Sunday, December 28, 2014

Steps to Avoid Disappointment

12 Steps to Avoid Disappointment this Christmas

Stop Comparing Your Life

Stop Comparing Your Life. Start Living It.

A Thought Guide to Gaining Self-Confidence

Another Beautiful Morning!

A Thoughtful Guide to Gaining Self-Confidence

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” —Malcolm S. Forbes

The importance of self-confidence in our lives can not be overstated.

  It is, after all, a lack of self-confidence that causes our lives to be tossed to and fro by the sway of culture. From the very beginning, we see the harmful affects of low self-confidence on our decision-making process while the fear of rejection becomes an all too common presence in our lives. It causes many to adopt the values of the group and engage in otherwise undesired behavior.

Simply put, the need for love, belonging, and acceptance becomes stronger than the internal compass within us. And many unhealthy life choices begin to emerge.

In adolescence, this need for acceptance begins to show itself in substance-abuse, underage-drinking, dangerous sexual practices, or mischievous behavior. As we get older, some of these habits remain… but new ones begin to emerge. The desire to find acceptance by impressing those around me with my possessions begins to motivate aspects of my life. And whether it be a certain home-size, vehicle-model, fashion-trend, or latest-technology, many of our purchases are made with a simple desire to keep up with the neighbors and not be regarded as “falling behind.” Our need to impress and be accepted becomes more important than wise spending habits.

But self-confidence redirects our life. It begins to realign our desires with the unique heart inside us. It allows us to reject the trends of a culture built on consumption. When it is present in our lives, we begin to believe that we exist for a greater purpose than shopping on Black Friday. The need to impress others with our belongings is replaced by an internal desire to follow our heart and soul… and to embrace the desires deep in our soul is to reject the notion of shopping for acceptance.

To recenter our lives and embrace a healthy view of self-confidence, consider some of these practical tips:

Stop comparing yourself. Reject the desire to compare yourself to others. When we compare ourselves to others, we always contrast the worst things we know about ourselves to the best things we know about others. The inevitable outcome always leaves us with feelings of inadequacy and despair. Become wiser. Tell yourself that you can’t possibly be making a fair comparison. And reject the idea altogether.

Celebrate your uniqueness. Your life was never meant to be lived like everyone else. You don’t look the same, you don’t sound the same, your talents aren’t the same… and your deep-held values are unique. Throwing that away just for the sake of being accepted by others is one of the cruelest things that you can ever do. And it will always prevent you from fully living our life. Instead, champion the things that make you unique and find confidence in them.

Focus on the positives. Change your thinking. Focus less on the negatives and more on the positives. Stop dwelling on the negative messages of the past and begin centering yourself on the positive traits in your life today.

See past failures as learning opportunities. We’ve all tried and failed at some point in our lives. Confident people look back at failures and view them as learning experiences. In that way, failures can actually provide greater self-confidence moving forward. Learn from your mistakes and try again. Remember that it’s not over when you lose, it’s over when you quit.

Help someone. One of the most important steps to finding self-confidence in your life is to give yourself to others. Serving another person almost always results in the healthy realization that you are important in this world, that you have something to offer, and that the world is more beautiful because of your presence. See a need around you? Whether it be a need for time, finances, or a listening ear, meet it today. And the life you change just may be your own.

Begin realizing a life goal. Intentionally and specifically, begin working towards a life goal. Know that taking the first step is a momentum builder and can generate confidence in your life. There is a powerful difference between “I want to…” and “I’m beginning to…” So write the first page, run the first mile, or meet the first person. You know what you want to accomplish and you know what the first step is. Stop telling yourself it’s out of reach and take the first step.

Accept your weaknesses. While dwelling on our weaknesses leads to a lack of self-confidence, accepting them is an important step in developing it. First, it keeps us from unhealthy delusions of grandeur. It embraces that we are not perfect and forces us to live our lives in a healthy need for others. Secondly, it provides us with the foundation to accept failures when they arise. We are not caught off-guard when we fail. Instead, we are simply again reminded of our need for others to compliment our weaknesses.

Be known and loved. There is no greater key to self-confidence that being intimately known and genuinely loved by another. Allowing another human being into the deepest depths of our heart is one of the single most difficult acts in the world today. But doing it (and being loved despite of it) breathes life into our soul and builds confidence in our inner-most being… and this confidence continues to grow as the commitment to each other deepens. (On a related note, take a moment this week to better know and love your child… it’s one of the greatest gifts you can ever give them).

To be clear, the importance of self-confidence in our lives can not be overstated. It provides the motivation to pursue our passions. It provides the foundation to reject the claims of a consumerist culture. And it provides the incentive to live the life you’ve always wanted to live..

Looking forward to another great day....

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bruising and Swelling

I've been bruising and swelling a lot...

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

We had a great time with our family on Christmas having the kids and grandkids home.  Sometimes it's tough on me.  I wish it wasn't but it is....

During our Christmas Eve celebrations we had a lot of lights on in the house :-(  that started my swelling and along with the swelling comes the pain. 

My mom, grandma Faye, stayed overnight Christmas Eve so Christmas day I brought her back home to Faribault, first stopping to eat a turkey dinner with grandma Gloria...

Today, I am trying to take it easy and let my body rest...

I am so thankful for family and friends!

Today's Bible Study

Immanuel—God Is With Us
Read | Matthew 1:18-25
By Charles Stanley

Names have great significance in the Bible. Jesus was called Messiah in Hebrew, which is translated as Christ in Greek. Both of those terms designated Him as an anointed One who would become King. Immanuel was another important name He was given. It means “God with us” (Matt. 1:23).

To understand what a difference it makes to have God with us, consider how this blessing affected three biblical leaders. First of all, the Lord’s presence was the reason Moses repeatedly approached Pharaoh to demand the release of the Israelite slaves—God’s promise enabled him to overcome his fear (Ex. 3:12).

Second, after Moses’ death, Joshua was appointed to take Israel into the Promised Land. Imagine what it meant to this new leader to realize that the Father was always near. As commander, Joshua would face many challenges, including travel, combat, and rebellion. He could be a courageous leader because he knew that the Lord would never leave him.

Third, as a young shepherd boy and later as king, David knew the Lord’s presence well (1 Sam. 17:37; 2 Sam. 7:18). In Psalm 23, he wrote that in his darkest times, he would not fear evil because God was with him.

Our Father has pledged to be with all those whom He has redeemed (Isa. 43:1-2). If you've received Jesus as your personal Savior, then His Holy Spirit dwells within you. No matter what happens in your life, God remains with you to strengthen, guide, and comfort.

I look forward to another great day!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Another Beautiful Day!

I had an appointment with Dr. Danning last week.  She decided to start me on Lyrica and tapper down on the Gabapentin since it hasn't taken care of the nerve pain.  I started taking one Lyrica in place of one of my Gabapentin doses and will continue to add until I am no longer on Gabapentin.  I'm ready for a relief from the nerve pain... :-)

My next appointment is after the New Year...January 6th, I am having an ultrasound to see why I continue to bleed, a bone density test, and a mammogram.   I go back in to see my general Dr, Dr. Meiriener and my eye Dr in March... 

I continue to swell alot... :-( I'm at my best staying at home with the curtains closed...

Yesterday, our youngest granddaughter, Gracie (she just turned one), was transported by ambulance from one area hospital emergency room to another hospital emergency room.  They admitted her after treating her for breathing several times...she still wasn't breathing without the struggle and the Dr. wasn't  comfortable sending her home... 

Wednesday, her mom took her in to see the Dr because she wasn't herself.  Gracie was diagnosed with the flu and was coughing and having breathing

 I am so thankful for family and friends!  Looking forward to another great day...


Today's Bible Study

Christmas - A Personal Promise

By Charles Stanley
What do you consider most significant about Christmas? Many people would say visiting with relatives, attending parties, or giving and receiving gifts. For believers, however, Christmas is far more than a December holiday with time off from work. It is a personal promise from God to mankind.
The significance of this special day is embodied in two scriptural names. In the first chapter of Matthew, an angel of the Lord told Joseph that Mary, his fiancée, would bear a son conceived of the Holy Spirit. He instructed Joseph to name the child “Jesus” (v. 21). He also announced that the birth would fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy: “‘They shall call His name Immanuel,’ which translated means ‘God with us’” (v. 23, referring to Isaiah 7:14).
Let’s examine the two names in this passage—Jesus and Immanuel. The name “Jesus” is a transliteration of the Old Testament Hebrew word Joshua, meaning “the Lord is salvation.” When the angel said, “You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (v. 21), he was pointing to the significance of that original Christmas: God provided a solution for your sin and mine, as well as for the sin of the entire world—past, present, and future.
Seven hundred years before Christ’s birth, Isaiah’s prophecy was a word of hope and encouragement to Judah as it faced a great crisis. The prophet’s message was an indication of what God was about to do then as well as what would ultimately be fulfilled in the Messiah’s advent. Immanuel, a name full of promise, was God’s way of assuring the Old Testament saints that He was with them. Taken together, these two names encompass what we need for our entire life: Jesus, the pardoner of our sins, and Immanuel, the divine presence within us to help and guide every moment of every day. The names and the promises in them are the foundation for every facet of Christian life.
So how did God engineer that first Christmas to fulfill the promises of Jesus and Immanuel? His method was the incarnation. On the night Christ was born, the eternal God—motivated by love—entered the human family. He was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and physically born of a virgin. Jesus never ceased to be God, and He remained perfectly sinless in His being.
If the incarnation hadn’t taken place exactly as it did, then we would still be living in our sin. According to Scripture, the punishment for sin is death (Rom. 6:23). The Bible also says that God rejects any imperfect sacrifice (Deut. 17:1). Jesus, because of His absolute sinlessness, is the only one who could save us by offering Himself as a payment for our sin debt.
Apart from the birth of God in human flesh, every one of us would have to stand before God with all of our sin resting upon us, and our sins would separate us from Him (Isa. 59:2). So the incarnation is the promise of Jesus—“the Lord is salvation”—for every person in the world.
But that was not the full extent of God’s awesome plan. He also promised us His presence, which was fulfilled in the birth of Immanuel. Jesus was “God with us,” the incarnate Deity, who physically lived and walked among men to show us what the heavenly Father is like.
Before His crucifixion, Jesus encouraged His disciples with the promise of God’s indwelling presence. Christ said that when He went away, He would ask the Father to send the Spirit of truth, who “abides with you and will be in you” to teach, remind, comfort, and guide every step of the way (John 14:17, 26).
Far better than God simply being “with me” is God within me, for me, and through me! And that is His promise to every generation of believers—the incomparable, supernatural, immeasurable God will take up residence inside us and be everything we need. Once He lives within you, there will never be a time you have to walk without Him (Heb. 13:5).
In light of the wonderful promise of God’s redemption and presence, believers should be confident and courageous. We don’t have a single need He can’t satisfy. How can we worry when the sovereign, almighty God is with us?
So this year, as you gather on Christmas morning, I encourage you and your family to kneel and give thanks to almighty God. The incarnation is the very essence of Christmas. There’s nothing wrong with the gifts or festivities, as long as they don’t crowd out what belongs in first place: Christmas is about God breaking into humanity, shattering time, and becoming life and hope and help to all mankind.

Related Resources

Friday, December 12, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day! 

This afternoon I had my yearly exam with Dr. Marinier, my primary Dr. 
I am having some issues, I needed to address....

I've been having vaginal bleeding for a few weeks... :-)
Dr scheduled a pelvic ultrasound, some xrays and a mammogram. 

I continue to have pain on my right side from the shingles...

I am having an xray to check my right hip. I had some bone thinning in my right hip a couple years ago... Dr Marinier is checking to make sure the hip hasn't deteriorated since then.

I also continue to have GERD issues

My blood pressure was up today... It was at 142/94

We are hoping to get a handle on these issues soon....

I am so thankful for all I can do...
I have been blessed!

I am looking forward to another great day...

Friday, November 14, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
Yesterday and today is a relief from the cold weather we've been having for way too long.  I really don't like this cold weather.  :-(  Time to go to Arizona... :-)

I've been struggling with pain in my hands.  My right hand is the worst.  I'm not sure if the pain is because of the colder weather or just the DM and Lupus taking a toll.  It's very painful even after taking pain medication.  At times I wake up in extreme pain.  :-(  I'm also noticing the lose of strength in my opening doors, jars, buttoning my clothes or zipping my pants are all harder to do, at times. I have been dropping things more due to the changes in my hands also.

My skin and hair are very hair feels like straw and I have sores on the bottom of my feet that hurt when I walk. 

I continue to stay out of the uv and from under the florescent lights but I still have flares.  I'm not sure what brings on the flares ????

I continue to have shooting pains on my right side and sensitivity when someone touches it, my pants rubs up against it or when the water from the bath or shower touches it. It's been 2 1/2 years since the onset of shingles...It has been way too long to have to deal with it.

I've learned to slow down and take care of myself.  I am spending a lot of time with family and friends and I'm enjoy ever minute... :-)

Everyday is a new glorious day...I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Giving Thanks in Everything
By Charles F. Stanley
Why would God command us to thank Him regardless of the circumstances? The idea defies human logic. But then, the Lord rarely binds Himself to man-made rules. Scriptural principles serve specific purposes in the Christian’s life. Gratitude keeps us aware of God’s presence, which builds our trust and ultimately strengthens our witness.

We must realize that thankfulness is not based on emotions or a situation’s outcome. We can be grateful, even during trials, because the Lord has promised to work everything for our good (Romans 8:28). That means He has a purpose for every experience, pleasant or difficult. A big problem stacked against our small resources sends us running to Him, thankful He has committed to work it to our benefit.

The believer’s part is to trust God will bring good from trials and to discover His plan, which gives further reason for thanking Him. Understanding His intentions renews our strength for facing difficult trials. Expressing gratefulness changes our attitude about God, ourselves, and our situations. Most people allow hurt and stress to form a pessimistic mindset, which negatively impacts every facet of their life. But believers have God’s Spirit working within to provide courage and a flow of thanksgiving.

When we demonstrate thankfulness in harsh circumstances, other people pay attention. Our coworkers, family, and friends will want for themselves the peace and energy we derive from a grateful relationship with the Lord. So whatever you experience today, go ahead and defy logic—praise God.

 Looking forward to another great day!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
I've been learning to better take care of myself...Body, Soul, and Mind.
Spending a lot of time in bible study, meditation and yoga, on my own. 

One of the bible studies I'm doing is called Soul Keeping caring for The Most Important Part of You...Our Souls...
By John Ortberg

This study hit me where I needed it my spirt.  I have been feeling lost, not knowing what to do. 
I'm missing the relationship I've had with God.  Since my diagnosis I've somehow misplaced it and I want it back. :-)  I've been slowly building back this relationship, one step at a time...

One thing I've learned in this study is that we are an unceasing spiritual being with an eternal destiny in God's great universe and no person, power, or circumstance can stop that.  We are the Keeper of our Soul!  SLOW DOWN Enjoy the life God has given us and don't feel defeated by your circumstances.
I am so thankful for all I can do!

God's Peace to You!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Beautiful Things

Beautiful Things:

Today's Promise - Believe

To believe something means to accept it as real and true.  It means you trust it, and have confidence in the certainty of its outcome.  God loves when we believe Him.  And His promise to those who do believe is they will see their prayers answered-even when the prayer seems monumental.

Today's Promise...
Then Jesus told them, "I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more.  You can even say to A mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen.  If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." - Matthew 21:21-22 (NLT)

Do you believe God answers prayers?  Spend some time together asking God to fill you with faith.  Does anything seem like an impassable mountain in your life?  Ask God to help you to trust Him and pray for His help in this situation. 

Is a Revival Needed?

Are you in need of a personal revival?  Have you lost your love for others or grown worldly in your thinking?  If you become so sorrowful for your sins that you pray earnestly for forgiveness, then you may expect a personal revival.  Indeed, it has already come...

Think back through your history with the Lord.  Do you remember the joy you first had?  Establish a prayer partnership with another Christian and begin taking and praying together regularly, so that you may together see a renewal of your joy...

Lord, bring me back to You again; for You are my only hope.  Return to me the joy of Your salvation, so that I might teach others Your ways.  Amen

Friday, October 17, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning! 
Sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroads in our lives – that causes us to stop and seek a new direction on our journey. Something inside us whispers, “You need to make some changes.” But where do you start? How do you know if it’s really a step in the right direction?

As a follower of Christ I realize that my life is a part of a larger story God is writing. Every major decision I face is weighed with the question, “Is this what God wants for me?” I seek His guidance, because I want to stay true to the plan that He has for me.  If I fix my attention on my circumstances or my inadequacies, then anxiety and discouragement sets in.  But if I focus on God and His power I can then rise above my situation because my confidence is not in me but in His promises for me.  

I can do all thing through Christ whom strengthens me...
 I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study 

Seeking God Through Prayer
By Charles Stanley
During the reign of Jehoshaphat, a vast army assembled to attack the nation of Judah. His response to the situation can guide us in handling our own crises.
The Bible records that the king “turned his attention to seek the LORD” in prayer (v. 3). Likewise, when we face hardship, our best response is to cry out to our heavenly Father. As God’s children, we can be certain that He loves us and cares about the details of our lives.
Through the cross, God established a new covenant for those who place their trust in the Lord Jesus (Luke 22:20)— He agreed to forgive our sins, adopt us into His family, and watch over us. This salvation depends not upon our good actions but upon the completed work of Jesus, who died in our place (Eph. 2:8). God also sent His Spirit to live in us as proof of our salvation and to be ever- present with us. He is interested in every aspect of our lives and promises to hear our prayers.
Jehoshaphat was ready for this crisis because he had developed the habit of seeking the Lord in various situations. If we want to be prepared for the unexpected, then we must discipline ourselves to seek God every day, acknowledging both His Lordship and our dependence upon Him.
By examining our habits and thought life, we can know whether our attention is on the Lord or other things. If we start our day thinking about Him instead of our own plans, and regularly read and apply Scripture, then we demonstrate a heart that is pursuing Him.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
It's a little warmer this morning...46 degrees.:-)

I have made progress withing the last several months...I'm on my way to emotional and spiritual recovery.  I continue to do bible study, meditation, and Holy Yoga.

Holy Yoga is an experiential worship created to deepen people's connection to Christ. It's sole purpose is to use yoga with a Christ honoring experience to authentically connect to God through His Word, worship, and wellness.  Holy Yoga also has a new Diastasis Recti training that can possibly help with the healing of the hernia.  I have seen so many with DM or PM run into complication...something I don't want...

No matter where my journey takes me...I am ready for it... :-)  I continue to trust that God has everything under control.

Is God going to use me to help others on their journey? 
I am so Thankful for all I can do!


Passing Down the Faith

By Charles Stanely

Have you thought about what you will leave behind when you die? Most people think of possessions—family heirlooms, investments, and other property. But what kind of spiritual heritage will you leave for your children? Will they walk in the Lord’s ways as a result of your influence?
Leading a godly life doesn’t always mean that your children will follow the Lord, and forcing your beliefs on them usually backfires. What are some effective approaches to handing down your faith?
Godly parenting takes . . .
1) Principle: We must instruct our children in the ways of God.
  • Read Deuteronomy 6:4-7. How often were the people of Israel supposed to talk about their faith?
Notice they were told to teach their children “diligently” (Deut. 6:7). You may want to have a formal Bible study with your kids on a regular basis, but that isn’t always necessary. It can be more effective to connect daily events to principles in the Word of God during supper, for instance. At bedtime, read and discuss Bible stories with your children. When appropriate, tell them about your failures and the spiritual lessons you learned as a result.
  • Write out the spiritual truths—biblical principles or life lessons—that you would like to pass on to your children.
  • What can you do differently to instruct them more effectively in spiritual matters?
2) Pattern: Children learn more by watching us than by listening to what we say.
Your example is a key ingredient to passing down your faith. For example, if you blame others when things go wrong, children may learn to avoid taking responsibility. If you pray as a family when life is difficult, children learn they can go to God with their worries.
  • Jesus spoke about dealing with our own sins before trying to correct others (Luke 6:41-42). In what areas do you fail to make godly choices, especially around your kids?
  • Write down one way you could be a better example to your children.
3) Persistence: We pass on faith by doing the right thing consistently.
No parent is perfect. But those who do the right thing day by day—not just when it is convenient—make a powerful impression on their children.
Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.”
  • What areas of parenting or living righteously have the potential to wear you out?
  • What motivates you to persevere in doing the right thing?
4) Participation: When we get involved in the lives of our children, we establish a caring relationship that makes it easier to communicate with them about our faith.
Without taking on their responsibilities, do your best to help your children with their problems. For younger kids, this may mean giving advice outright or helping them find the answer in God’s Word. Older children may prefer to talk through their ideas with you to reach a solution. If they say something with which you strongly disagree, try not to overreact. Instead, ask how they came to that conclusion. Keep the lines of communication open so you can guide them toward a biblical perspective.
  • Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” How does this verse encourage you in your parenting struggles?
  • Name a specific way you could show more interest in the concerns or pastimes of your children.
5) Praise: The greatest motivation for learning is praise.
As a motivator, encouragement is more effective than constant correction. Spend more time praising your child for what he does right than you do critiquing his mistakes. Offer help if it’s needed, but don’t be overly demanding (Col. 3:21).
  • Proverbs 12:25 says, “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up” (NIV). How does encouragement affect your children?
  • How could you apply 1 Thessalonians 5:14 to parenting?
6) Prayer: If you consistently pray with and for your children, you will demonstrate the importance of prayer.
Jesus set an example for us by praying in all types of situations. He prayed for the sick, for calm weather, and for miraculous provision. He prayed at the height of His popularity and when He anticipated persecution and suffering.
  • How should we pray, according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17? What do you think that means?
  • What are some situations in which you could pray with or for your children to make prayer a greater part of your relationship?
Prayer: Father, parenting is tough—I can’t do it without You. Grant me wisdom to respond appropriately in every situation. Draw each of my children closer to You, that they may honor You with their lives. Amen.
Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
We are having a cool start to our day...temps are at 30 degrees this morning.  Last night I covered the flowers and Paul picked the vegetables so they didn't freeze.  My plans for today is to continue to work at cleaning and organizing the room at a time... :-)  It is an ongoing project...

I continue to tapper the prednisone and with the tapering comes the symptoms of the disease.  My head and my body are starting to itch again. :-(   My mind has been wandering more....I wonder why this burden (DM, Lupus & Post Shingles) was added to my journey.  What am I supposed to get out of it?  What am I supposed to do with it?  Even in the midst of the pain and suffering I have been gaining so much. :-)  I am so very thankful for my continued growth!

In December I was planning on having the surgery to repair the hernia again.  The last time they repaired it they used cadaver skin and surgical mesh.   Someone asked me if they would repair it the same way or are they going to do something different...I'm not sure???  The surgeon decides after he sees what's going on inside.  The rejection of the cadaver skin and mesh may be the cause of why I got DM.  DM is caused by trauma to the body or cancer...

My concern in having the surgery is that my body wouldn't heal or I could get an infection which would lead to additional problems.  I've been having trouble swallowing again...coughing up foam, I think it is the stomach acid, so I really need to have the surgery soon. :-( 

The last couple of years I felt transparent, as if everyone could see everything about me.  They could even read my was such an uncomfortable position to be in and it made me feel very vulnerable.    This curve in the road brought me to my knees.  I was at a low point in my life, trying to understand God's will or plan for my life in this condition.  I continue to pray for healing from Dermatomysitis (DM - Muscular Dystrophy), Lupus and post Shingles pain but no matter the direction or the timing I will enjoy every day with a positive spirit.  God has blessed me in so many ways. 

 In our weakness he makes us strong...
 I am so Thankful for all I can do!

Today's Bible Study

Scripture: God’s Perfect Book
by Charles Stanley
Even in this age of technological marvels, there are still many people who suffer a deficiency exposed by a telltale sign: a flashing “12:00” on the oven clock. Isn't it odd that a person can operate a motor vehicle at 70 mph, microwave an entire meal in three minutes, and navigate through the Internet’s information superhighway and yet not know how to set a simple clock?
Is the solution so complicated? Is the answer to this riddle so deeply hidden that only a few brave souls dare to seek it out? No, of course not! There’s only one reason why this technical tip-off is so common: people do not read the instruction book.
When we purchase a new gizmo or appliance, we always find within the package an instruction book. And what does this book contain? It has all the answers we need to get the most out of our new purchase.
Do you realize the Christian life is like that? Scripture declares that when a person comes to faith in Jesus Christ, he or she is a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17 NIV). To get the most out of our new life, we are given an instruction book: the Bible. This is far more than a simple guide that teaches how to act or what to say; this Book tells us exactly how to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Is your Christian walk stuck? Do you have the proverbial “12:00” flashing in your life, indicating that you have set aside your Instruction Book? Pick it up today for a fresh look, and enjoy God’s perfect how-to manual. You will not be disappointed.

Looking forward to another great day...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!  

I started writing this blog to sort through things in my life.  My diagnosis brought on a flood of emotions...        

As I continued to search for the reasoning behind what I was going through...asking God...WHY? Why He did this to me? What have I done to deserve this?  Why isn't He healing me?  Trying to understand...

I listened to one speaker explain it like this...Do you think you are better than the next person? No, I know I'm not.  Why do you think I should be exempted from these things?  I guess I don't but why this?  We all are facing difficult things in our lives...How do we handle it?    Many times it's not easy...          

 People are diagnosed with addictions, depression, DM, ALS, Dementia, Alzheimer's or cancer?  Why?  We may never know the why.  As I continued to quiet my mind and soul I found peace...God crushed my pride and opened my heart to let others know they are not alone...we are all in this together...

Looking forward to another great day...
Today's Bible Study

The Impact of Prayer by Charles Stanley   John 17:20-26

God has total authority over all people and events. He knows the hearts of men, how each person will act, and what steps are needed to achieve His purposes. At the same time, He calls us to pray.

Colossians 4:2 says we are to devote ourselves to prayer. Communication with God is so vital, in fact, that we are told to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). Our lives should be characterized by continuous listening, talking, and relating to our heavenly Father. The Scriptures explain why this is so important:

Prayer changes us. As we seek God’s face and spend time in His Word, we will be transformed. Our desires will be replaced by His, and our thinking will align more closely with His thoughts. As our understanding of His character grows, we will have a better idea of how to pray in accordance with His will.

The Lord answers prayer (James 5:16). God has promised to listen and respond to the prayers of His children (Isa. 65:24). He assures us that He will act when our petitions are in Jesus’ name—which is to say, when they match His will and His timing (John 14:13).

Prayer invites God to act. Praying doesn't alter God’s purposes or plans, nor does it cause Him to change His mind. What He has decided will occur, and His decisions will be exactly the right ones to accomplish what He wants to achieve. Our prayers are powerful when, without reservation, we invite God to do His work in our lives and the lives of others.

What impact, then, does prayer have? It allows people, who are inadequate, to connect with an all-sufficient God. Hallelujah! 


Monday, September 15, 2014

16 Qualities of a Growing Christian

16 Qualities of a Growing Christian

Caring for Your Conscience by Charles Stanley

Caring for Your Conscience
By Charles Stanley
Read | 1 Timothy 1:5

All of us at times face decisions that test our character. When a choice conflicts with our value system, the “first responder” is our conscience. However, even this divine gift has been exposed to the world’s programming, which means we must not only reorient but also fortify our “inner compass.”

The strength of our conscience depends on both truth and tradition, and these, in turn, are impacted by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

• Truth. Since Jesus declared that He is the truth, then maintaining a close relationship with Him through prayer and obedience strengthens our conscience. Both the Holy Spirit and the Word of God play vital roles in this growth process. The Spirit of Truth, as Jesus identified the third Person of the Trinity, is also known as “the Helper.” The Spirit doesn't just assist us in distinguishing righteousness from sin; He also teaches us and guides us into all truth (John 14:17, 26; 16:8, 13).

• Tradition. Joseph and David both set godly examples for us to follow when we face temptation—they let their conscience guide them in honoring God. At great personal cost, Joseph rejected the advances of Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 39). And David, though presented with an opportunity to kill or humiliate Saul, chose instead to leave the matter in the Lord’s hands (1 Sam. 24:5-7).

We can rely on the Holy Spirit to help us develop a better conscience. He has given us everything we need for the task, which is essential if we are to live a godly life.

Looking forward to another Beautiful day...

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
Our windows are open and temperature are in the 50's this morning. Sooo Nice

I am finding out that I don't have the energy or strength I used to have.  I'm really having a tough time not being able to do what I used to do. I could juggle so many things at a time and do it with ease.  I have also noticed that If I'm out for an extended period of time I come home swollen, sore and exhausted.
I'm starting to identify some of these changes and I'm finally able to explain them to others.  This is my new life.  :-) I have periods of time when my mind goes blank.  I don't know why.  Is it my medicine or the disease.  I was able to do so much before... I can only do a few things at a time and even then I struggle at times. :-(   I need a dark bubble to live own little piece of the world. 

I don't want you to feel sorry for me, just understand the process of the disease. 

Today's Bible Study

The Strength to Stand
By Charles Stanley
Read | Ephesians 3:14-21

We know who our enemy is, and we may even be dressed for battle (Eph. 6:11). But we don’t feel ready. Our weaknesses seem large and our strength small.

To stand firm in this life, we need the power of our living Lord operating within us. To have God’s divine power released in us requires serious, sustained prayer (v. 18). When we communicate with the Father, His Holy Spirit will give us discernment so that we can recognize truths about spiritual warfare and gain insight into the adversary’s tactics (1 Cor. 2:14). Starting each morning with the Lord lets Him strengthen us to stand steadfastly for Christ, no matter what is in store for us that day.

Prayer is an essential element in our protection against the devil. If we are prayerless—that is, if we fail to seek God’s guidance and neglect to put on His armor by faith every day—then we will be defeated. Our understanding and vision apart from the Lord are too limited and the enemy is too powerful for us to stand alone. However, Romans 8:37 tells us that with God, we will be more than conquerors. He will make us ready if we draw close to Him through prayer, listen to His instructions, and follow through with obedience.

The enemy despises prayers that are offered through faith in Jesus Christ, because he has no defense against them. Persevering prayer strengthens you. It also crushes Satan’s might and sends him running (James 4:7). Drop to your knees in prayer to the Lord and watch what happens.

I am so thankful for all I can do!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
I've been watching the sores on my face and hands...they seem to come and go along with the swelling.  Both these areas are exposed to the light more than any other area.  The swelling continues to cause a lot of pain :-(  I am keeping my head up and trusting God has everything under control...

Looking forward to another great day!

Grandpa, Kaylee and Gracie hanging out

Friday, August 29, 2014



Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning! 
I continue to tapper the prednisone and my symptoms are coming back. I get tingling all over my body.  I feel more weakness in my legs and arms. I am at 15mg and will stay at this through September.  In October Dr Danning wants me to go down to 14mg and one mg each month thereafter.  I will continue to wait and see what happens.  Maybe this is only temporary.  If I fall I will call Dr Danning...

My hands are dropping things more. :-). I have trouble opening things...

My hair dresser noticed something on my scalp she hasn't seen before and told me to show the Dr when I go in next.  My scalp is itching a lot more.

I pray that these are only temporary and I will see it turnaround.
I am Confident, Secure and Blessed
In Jesus Name

I expect to see a healing and to be a blessing to others...Amen

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

How the Truth Can Set You Free
By Charles Stanley
Read | 2 Peter 1:1-4

Galatians 5:1 tells us “Christ has truly set us free” (NLT). The reason we can know genuine freedom is that Jesus “has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us” (2 Peter 1:3).

Oftentimes people say, “I would like to become a Christian, but I don’t dare start because I know I couldn't live up to all that is required.” Of course they couldn't. And that is precisely why this generous assurance is given. God says that you and I have been granted everything we will ever need to live a triumphant Christian life.

The Lord’s glorious provision, however, begins only after we trust Christ for salvation. We have to take the plunge of faith before His divine power is released into our life. Once we've taken the step of believing in Jesus, all things are available, including courage, forgiveness, vision, wisdom, and a deepening trust in God.

Such a promise is hard to comprehend because it seems too good to be true. Many people pass it by with hardly an acknowledgement. Others look askance and wonder what needs to happen for it to become a reality in their life. As with all of God’s promises, you must accept it before you can act upon it. And while recognizing the promise as yours is one thing, applying it in daily life can be quite another matter. Ultimately, the promise is realized by the full experiential knowledge of Jesus as we hunger and thirst for the living water He supplies. Only when we refuse to be content with the world’s broken cisterns (Jer. 2:13) will we find the fullness of this promise working in us.

Looking forward to another great day...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Swollen Again :-(

Exercise Video for Back Relief

Exercise Video For A Stretch That Relieves Back Pain -

12 Yoga Poses

12 Yoga Poses To Open Your Hips -

Hand Sore

I went to the Dr Danning on Thursday and she told me that because of my prednisone and other steroids the sore on my hand is healing very slowly.  We will continue to watch it and I will call the Dr if anything changes.

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
Last week we went down to Iowa to visit my aunt, uncle and grandma Ruth.  Grandma Ruth turns 96 in October.
We decided to have a picnic out at the park and we couldn't find a picnic table under a shadeed area  :-(  On our way home I was in extreme pain and regretted sitting outside.   It took several days to get my swelling back down...

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

By Dr. Charles Stanley
Do you like surprises? Some people don’t like unexpected opportunities and events because they feel out of control and insecure when receiving them. They want to be able to prepare, to have everything just as they like it, and to continue pursuing their goals without interruption. Unfortunately, that’s just not the way life is. A great deal happens daily that is simply beyond our control. Though this may make us feel anxious and vulnerable, we must realize that this is the manner by which God teaches us to rely upon Him.

A surprising encounter

Moses learned this firsthand. He had been on the west side of the desert in Midian for forty years, tending his father-in-law’s sheep and going about his daily life as a husband and father. Perhaps this is what he thought he would do for the rest of his life, having left Egypt far behind without any desire to return.

However, this changed once he saw something extraordinary blazing against the backdrop of the rugged, mountain landscape (Ex. 3). It was a burning bush that was not consumed. Even more astounding was that when he went to investigate the strange sight further, the Lord told him that he was standing on holy ground before the King of kings.

Can you imagine Moses’ amazement—his outright shock to be standing in the presence of Almighty God? He had never seen, heard, or experienced anything like this.

Yet this astonishing display was not without purpose. The Lord’s message to him was life changing, and He wanted this shepherd to take it seriously. God called Moses into ministry as the deliverer of the Hebrews, who were being held in bondage in Egypt. It was an assignment that would test everything within him. This is why this event was undeniably remarkable. It was an encounter Moses could never forget or question. It was 100 percent, cast-in-stone, indisputably real, and the knowledge of it would carry him back into the nation he least wanted to see again—Egypt. 

A brilliant reminder

At times, the Lord will call you and I to some unexpected assignments. He doesn’t do it to destroy or consume us. Rather, He has certain goals and plans in mind for us, and He will sometimes make us aware of them in astounding ways so that they are undeniably affixed to our hearts.

God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. This became a visual reminder to the shepherd that by signs and wonders the Lord would deliver Israel from Egypt’s grasp. He said, “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. . . The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the sons of Israel from their midst” (Ex. 7:3, 5). Moses understood that the task would not be simple or easy, but the burning bush was a brilliant reminder that God was able to accomplish all He had promised. 

A wonderful opportunity

Likewise, the Lord has a good plan and purpose for everything He does in your life, and the surprising ways He speaks to you are meant to demonstrate what He will do through you. Like Moses, you cannot plan for or manipulate how the Father will speak or what He will communicate. All you can do is embrace what He says wholeheartedly.

Perhaps He is seeking to make you aware of His holiness, love, power, and wisdom. Or maybe He wants to demonstrate His great love for you by doing something very special in your life. Whatever the case, one thing is sure: The more dramatic the visitation, the more awesome the task He is calling you to. And like the burning bush, His call does not come to consume you, but to shine His glory through you in a wonderful way you never imagined possible.

Therefore, your challenge is to accept God’s surprise visits with obedience and faith. So today, pray that whenever the Lord calls you to an assignment (and He will!) you will respond in a manner that honors Him and brings Him great glory.

Adapted from the In Step With God workbook (2009). 

 Looking forward to another great day...

Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Helper in Prayer - Charles Stanley

Our Helper in Prayer
By Charles Stanley
Read | Romans 8:26-27

Most Christians feel they need help in order to pray effectively. Even the apostle Paul admitted that he sometimes did not know how to petition the heavenly Father as he should. In the supernatural exchange between God and believers, the Holy Spirit acts as a vehicle for our communication, laying our needs and desires before the Father.

We humans make our requests with a very limited knowledge of the future and an impaired sense of what is actually best for us. Consequently, circumstances arise that cause us to wonder how we should pray. If all we know to ask is, “God, what is Your will?” then the Spirit, who knows the Father’s plans for us, tells Him of our need for understanding.

Our Father does not hide His will from us. He desires to equip believers with all the information necessary for making right decisions and for being continually conformed to the likeness of His Son. Just as the Spirit carries our needs to God, He also clarifies the Father’s will to us.

Some people find the power of prayer intimidating— “Be careful what you pray for, because you might get it,” goes the old joke. Believers sometimes quit praying before receiving an answer, because they are fearful of making the wrong request. However, the Holy Spirit’s divine nature prevents Him from going before God with a petition that is outside the Father’s plan. Instead, He intercedes to make the right request. He also impresses upon us the need to adjust our desires. Therefore, we can pray in every situation, knowing the Holy Spirit is our Helper

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!

I met another person with muscular dystrophy yesterday at work.  It was nice visiting with her and hearing her story. She was already in a wheelchair but seems to have accepted it.  I'm sure like most she has her good days and bad days.  I continue to be thankful for all I can do.  The medication seems to be holding off the diseases.

Today, Kaylee, Gracie and I are heading to visit grandma Gloria and grandma Faye in Faribault.  It's been awhile...

I am so thankful for family and friends...

Today's Bible Study

Bitter Poison
By Charles Stanley
Read | Ephesians 4:31-32

Picture a miserable, depressed, and emotionally broken person hunched over a chemistry set. His eyes are narrow. His lips are pursed. His fingers are methodically adding just a pinch of this and a dash of that to the acrid green fluid in the test tube before him. His thoughts are a hodgepodge of outdated images, his heart a stale mosaic of hatred for a grievance long past. He is thinking of the one who hurt him, and he is busy concocting a poison for the offender.

It sounds like an excerpt from an old movie, doesn't it? However, here is where the scene changes direction. Envision that same obsessed scientist breathing a sigh of relief as he straightens up, marveling at the liquid vengeance he has created. Then he utters, “This will show him!”—and drinks the poison himself.

That’s a surprising twist—one that we would not expect in a movie. Yet there is a good chance you have done this very thing at one time or another.

Bitterness is a toxin that we prepare for someone else but then drink ourselves. It is a concentrated dose of emotional poison, often one that we carefully nurture and grow over the course of years. When we react to someone’s wrongdoing by withdrawing and giving free reign to daydreams of retribution and ill will, we are slowly poisoning our own hearts and minds.

Ask God to reveal any signs of poison in your system. Then ask Him to help you administer a dose of the antidote: forgiveness.

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Morning!
I've been having a lot of tingling all over my body...
I've been tapering the prednisone, and it seems to be going pretty good.  I am still having the shingles pain but I think this is finally lessening... :-).

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

In the Midst of Trials
By Charles Stanley
Read | Genesis 39:6-20

Joseph’s enslavement lasted for 13 years and went from bad to worse. He lost his favored position in Potiphar’s household and went to prison when the master’s wife told lies about him. His hope for release from jail died when the king’s servant forgot his promise (Gen. 40:14, 23). The future looked bleak.

Despite the evidence of circumstances, God was carrying out His plan to bless Joseph and benefit his family. Joseph was His appointed person to rescue them from the coming famine. To accomplish this, he had to learn the Egyptian language and culture, develop leadership abilities, and mature spiritually. The Lord’s plan accomplished all of this.

Joseph learned two helpful lessons. First, the Lord is a faithful companion who uses our troubles to prepare us for His work. When the time came, Joseph was fully trained to become second-in-command to Pharaoh—the Egyptian king even testified that God’s presence was with Joseph (41:38).

Second, when the Lord accomplishes His purposes, the difficulty will end. At God’s chosen moment, Joseph was freed from jail, rewarded with a high-ranking appointment, and reconciled with his family. Though his boyhood was gone, he was greatly blessed by living in the center of the Father’s will.

Adversity can be painful, but the Lord uses it to further His purposes and equip us for His plan. What is He trying to teach you in the midst of your trials? Are you cooperating with Him? Remember, even Jesus suffered in order to fulfill God’s redemptive purpose (Matt. 16:21).

Looking forward to another great day...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Highs -n- Lows Living with the Disease

Another Beautiful Day!
I spent the weekend with some friends in St. Louis, MO.  I wasn't able to do everything they did but tried to do what I could.  They were out in the swimming pool and I was sitting in a chair under the deck visiting with them.  A short time after sitting out...I was asked if I put blush on...I didn't, the symptoms of the diseases were kicking in. :-(  So I headed back inside.

I ended up taking a 2 hour nap on Saturday...I wasn't feeling the best.

The girls said I looked normal but if only I could explain what it was like living with these two diseases, DM and Lupus...I have my good day and I have my bad days...

I continue to try to live life to the fullest and not let any of it get me down. 

I am so thankful for all I can do...

Today's Bible Study

Identifying Insecurity
By Charles Stanley
Psalm 139:13-26

Let me ask you to do what may be an uncomfortable exercise. We’re going to examine statements that insecure people often make about themselves. As you read each one, ask yourself, Do I think similarly?

Insecure people make comments like:

• Why bother trying? I’ll never get it right.

• Everyone is looking at me, just waiting for me to make a fool of myself.

• I’m a failure.

• I am ugly and awful to look at.

• I can never win. I’m just a loser.

• No matter how hard I work, I never get any recognition.

• I am incompetent at everything.

• Nobody could ever speak well about me.

• I have failed before—once a failure, always a failure.

• I don’t see how anyone could ever like, respect, or accept me.

• I don’t deserve to be treated well.

• I don’t fit here or anywhere else.

• Everyone else looks so put together. I feel quite out of it compared to them.

• I am an incomplete person, and nothing can change that.

• Why would anyone care to hear what I have to say?

• People are nice to me only when they want something from me.

Did any of the above statements ring true for you? Prayerfully consider the ones that got your attention. Then, take those specific insecurities to the Lord, and allow Him to show you His truth in each area. God wants to set you free from anything hindering your spiritual development.

Looking forward to another great day...