Tuesday, January 22th
Brrrr...another cold day...hopefully this cold spell is short...it's way to cold for me...
I am looking forward to going to AZ...a week from today we fly down to Tucson...my first flight since I was diagnosed with DM and while on my immune suppressant medications...not sure how it will go...
On the flight I will wear my mask to protect myself from everything...its a tightly closed area...who knows what could be floating around...
Tucson, AZ is were my journey began...it will be a year...when I had my punch biopsy taken while visiting AZ...it brings back a lot of emotions...
The Dr told me I would be the expert on DM...I will need to read, ask questions and inform them what my needs are..
After reading online and looking at the pictures...I begin to realize that my journey really may have started a year or so earlier...

While at work...many times I would get these striped like marks and then they would disappear... I would tell staff to watch how these marks would come and go on my arms, legs, cheek, neck...It was very unusual...I didn't realize at the time what these marks meant...
The only other symptom I had at that time was the red patches on my chest...
Now my symptoms include changes in my hands, face, neck, chest, scalp, elbows, knees, I had muscle loss, and strength loss...

Right hand

Left hand

Changes in my face