ps. 139:7-12). All space and time is within His sight, and He never overlooks anything or anyone.

• Truthful. God cannot lie—He always speaks truth. We can fully trust His Word and His responses to our prayers.

• Loving. We can also have confidence in the Lord’s intentions, because His character is pure love (Rom. 8:28; 1 John 4:8).

God’s nature is not affected by time, place, people, or circumstances. He never makes a mistake in what He says or does, because His knowledge is perfect, His sovereignty is complete, and all is within His sight. Every promise is guaranteed in Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20). For all our days, He’s the One we can count on. Hallelujah!

Another great day!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, June 12th

I woke up to pouring I quickly got up to close the windows. LOL as quickly as I could anyway. :-)

Yesterday, the sun only lasted until mid-morning, then the clouds rolled in.  I know so many would like to see more of the sun.  Not sure what this summer is going to bring, so far many are disappointed.  Farmers are having trouble getting into the fields. Summer doesn't officially start until June 21st so there is still hope.  :-)

My pain was much easier to handle yesterday, so thankful for the break.   I again woke up with swelling and pain this morning.  Is it the weather????  I was hoping to get back to my cleaning.  I have so much I would like to get done.

I finally made my appointment for the speech therapy.  I go next Tuesday at 11:30 to visit with the therapist.  My Dr ordered the speech therapy to keep an eye on my Dyshagia issues.  I wasn't sure why speech therapy was ordered at first.

Some say that healing happens in God's time.  So I set aside my impatience or frustration, and focus my energy on health and well-being.  Healing is in progress in me, this very moment.  Amen!


What Is Involved in Obeying God?

Read | John 14:15

To obey the Lord requires getting His perspective on our life every day. That means being renewed in our thinking (Rom. 12:2) so our attitude and actions honor Him. It also means being reminded of who we are apart from Him and who we are with Him (John 15:5; Phil. 4:13).

Once we have His perspective, it can require courage to obey—we might have to give up things we like in order to do what He asks. In addition, we must be determined to follow Him, even if doing so could bring unwelcome results. It can take courage to rearrange our schedule to match His plan, to love the unlovely, to forgive the seemingly unforgivable, and to give when we want to keep. But courage isn’t something we need to somehow produce on our own; it grows out of a deepening faith in the Lord.

As we get to know the Father better, our confidence in Him increases, and obedience becomes easier. If we know the God who gave the commands, then we’ll be able to trust that His plans are for our good and His glory. We will rely on the Holy Spirit, who helps us understand and follow divine commands. With eyes fixed upon Jesus instead of our circumstances, we will step forward boldly. We won’t fear the consequences that may arise from our actions but will look for the blessings God desires to bestow.

Obedience involves knowing God’s commands and then committing to obey, even if there’s temptation to compromise. Furthermore, it means drawing courage from our trust in the Lord and accepting the consequences as God-sent. Pray that obedience will mark your life.

Another great day!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, June 10th

Well another morning of very painful shooting pains on my right side.  Very painful again.  I took my medication...let's see it they work today.

I've been itching and swelling a lot lately also. I've been taking my medicine but have been spending more time outside potting flowers and cleaning up the yard.  I love to see the flowers blooming.

I have it in my head that if it's cloudy out it's easier on me but I'm not so sure anymore.  I've been hurting the last few days, really hurting.  My dermatologist told me not to go out until it's dark.  I really need to listen to him :-(


Unshakeable Faith

Read | Isaiah 40:9-14

Unshakeable faith develops as we embrace the foundational truths of the Bible. The sovereignty of God is one of those truths. To have faith that bears up under the hardest trials, we need to know that the Lord is always in control.

What do you accept as true about your heavenly Father? God’s sovereignty can be hard to believe when a loved one gets a catastrophic diagnosis or the place where you work is closing down. And when you hear news reports of scandal and destruction, you may find it even harder to reconcile that biblical truth with the evidence around you.

God invites us to discover the reality of His sovereignty through the pages of His Word. He bids us come to Him in faith. He beckons us to draw near to know the Truth—Jesus Christ (John 14:6). He is waiting for us to turn to Him with our fears and doubts so that He may reveal the depths of His love and wisdom.

God has filled His Word with assurance of His sovereignty, care, and concern for us. Do you honestly long to know Him as He really is? If so, be encouraged by the promise He spoke through Jeremiah the prophet: “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). Set aside any preconceived notions about how God should act, and the Holy Spirit will reveal that He is exactly who He says He is. Then, as we come to know Him more fully, our faith will grow in depth and steadiness.

Jesus invites us to come near and learn from Him (Matt. 11:28). Won’t you accept the Savior’s invitation and discover the truths that lead to unshakeable faith?

Another great day!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Sunday, June 9th

This morning we didn't wake up until 8a.m. So we were running behind schedule, church starts at 8:30a.m.  We got up and started getting ready for church but I wasn't ready in time to go so I told Paul to go ahead and go without me.  It takes me longer to get ready because of the pain I have and I'm just getting around slower.  I have swelling and other issues slowing me down.                            :-( Age :-)

For some reason today I am in extreme pain on my right side and swollen all over. Can't imagine it's the weather...we've been having cloudy and rainy weather for months.

I've been reading additional info on diet again and how it affects people with autoimmune diseases.  Some swear that changing your diet helps and orthers have said it doesn't work.Not sure who is right????

I have cut back on milk products.  That was hard for me, I love my milk with ice cubes.  I could drink 3 large glasses a day...somedays more. :-)
I have also been trying to stay away from anything in the night shade family or anything with sugar.   It's not always easy expecally when you have graduation parties and weddings to attend.  


Following God's Will

By Dr. Charles Stanley

Abraham knew how to listen to God and follow Him—even when His commands were difficult or painful to obey. Although the patriarch made some mistakes, his life demonstrated remarkable faith and obedience.

The Lord revealed His plans for Abraham. He will be faithful to show us what He wants us to do as well. Listening to God is essential to walking with God (Life Principle #13).

Abraham’s Example

1. The Lord revealed Abraham’s future and guided his steps.

Note: Abraham (“father of a multitude”) and Sarah (“princess”) were originally named Abram and Sarai. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll use the names God gave them, which indicate their destiny as patriarch and matriarch of the Jewish people.

What did the Lord reveal to Abraham about his future (Gen. 12:1-3)?
How did he respond to the command to “go forth from your country” (Gen. 12:4)?
What fact makes this particularly impressive (v. 4)?
What details does Genesis 13:14-18 add to the original promise?
Why do you think God reiterated His pledge at this particular time?
God promised Abraham—a man with a barren wife—that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. How did He view Abraham’s belief (Gen. 15:1-6)?
In Genesis 17:8, what new dimension does God add to His promise?
Continue reading Following God's Will.

Another great day!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, June 8th

Thanks for your prayers :-) the appointment for Gloria was stress free.  The out of pocket cost for the wheel chair van was $50.00 but well worth it.  Glorias legs are both swollen and shiny so Dr wrapped legs and put her on antibiotics.  She's now on her way to recovery.

While in Faribault, I took mom, Grandma Faye out to garage sales and then to McDonald's for an ice cream cone.  We brought a cone back for Gloria.

When I returned home from Faribault yesterday I was swollen and sore.  I tried to finish up somethings on the back deck and in the house but my back was so sore I had to sit down for relief.

This morning the sun is shining brightly...not sure how long it will stick around so curtains are closed to block some of the UV rays.  I have shooting pains going down my right leg and in my groin area. I took my medication so I'm waiting for them to kick in :-)

This coming week, Thursday, is my appointment to have a muscle biopsy taken.  I'm not sure I'm ready for it but it will let Drs know how much of my muscles have been affected by the DM.


Seeking God’s Presence

Read | Psalm 121:1-2

Picture a three-year-old who suddenly realizes she’s lost sight of her parent. Imagine her sense of fear—a feeling of danger, vulnerability, and an overwhelming need to get out of that situation. Now glance with me into the next room, where her father still has the child in his line of vision. Though the little girl is unable to locate him, he can see her perfectly.

Like that child, we can find ourselves beset by sudden difficulty and overcome with fear. At times like that, we might wonder, Where is our heavenly Father? When we are able to turn our minds away from the hardship and look up with spiritual eyes, we will see that He is and always has been near to us (Deut. 31:6).

Unfortunately, trouble operates like a magnet on our attention; it takes effort to detach our gaze from the adversity and affix it on God. But by developing a consistent habit of seeking the Lord’s presence throughout each and every day, we will find it easier to do so in a crisis.

The Holy Spirit stands ready to help us sharpen our spiritual eyesight. The best time to practice is when the issues in our lives are “normal” and the stress level is tolerable. However, these are the very times when we are most tempted to focus on our routine and seek our heavenly Father only occasionally.

We must become people who habitually look for evidence of God’s nearness. We can look for it in creation, in the Christians with whom we worship and serve, and in our own lives. With spiritual eyes trained to seek the Lord, we will be able to look up and find Him, even in the dark nights of our lives (Acts 7:55).

Another great day!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Friday, June 7th

Today is supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees.  Everyone has been waiting for this. :-)
Sounds like we will be getting warmer weather and sunshine most of next week.  I do love the sunshine but it doesn't love me.

I woke up with swelling this morning and itching.  I plan on taking it easy. 

I've seen what Dementia and Alzheimer's disease does to people I love. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and my first husbands mother was diagnosed with Dementia.

Up until a year ago when I was diagnosed with DM and Lupus I had been caring for both of them. I moved both over to Faribault to the same facility, Milestone Memory Care.

Today, I am running over for Glorias wound care appointment.  I decided to call a handicap van to have them pick her up from Milestone and after the appointment drop her back off at Milestone. I will meet her at the clinic for her appointment and meet her at Milestone to eat lunch with her after the appointment. I'm trying to cut back on my stress...Gloria can be difficult at times. Please pray for everything goes smoothly...

Poor choices can lead to unhealthy habits or patterns that impede our spiritual growth.  I gave away my personal power to care for love ones.  As I learn from my missteps and apply my lessons in positive ways. My new found freedom supports appropriate and constructive choices.

Christine was at the Dr yesterday for her gynecology appointment. The Dr did an ultrasound to check on the baby.Everything is looking good. Our fourth grandchild is due in December So excited! Our children and grandchildren are the highlight of our lives. :-)


Serving God in Ways That Honor Him

Read | 2 Timothy 2:4, 16-25

In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he shared helpful instructions, which apply to all Christians. That epistle is a rich compendium of life lessons he’d learned in full-time service to the Lord.

The apostle knew that while certain people were serving God out of love, others were “preaching Christ even from envy and strife” and out of “selfish ambition, rather than from pure motives” (Phil. 1:15, 17). As for himself, Paul said that from the beginning of his Christian walk, he had been serving God with a clear conscience (2 Tim. 1:3).

Then, to introduce some guidelines for godly service, he gave Timothy this word picture: “No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier” (2:4).

There are undoubtedly hundreds of ways to become “entangled,” but Paul gave one specific example—in verse 14, he cautioned against quarreling about words, since that can lead to ruin. He also warned Timothy to avoid “worldly and empty chatter” (v. 16), and urged him to “refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels” (v. 23). Paul summarized the idea in the next verse by saying that “the Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome,” but instead ought to be “kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged.”

How quickly our service to God can degenerate into an angry debate. We at times think the only way to deal with error is by strong argument, but there are often opportunities to correct opponents with gentleness (v. 25).

Another great day!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Thursday, June 6th

Kaylee slept good last night.  Didn't wake up until around 7am.

This morning I woke up to another cloudy day.  This weather is a lot easier on me.  I plan to get back outside to finish transplanting the flowers into pots and clean off the deck. Kaylee was helping me yesterday.  She will help me finish up today.

Summer typically is the time when everyone heads out to enjoys the great outdoors. But I was told to stay inside during the hottest portion of the day when the suns heat and ultra violet rays are most intense usually between the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the summer.

This year our weather has been cooler and rainy.  Crazy!  I've been hearing a lot of people complaining about the weather but you won't hear me complaining.  :-)

Friday I will run grandma Gloria to her Dr appointment. I really hope it goes well.  It all depends on the day.

Our Need for Spiritual Discernment

Read | Philippians 1:8-11

Have you ever asked yourself, How do I know this is the right decision? Often theres no scripture that addresses in detail the particular choice we need to make for example, what kind of car to buy, the best investment to make, which job to accept, or whether to work or spend time with the family when overtime hours are offered. Rather than specifying exhaustive rules that speak to every possible situation in life, Gods Word contains principles and instructions to guide our decision making.

That is not to say God hands us His Book and then leaves us alone. To ensure that our feet remain on the right path, He grants us spiritual discernment the capacity to judge between right and wrong, wise and unwise, good and best.

In cultivating such discernment, we're inviting God to be intimately involved in all our decisions; there is no matter too insignificant for His consideration and assistance. A plan that is outside the Lords will or even good decisions formulated without consulting Him can short-circuit His plan to give us His best.

Spiritual discernment protects us from making decisions based on what looks good or feels right. We are limited to five senses and our experience, but God views our lives from a vantage point of infinite knowledge. Our instructor, the Holy Spirit, teaches us the wisdom of Gods way and knows precisely how to apply it to our unique circumstances. As we develop a habit of following His promptings, our senses become trained to distinguish good from evil, and we mature spiritually (Heb. 5:14).

Another great day!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Wednesday, June 5th

Yesterday, I made it to my eye Dr appointment and to pick up my medicine.

At the eye appointment my Dr told me the discharge and puffiness under my eyes are from the prednisone.  There isn't anything I can do to change this unless I get taken off it completely.  He told me I had slight changes to my sight but only slight.  So he said I could use cheaters if I want to help with the change.  I know have cheaters to use if needed. :-)

Yesterday, Paul and I also took a trip over to the Amish to pick up some flowers and tomatoes.  It's been a really strange year weather wise.  We've had rain everyday. No one is getting their gardening done. 

Today, I pick up Kaylee at 11:30 and she will stay over night with us.  We will take our weekly trip over to visit grandma's in Faribault.  I thought Kaylee could also help me plant flowers.  She loves being outside.  It is supposed to rain again today but it makes it easier for me to be outside.  The UV isn't as intense.


The Price of Prayerlessness

Read | Matthew 11:28-30

Prayer was a priority in the Savior’s life—Jesus continually communed with His Father. Likewise, praying is essential for anyone today who wants to be used mightily by God. In other words, if you desire to walk in the Spirit and live a holy life, time spent with the Lord must be a regular part of your routine.

If we allow our time alone with the Lord to stop being a priority, we open ourselves up to discouragement, doubt, disillusionment, and eventually disaster. Then, if we pull away and cease to fellowship with our Father, we will begin to feel the spiritual, emotional, and physical weight of our earthly circumstances.

Prayer lifts up our burdens so that we do not have to bear their weight. Whether they are given to us by the Lord in order to teach us or are self-imposed as a result of the decisions we make, God tells us to cast our burdens upon Him (1 Peter 5:7). Bearing a load we were not intended to carry takes a spiritual toll on us. What’s more, it can leave us physically and emotionally beaten as well.

Weary believers are prime targets for the Enemy’s attacks. First, he strikes us with discouragement. Then, when we lose hope, we’re primed for his next weapon: doubt. The Devil knows that a doubting Christian can easily be pushed into disillusionment. So he whispers things like, “Where is God?” and “The Christian life doesn’t work!” Listening to him can breed disaster.

Remember, prayer isn’t just a comfort in times of need; it is essential for our survival. Like Jesus, we should depend upon prayer for guidance.

Another great day!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Tuesday, June 4th

No appointment yet for Gloria...still waiting to hear back from the wound specialty clinic.

This morning is my eye appointment.  They continue to check my eyes for changes because of the medication I'm taking. I need to remember to mention the discharge from my eyes to see what he thinks.

I didn't run down to Winona to pick up my pain meds yesterday. I thought I would wait until today since I'm running down for my appointment anyway.  It will save us some gas.


I've been looking back at my life...thinking about how I got to this point...just reflecting...

I never knew how strong my faith was until it was put to the test.   I've had so many hard tests that strengthened me in so many ways.

Besides my medical and early childhood training.  I had a family background of reverence for the invisible workings of God's power and love.

One thing that stuck with me was when my uncle was in and out of the hospital with systic fibrosis. He was told it wouldn't be long at around 19 years old.  He called each of us into his room, by his bedside, to say goodbye.  He told me something that has stuck with me to this day.  "He told me not to cry for him, cry for someone that doesn't know God". He knew he was going to heaven and that we would see each other again one day. This was the start of my journey to seek God.  I knew I needed to put my eyes on things above and allow God to direct my path.  I was around 10 years old at that time and my faith, from that point on, has been the focus in my life.

I've also learned from life that No matter how hard things are you find the positive in it.  And I Do...

Another great day!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Monday, June 3rd

I woke up with a headache, swelling and pain.  I took my meds, ate something and got a cup of coffee.  Hopefully my aches won't last long.  I need to run down to Winona to pick up my meds.  I ordered them last week before going up north but they weren't ready.

Today I will try to get an appointment for Grandma Gloria.  I left a message for the scheduler to call me last Thursday but didn't hear from her.  Will try again today to schedule it.

Gloria's legs are swelling and she has another sore...she doesn't do well when we have to take her out.  I'm really not looking forward to taking her to the Dr.


When We Feel Frustrated

Read | Philippians 4:10-13

External circumstances commonly get blamed for our feelings of irritation and anxiety. But circumstances are often simply magnifiers—events that reveal what’s already inside us. So when we find ourselves becoming short-tempered or easily worried, it is probably time to examine our hearts.

As believers, we must be keenly aware of two opposing forces: the desires of our flesh and the freedom that accompanies God’s hand of control. The limits He has set for us can be likened to freedom because they are not meant to restrict us. Rather, His wisdom brings us peace and direction. Our inherent drive to exercise our free will, however, can lead to unwise decisions, difficulties, and failures.

As we grow in spiritual maturity and realize that God can relieve the burden of frustration in our lives, we will learn to appreciate His guidance. It is evident that the apostle Paul grasped this concept, because he wrote, “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (Phil. 4:11). The fact that Paul had to learn to be content suggests a process that took place over time.

Our world is certainly not a place that guarantees a state of constant contentment. Therefore, we must learn to build our trust in the Lord, to rely upon His strength, and to have confidence in His divine will for our lives. Frustration fades only in the light of His plan for our future (Jer. 29:11). And indeed, that’s the “secret” Paul learned, which enabled him to get along in any situation—namely, that we can “do all things” through Him who strengthens [us]” (Phil. 4:13).

Another great day!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Sunday, June 2nd

Yesterday afternoon Paul and I left the lake home early and went to a graduation party in the cities.  We stayed overnight with Paul's brother and sister-in-law.
We had a great time visiting.

After returning home today, I realized that I haven't been myself lately.  I think part of this comes from the feeling of losing part of myself.  Not being able to do some of the things I love to do because of my illness and it's limitations.

I continue to remind myself that if I hide myself, my real thoughts, beliefs and longings, I seperate myself from God and others.

Another great day!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Saturday, June 1st

Everyone commented this morning that I looked really red and swollen.  The lake home we are staying in has a lot of windows and no window I was sitting inside by the windows, exposed to a lot of UV light...I was covered from head to toe but my neck and face wasn't fully protected :-(

Having DM or any progressive illness is difficult. Somedays it only take one tiny added burden to throw off my day.  And I've been having a few of them lately.

These past few days have been challenging for me. I'm trying hard to stay positive, but there is no question that the light affects me.Longer days and more intense UV rays.  I do not want to give the impression that I'm blissfully accepting what I cannot change. My faith has not faltered. God has me in the palm of His hand, but this child is scared and frustrated nonetheless. I feel its important that I be honest and tell you that, yes, I do indeed get discouraged.  I know God is looking out for me but I sometimes question Him...

This blog is my journey through uncharted waters. People ask me constantly how I'm doing. The short answer is Okay.

I continue to have challenges and feel like I'm on this roller coaster ride known as my life...with many ups and downs.  But so thankful for all I am able to do :-)

Confidence to Face the Unknown

Read | Hebrews 11:23-29

The phrase by faith occurs five times in today short Scripture reading from Hebrews. In fact, it appears in every full sentence. Essentially, we are told that by faith Moses endured ill treatment, left Egypt, observed the Passover, and passed through the Red Sea.

Why are the words by faith so critical to this story? The reason is that Moses faith allowed him to join a long list of biblical heroes who were called to move forward into impossible situations, armed only with their trust in God.

Of course, at times these great men and women Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, David, and many others must have been filled with reservation and even fear. Yet by choosing to place their lives in Gods hands and to follow His call, each of them was able to accomplish great and mighty things in the name of the Lord.

The path through life can be dark and confusing; it can be difficult and at times unsettling to move forward with the lantern of Gods guidance shining only a step or two ahead of us. We want to know more, we want to see what lies ahead, and we want a guarantee of success.

Our worries and fears of the unknown, however, do not in any way diminish or deter our sovereign, omniscient Lord. Instead, He desires that each of us step forward in faith. He has promised that when we do so, He will provide us with the guidance we long for (Isa. 30:21).

If you're currently being called to move forward by faith but are having trouble doing so, call upon the Lord of Abraham, Moses, and David. He strengthened each of them, and He'll surely strengthen you.

Another great day!